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T22. Changing Information Needs in the Geosciences                   Mobile and web applications are increasingly being used to
                                                                   access and collect geoscience data. We encourage submission by
Cosponsors: Geoscience Information Society;                        the creators and users of these applications. Demonstrations are
GSA Geoinformatics Division                                        also encouraged.

Disciplines: Geoscience Information/Communication,                  ARCHAEOLOGICAL GEOLOGY
Geoinformatics, Geoscience Education
                                                                   T27. The Application of Soil Science in Archaeological
Advocates: Cynthia L. Prosser; Chris A. Badurek                    Research During the 21st Century

  This session addresses the constantly changing information       Cosponsors: GSA Archaeological Geology Division;
needs of researchers in the geosciences.                           GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division;
                                                                   GSA Soils and Soil Processes Interdisciplinary Interest Group;
            T23. Current Developments in Geological Mapping        GSA International Interdisciplinary Interest Group

Cosponsors: Association of American State Geologists;              Disciplines: Archaeological Geology, Geomorphology
GSA Geoinformatics Division; GSA Karst Division
                                                                   Advocates: Rolfe Mandel; Vance T. Holliday
Disciplines: Geoscience Information/Communication,
Hydrogeology, Economic Geology                                       This session focuses on recent advancements in soil science
                                                                   that have shed light on what soils can reveal about archaeological
Advocates: Richard Berg; Harvey Thorleifson                        landscapes and site formation processes, buried-site potential,
                                                                   paleoe­ nvironments, and other aspects of the human past.
  This session will highlight new mapping and innovations in
geological mapping, including data management, web accessibility,  T28. Geoarchaeological Approaches to the Study of Human
3D, and applications in water and land management.                 Dispersal in the Pleistocene

     T24. Geoscience and Other STEM Internships on Public          Cosponsors: GSA Archaeological Geology Division;
Lands: Providing Career Development Opportunities for              GSA Soils and Soil Processes Interdisciplinary Interest Group;
Students and Recent Graduates                                      GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division;
                                                                   GSA Geophysics and Geodynamics Division; GSA Limnogeology
Cosponsors: GSA Geology and Society Division; National Park        Division; GSA International Interdisciplinary Interest Group
Service; U.S. Forest Service
                                                                   Disciplines: Archaeological Geology, Soils, Geomorphology
Disciplines: Geoscience Information/Communication,
Geoscience Education, Environmental Geoscience                     Advocates: Justin A. Holcomb; Angela K. Gore

Advocates: Lisa Norby; Johanna Kovarik; Matthew Dawson               Geoarchaeological research is uniquely poised to contribute
                                                                   to archaeological narratives, such as the dispersal of H. sapiens.
  The National Park Service Geoscientists-in-the-Parks and the     This session highlights methodological and theoretical papers
GeoCorpsTM America programs provide professional development       seeking to contextualize human movement, migration, and
and resource management opportunities on public lands for geo-     mobility in the Pleistocene.
science students and others pursuing careers in STEM fields.
This session highlights the scientific accomplishments of these     GEOMICROBIOLOGY
internship programs.
                                                                        T29. New Voices in Geobiology
T25. Geoscience Information Needs in Education and
Research (Posters)                                                 Cosponsor: GSA Geobiology & Geomicrobiology Division

Cosponsors: Geoscience Information Society;                        Disciplines: Geomicrobiology, Geochemistry, Paleoclimatology/
GSA Geoinformatics Division                                        Paleoceanography

Disciplines: Geoscience Information/Communication,                 Advocates: Victoria A. Petryshyn; Lydia S. Tackett; Rowan C.
Geoinformatics, Geoscience Education                               Martindale; Simon A.F. Darroch

Advocates: Chris A. Badurek; Cynthia L. Prosser                      The goal of this session is to bring together new research focus-
                                                                   ing on the interplay between geologic and biologic processes with
  This poster session examines the information needs involved in   a special emphasis on new field sites, novel materials/methods,
successful teaching or research activities. Posters highlighting   and the development/refinement of proxies.
innovative methods of supplying geoscience information and data
sources to users are welcome.

T26. Geoscience Apps on the Web and in Your Hand (Posters)

Cosponsor: GSA Geoinformatics Division

Disciplines: Geoscience Information/Communication,
Geoscience Education, Geoinformatics

Advocate: Shane Loeffler

20 4–7 November • Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
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