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T73. Beyond Pretty Pictures: The Role of Photography in              T77. Earth Science Literacy Principals: A Decade after
Promoting Understanding and Learning in the Geosciences              Inception, Where Are We Now?

Cosponsors: GSA Geoscience Education Division; GSA                   Cosponsor: GSA Geology and Society Division
Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division; GSA Geology
and Society Division                                                 Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Geoscience Information/
                                                                     Communication, Geoscience and Public Policy
Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Geoscience and Public Policy,
Geoscience Information/Communication                                 Advocates: Hayley Joyell Smith; Michael E. Wysession

Advocates: Jacquelyn E. Hams; Anita M. Marshall; Susan C.              The focus is on the integration of the Earth Science Literacy
Eriksson                                                             Principles in public communication and educational frameworks.
                                                                     This is an opportunity to evaluate the usefulness of the concepts
  This session highlights the use of photographic mediums in         presented in the document. Presentations on failures, challenges,
learning, documenting, visualizing, and communicating                and successes are welcome.
                                                                     T78. Barriers, Misconceptions, and Progress in Improving
T74. Declining Enrollments in U.S. Undergraduate Geoscience          Climate Literacy and Strategies for Communicating about
Programs: How Did We Get Here and How Do We Get Our                  Climate Change
Groove Back?
                                                                     Cosponsors: GSA Geoscience Education Division; National
Cosponsors: GSA Geoscience Education Division; National              Association of Geoscience Teachers Geoscience Education
Association of Geoscience Teachers; GSA Energy Geology               Research Division; Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness
Division                                                             Network (CLEAN); GSA Geology and Society Division;
                                                                     GSA Energy Geology Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and
Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Geoscience Information/           Geomorphology Division
                                                                     Discipline: Geoscience Education
Advocates: Miriam Barquero-Molina; Angela Van Boening;
Damon J. Bassett                                                     Advocates: Don Duggan-Haas; Patrick Chandler; Anne U. Gold

  Declining enrollments in geoscience means departments are            This session will focus on research and evaluation of climate
feeling the pain, financial and otherwise. We discuss the reasons    literacy efforts and effective ways of communicating about
for the decline and strategies for better recruiting and serving of  climate change in general but also in cultural relevant contexts.
our graduates going into the professional workforce.
                                                                     T79. Showcase of Undergraduate Research Posters by 2YC and
T75. Hidden in Plain Sight: Geology Where You Least Expect It        4YCU Geoscience Students (Posters)

Cosponsors: GSA Geoscience Education Division; National              Cosponsors: GSA Geoscience Education Division; National
Association of Geoscience Teachers; National Earth Science           Association of Geoscience Teachers; National Association of
Teachers Association                                                 Geoscience Teachers Geo2YC Division; International Association
                                                                     for Geoscience Diversity
Discipline: Geoscience Education
                                                                     Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Environmental Geoscience,
Advocates: LeAnne Teruya; Mark Boryta; Joseph Petsche                Sediments, Clastic

  This session will highlight how theme parks, sports venues,        Advocates: Adrianne A. Leinbach; Gretchen L. Miller; Stephanie
buildings, malls, and film locations can offer engaging geological   M. Rollins
scenery and an interactive context for students learning geology.
                                                                       This session is designed for two-year college (2YC) and four-
T76. Beyond the Road-Cut: Virtual, Local, and Nontraditional         year college and university (4YCU) students presenting research
Field Teaching and Learning Experiences                              posters in any subdiscipline of geoscience.

Cosponsors: GSA Geoscience Education Division; National              T80. Exploring the ART in E(ART)h Science
Association of Geoscience Teachers; National Association of
Geoscience Teachers Geoscience Education Research Division           Cosponsors: National Earth Science Teachers Association;
                                                                     GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division;
Discipline: Geoscience Education                                     GSA Geology and Society Division

Advocates: Lauren Neitzke Adamo; Julia Criscione; Jacob Setera;      Disciplines: Geoscience Education, History and Philosophy of
Kelsey S. Bitting                                                    Geology

  Virtual exploration, museum-based assignments, and analysis        Advocates: Michael Passow; Belinda E. Jacobs; Carla McAuliffe
of geoscience on campus can be more inclusive ways to enhance
students’ conceptual learning and motivation. This session wel-        How important were contributions of artists traveling with
comes presentations describing nontraditional field experiences      scientists or recording landscapes far beyond the experience of the
and evidence of their effectiveness.                                 general public in establishing earth science? Perhaps without art,
                                                                     there might not have been earth science?                                                                                                          27
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