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     T124. Integrated Biostratigraphy (Posters)                       This session will provide a platform for the latest results from
                                                                    Earth-Life Transitions and related investigations that highlight
Cosponsors: North American Commission on Stratigraphic              the many advances made under this novel National Science
Nomenclature (NACSN); SEPM (Society for Sedimentary                 Foundation program.
Geology); Paleontological Society; Cushman Foundation;
International Subcommission on Stratigraphic Classification         T128. Recent Advances in Ichnology: Traces of Modern and
(ISSC); GSA Sedimentary Geology Division                            Ancient Behavior

Disciplines: Paleontology, Biogeography/Biostratigraphy,            Cosponsors: Paleontological Society; GSA Limnogeology
Stratigraphy, Paleontology, Paleoecology/Taphonomy                  Division; GSA Sedimentary Geology Division

Advocates: Richard H. Fluegeman; Carlton E. Brett; Lucy E.          Disciplines: Paleontology, Paleoecology/Taphonomy,
Edwards; Brian R. Pratt                                             Paleontology, Diversity, Extinction, Origination, Paleontology,
  This session will focus on the integration of biostratigraphy
with other types of stratigraphic records toward the solution of    Advocates: Daniel I. Hembree; Jon J. Smith; Brian F. Platt
geoscience problems. The conveners are interested in applications
of biostratigraphy from a variety of chronostratigraphic, environ-    Trace fossils provide critical paleoecological and paleoenviron-
mental, and geographic settings.                                    mental information. We encourage research on new ichnological
                                                                    discoveries at all scales in marine and continental settings, novel
T125. EARTHTIMEs and EarthRates: Exploring the Tempo                techniques of trace fossil analysis, and neoichnological
and Mode of Earth-System Processes and Evolution                    experiments.

Cosponsors: EARTHTIME; EarthRates; GSA Continental                  T129. Evolution of Terrestrial Ecosystems: Community
Scientific Drilling Interdisciplinary Interest Group; GSA           Assembly through Time
Sedimentary Geology Division; Paleontological Society
                                                                    Cosponsors: Paleontological Society; Paleontological Research
Disciplines: Paleontology, Diversity, Extinction, Origination,      Institution
Stratigraphy, Geochemistry
                                                                    Disciplines: Paleontology, Paleoecology/Taphonomy,
Advocates: Daniel Condon; Leah Morgan; Shanan E. Peters             Paleontology, Biogeography/Biostratigraphy, Paleontology,
                                                                    Diversity, Extinction, Origination
  This session will explore the development of established, novel,
varied, and integrated approaches for establishing geological       Advocates: Laura C. Soul; Danielle Fraser; Joshua H. Miller
“timescales” and “frameworks” to advance our understanding
of earth system processes and evolution, from solid Earth to          In this session we will evaluate mechanisms driving changes in
evolution of life.                                                  terrestrial community ecology through time. We will present per-
                                                                    spectives from studies in deep time and the recent, across a wide
T126. Earth and Life Co-Evolution in the Early to Middle            variety of taxa.
Neoproterozoic (1000 to ca. 635 Ma)
                                                                    T130. Phylogenetic Paleobiology: Exploring Macroevolutionary
Cosponsors: GSA Geobiology & Geomicrobiology Division;              Trends with Evolutionary Trees
AASP - The Palynological Society; Paleontological Society;
Paleontological Research Institution; GSA Sedimentary Geology       Cosponsors: Paleontological Society; Paleontological Research
Division                                                            Institution; GSA Geobiology and Geomicrobiology Division

Disciplines: Paleontology, Diversity, Extinction, Origination,      Disciplines: Paleontology, Phylogenetic/Morphological Patterns,
Geochemistry, Precambrian Geology                                   Paleontology, Diversity, Extinction, Origination, Paleontology,
Advocates: Qing Tang; Heda Agic; Leigh Anne Riedman
                                                                    Advocates: Selina R. Cole; David F. Wright; Laura C. Soul;
  This session is focused on gaining a better understanding         William Gearty
of the coevolution of Earth and life in the early to middle
Neoproterozoic. We welcome inputs from paleontologists, geo-          This session will highlight recent advances integrating phyloge-
chemists, sedimentologists, earth system modelers, and more.        netic comparative methods with fossil data to address evolution-
                                                                    ary and ecological questions through deep time. Topics include
T127. Earth-Life Transitions: Critical Information from Deep        macroevolutionary trends, rates of change, diversification dynam-
Time to Manage Future Environmental Change                          ics, trait evolution, and paleobiogeography.

Cosponsors: Paleontological Society; SEPM (Society for              T131. Phylogenetic Paleoecology; Macroecology within an
Sedimentary Geology); GSA Limnogeology Division; EarthRates;        Evolutionary Framework
GSA Sedimentary Geology Division
                                                                    Cosponsors: Paleontological Society; Paleontological Research
Disciplines: Paleontology, Diversity, Extinction, Origination,      Institution
Paleoclimatology/Paleoceanography, Geophysics/Geodynamics
                                                                    Disciplines: Paleontology, Phylogenetic/Morphological Patterns,
Advocates: David J. Bottjer; Lisa E. Park Boush                     Paleontology, Paleoecology/Taphonomy, Paleontology, Diversity,
                                                                    Extinction, Origination

34 4–7 November • Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
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