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GSA Celebrates Milestone Member Anniversaries

           GSA salutes the following members and Fellows on their 50-year membership anniversaries in 2018.
We appreciate their dedication and loyalty to GSA. To view a full list of members who have surpassed the 50-year mark,

          go to Asterisks (*) indicate GSA Fellows.

John T. Andrews*       Oscar B. Eckhoff         Garry D. McKenzie*     Joseph L. Ritchey
Victor R. Baker*       Douglas W. Edsall        Robert H. Meade*       Margaret Anne Rogers
E. Joan Baldwin        Robert J. Fleck          Robert K. Merrill*     Albert J. Rowell*
Richard N. Benson*     Donald R. Fowler         Andrew H. Merritt*     John M. Saul
Wolfgang H. Berger*    Paul J. Fox*             David M. Mickelson*    Frederick L. Schwab*
Archie W. Berry Jr.    James C. Gamble          James F. Miller*       Robert E. Sheridan*
David M. Best          James V. Gardner*        Alan G. Milnes         William B. Size*
David D. Bramwell      Tharwat S. Ghaly         Douglas M. Morton*     Ernest T. Solomon
Robert L. Brenner      Alan S. Goldstein        Frank R. Moulton Jr.   Bernhard K. Sporli*
Martha Lou Shirley     Paul K. Grogger          Nilendu S. Mukherjee   Randolph P. Steinen
                       Daniel Habib             Thomas H. Neel*        David D. Steller
  Broussard*           Thomas D. Hamilton*      A. Conrad Neumann*     James B. Stevens
J. David Bukry*        Frank W. Harrison Jr.    David A. Nickey        Hugh P. Taylor Jr.*
Michael R. Burkart     George M. Haselton*      Jane E. Nielson*       Harrison L. Townes
James L. Carew*        Richard F. Holm          Irwin D. Novak         James K. Trigger
Richard M. Chamberlin  Jon D. Inners*           J. Michael Oneill*     Mary Emma Wagner
Robert R. Clemons      M. Allan Kays            Norman J. Page*        John H. Wall*
Mary-Margaret Coates   James P. Kennett*        James E. Palmer        James R. Weber*
Arthur D. Cohen*       Samir G. Khoury*         Douglas C. Pasley Jr.  Leonard S. Wiener
Ivan P. Colburn*       Andre K. Lehre           Carmen J. Pedrazzini*  Charles Marsh
John C. Crelling*      David vondenburg LeMone  James B. Pinkerton
Andres Duarte          Lorance D. Lisle         Bernard W. Pipkin*       Woodruff Jr.*
Darrel E. Dunn         Brian E. Lowes           Anthony F. Randazzo*   Jean Ann Gilbert Wylie*
George C. Dunne        Alexander Malahoff*      John M. Rensberger
Linda A.F. Dutcher     Jack P. Martin           John J. Renton
G. Nelson Eby*


                          Thank you for your membership!

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