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Pardee Keynote Symposia

Joseph Thomas Pardee (1871–1960)

  Pardee Keynote Symposia are named in honor of GSA Fellow          bystander intervention. Discuss work/life issues, negotiations, and
and benefactor Joseph Thomas Pardee (1871–1960) via a bequest       confronting barriers. Dr. Jane Willenbring, Scripps Institute of
from Mary Pardee Kelly. Pardee is perhaps best known for his        Oceanography, provides “Advice from a Woman Geopioneer.”
work on Glacial Lake Missoula. These symposia consist of invited    She broke open the discussion of harassment in the geosciences
presentations covering a broad range of topics.                     and brings a story of perseverance.

P1. Earth as a Big Data Puzzle: Advancing Information               P3. Plate Tectonics Paradigm 50 Years after the Seminal Work
Frontiers in Geoscience                                             of Morgan, McKenzie, and Le Pichon

Cosponsor: GSA Geoinformatics Division                              Cosponsors: GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division;
                                                                    GSA History and Philosophy of Geology Division; GSA
Disciplines: Geoinformatics, Geoscience Information/                Geophysics and Geodynamics Division; American Geophysical
Communication, Geoscience Education                                 Union

Advocates: Anders Noren; Leslie Hsu                                 Disciplines: Tectonics/Tectonophysics, History and Philosophy of
                                                                    Geology, Geophysics/Geodynamics
  What new discoveries would you make if you could easily
access any geoscience data and vastly reduce time spent on data     Advocates: Yildirim Dilek; Eldridge M. Moores
manipulations? This grand vision requires a diverse range of steps
to build the software, practices, linkages, culture, and other        This Keynote Symposium marks the 50th anniversary of three
resources that together form the ecosystem for data-driven          landmark papers on the plate tectonics theory, published indepen-
geoscience. This session will be a forum for conversation on        dently by J. Morgan, D. McKenzie, and X. Le Pichon in 1968, and
active projects addressing community data priorities. Learn about   is aimed at discussing the nature and significance of scientific
new tools, meet researchers and developers, forge new collabora-    developments in the earth sciences within the framework of the
tions, and look toward the information frontier in geoscience.      plate tectonics paradigm since then. It will also provide an inter-
                                                                    disciplinary forum to examine the future directions of research
                                                                    and discovery in plate tectonics.

P2. Women Rising: Removing Barriers and Achieving Parity            P4. Human Evolution and Environmental History in Africa:
in the Geosciences                                                  25 Years of Transformative Research

Cosponsors: GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA Geology           Cosponsors: GSA Limnogeology Division; GSA Archaeological
and Public Policy Committee; Association for Women                  Geology Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology
Geoscientists; Earth Science Women’s Network                        Division; GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; GSA Continental
                                                                    Scientific Drilling Interdisciplinary Interest Group; EarthRates
Disciplines: Geoscience and Public Policy, Geoscience Education
                                                                    Disciplines: Limnogeology, Sediments, Clastic,
Advocates: Susan Stover; Kelly Kryc                                 Paleoclimatology/Paleoceanography

  Efforts are underway to change conditions that have left women    Advocates: Andrew S. Cohen; Gail M. Ashley
in the geosciences underrepresented, with disproportionately less
advancement than male colleagues. Recognize barriers and get          This session will highlight exciting new advances in our under-
tools that can be implemented by individuals and institutions.      standing of the connection between human evolution and environ-
Talks include the challenges of multiple barriers, actions GSA is   mental change, drawing from studies of key paleoanthropological
taking, and programs shown to be effective in enacting change.      sites, drill core investigations, and associated modeling experiments.
Interactive exercises provide scenarios of implicit bias and

16 4–7 November • Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
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