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  In 2010, the Geological Society of America’s Council voted to      Indianapolis Monumental Marathon
bring the 2018 GSA Annual Meeting & Exposition to
Indianapolis, Indiana, 4–7 November. Much has happened in the          A unique opportunity awaits us in the running of the
interim that affects the geoscience research community, and we       Indianapolis Monumental Marathon on Saturday, 3 Nov. The
acknowledge that the long-range nature of planning scientific con-   starting line will be one block from the Indiana Convention
ferences sometimes conflicts with the ability to nimbly navigate a   Center where the GSA Annual Meeting & Exposition will take
changing political, social, and economic landscape. We under-        place.
stand that geoscientists have a choice in where they choose to
present research and network with colleagues, and that members         The Indianapolis Monumental Marathon is one of the 20 largest
represent a diverse range of legitimate concerns and priorities. We  marathons in the U.S. and is an ideal fall marathon for everyone
want to make sure that you have the best information available to    from the first-time marathon runner to elite athletes. Starting and
make an informed decision.                                           finishing at the Indiana State Capitol, the course highlights land-
                                                                     marks and historical neighborhoods throughout Indianapolis. Not
                                                                     a full marathon runner? A half-marathon, 5K, and kids fun run
                                                                     are also planned.

Indiana’s Religious Freedom                                            We hope to capitalize on this opportunity to build community
Restoration Act (RFRA)                                               and add another fun dimension to the meeting for athletic-minded
                                                                     geoscientists. If you are interested in joining one of the races, you
  “Indy welcomes all” is a reflection of the city’s ethos and their  can find out more at
well-earned, decades-long reputation of providing exceptional
hospitality to all visitors. The state’s amended RFRA now aligns       While the race should not impede the majority of our activities
with Indianapolis’ longstanding Human Rights Ordinance protec-       on Saturday, it might take you a little more time to get to the con-
tions and the community looks forward to welcoming and serving       vention center if you are attending a field trip, short course, or
all visitors, just as they always have.                              have other business that morning.

2018 United States Elections                                         GSA Meetings RISE to the Top

  The 2018 United States elections will mostly be held on              We support Respectful Inclusive Scientific Events and are
Tuesday, 6 Nov. 2018, which falls this year over the GSA Annual      committed to ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for all
Meeting. If you are a citizen of the United States, we encourage     participants. We expect all meeting participants to abide by the
you to register and vote. While many states have early voting,       GSA Events Code of Conduct Policy (
mail-in voting, or absentee voting available, we recognize that      in all venues at our meetings, including ancillary events, field
each state has its own rules. For your convenience, here are two     trips, and official and unofficial social gatherings.
links that may help you to determine whether you are able to vote
early and attend GSA, or whether you will need to be in your state
in order to vote on Tuesday, 6 Nov. We hope you will be able to
vote early and join us in Indianapolis.
absentee-and-early-voting.aspx                                                                                                            49
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