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Disciplines: Environmental Geoscience, Geochemistry, Geology           GEOSCIENCE INFORMATION/COMMUNICATION
and Health
                                                                                  T19. Geologic Maps and Their Derivatives (Posters)
Advocates: W. Berry Lyons; David T. Long
                                                                      Cosponsors: Association of American State Geologists; GSA
  This session encourages presentations that qualify and quantify     Geoinformatics Division; GSA Geophysics and Geodynamics
the geochemical and biogeochemical impacts (temporal and spa-         Division
tial) of urbanization and urban activities on soil, water, and air
resources as well as on human and ecosystem health                    Disciplines: Geoscience Information/Communication, Economic
                                                                      Geology, Engineering Geology
        T16. Advances in Agrohydrology: A Multidisciplinary
Approach to Water Resources, Land Management, and                     Advocates: Richard Berg; Harvey Thorleifson
Food Systems
                                                                        This poster session will highlight new geologic maps, mapping
Cosponsors: GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA                     programs, and innovations in geological mapping, including data
Hydrogeology Division; GSA Soils and Soil Processes                   management, Web accessibility, 3-D, and applications in water
Interdisciplinary Interest Group; GSA Limnogeology Division;          and land management.
GSA Environmental & Engineering Geology Division
                                                                                     T20. Rapid-Fire Research: Communicating the
Disciplines: Environmental Geoscience, Hydrogeology,                  Connections between Geoscience and Society for the Modern
Geoscience and Public Policy                                          Attention Span (or “In Five Minutes or Less”)

Advocates: Samuel J. Smidt; E.K. Haacker; Jillian M. Deines           Cosponsors: GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA
                                                                      Environmental & Engineering Geology Division; GSA Geology
  Agriculture dominates global consumptive water use.                 and Health Division; GSA International Interdisciplinary
Interactions between water resources and production of food, fuel,    Interest Group
and fiber impact hydrology and food security. This session high-
lights research in water and food systems from multiple disciplines.  Disciplines: Geoscience Information/Communication,
                                                                      Geoscience and Public Policy, Environmental Geoscience
               T17. Sigma Gamma Epsilon Undergraduate
Research (Posters)                                                    Advocate: Erin E. Barry

Cosponsors: Sigma Gamma Epsilon; GSA Environmental &                    This “lightning” session, composed of 5-minute talks followed
Engineering Geology Division; GSA Limnogeology Division               by Q&A, encourages researchers and students from any branch
                                                                      of geoscience to speak on their work with a special focus on its
Disciplines: Environmental Geoscience, Sediments, Clastic,            relevance to society.
Structural Geology
                                                                              T21. Geology and Hydrology of Your Public Lands:
Advocates: Diane M. Burns; James C. Walters                           Understanding and Managing America’s Geologic Heritage,
                                                                      Active Processes, Geohazards, Energy Development, and
  All Sigma Gamma Epsilon student members are invited to sub-         Mineral Resources
mit their research to this poster session to compete for awards. All
geological investigations, from archaeological geology to volca-      Cosponsors: National Park Service; U.S. Forest Service;
nology, are encouraged to be entered.                                 GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division;
                                                                      GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA Hydrogeology Division;
            T18. Generating Sustainable Urban Systems:                GSA Energy Geology Division; GSA Geophysics and
A Convergence of Geology and Society                                  Geodynamics Division

Cosponsors: GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA                     Disciplines: Geoscience Information/Communication,
Geology and Public Policy Committee; GSA Environmental                Geoscience and Public Policy, Geoscience Education
& Engineering Geology Division; GSA International
Interdisciplinary Interest Group                                      Advocates: Jason P. Kenworthy; Johanna Kovarik; F. Edwin
Disciplines: Environmental Geoscience, Engineering Geology,
Geoscience and Public Policy                                            This is an interdisciplinary forum for earth scientists, land
                                                                      managers, and educators to present their work and describe its
Advocates: Richard Berg; Kathy Goetz Troost; Marilyn J. Suiter        relevance to the public and land managers, particularly as it relates
                                                                      to decision making.
  Urban areas are critical convergence zones of high population
density with land, air, mineral, and water resources. We will be
discussing these relationships and interactions, which impact
human health and infrastructure development and are central to
ensuring sustainable outcomes.                                                                                                             19
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