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2018 Specialized Awards


Jessica Magolan, University of North Carolina Wilmington            Katherine Guns, University of Arizona
  The Robert D. Hatcher Research Award supports field-based         Annette Patton, Colorado State University
                                                                    Julianne Scamardo, Colorado State University
research and geologic mapping through an annual award to an
outstanding graduate student in the earth sciences to conduct         The John T. and Carol G. McGill Award, which is in the mem-
research for that student’s master’s thesis or Ph.D. dissertation.  ory of John T. McGill, supports graduate student scholarships
Preference may be given to students working in the Appalachian      and research grants in engineering geology and geomorphology.
orogeny broadly construed, but is not restricted to this region.
                                                                    BRUCE L. “BIFF” REED SCHOLARSHIP AWARD
                                                                    David Hernandez Uribe, Colorado School of Mines
Vural Cakir, California State University, Long Beach                  The Bruce L. “Biff” Reed Scholarship Fund was established to
Lena Capece, University of California, Davis
Casey Saup, The Ohio State University                               provide research grants to graduate students pursuing studies in
                                                                    the tectonic and magmatic evolution of Alaska, primarily, and
  The William B. & Dorothy Heroy Research Grant supports            also can fund other geologic research.
graduate student research in the geosciences.
                                                                    CHARLES A. & JUNE R.P. ROSS RESEARCH AWARD
                                                                    Rostislav Kovtun, California State University, Fullerton
Jenny Ni, McGill University                                         Audrey Taylor, University of Notre Dame
  The John W. Hess Research Grant in Karst Research Studies         John Rippe, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
                                                                    Rebecca Dzombak, University of Michigan–Ann Arbor
supports student research involving any aspect of cave and karst
studies aimed at providing improved understanding of how caves        The Charles A. & June R.P. Ross Research Award is given to
and karst work, including how these resources can be better man-    support research projects for graduate students, post-graduate
aged. The recipient is determined by the Karst Division of GSA.     students, and post-doctorate researchers in the fields of biostra-
                                                                    tigraphy (including, but not limited to, fossil age dating and the
ROSCOE G. JACKSON II AWARD                                          study of evolutionary faunal successions), stratigraphy and strati-
                                                                    graphic correlation, paleogeography and paleobiogeography,
Kristina Butler, The University of Texas at Austin                  interpreting past environments of deposition and their biological
  The Roscoe G. Jackson II Award funds one recipient per year       significance, and the integration of these research areas into bet-
                                                                    ter global understanding of (1) past plate motions (plate tectonics
in the field of sedimentology.                                      and sea-floor spreading); (2) past sea-level events, including their
                                                                    identification and ages; and/or (3) climate changes and effects of
LIPMAN RESEARCH AWARD                                               those climate changes on Earth’s inhabitants through geologic
                                                                    time. There should be, over time, a balance of money among the
Aaron Ashley, University of South Carolina                          awards across these various subject sub-field categories depend-
Roy Bassoo, Baylor University                                       ing on the merit of the annual project proposals.
Kadie Bennis, University of Missouri–Kansas City
Melissa Chambers, California State University, Fullerton            ALEXANDER SISSON RESEARCH AWARD
Shoshauna Farnsworth-Pinkerton, Louisiana State University
Justine Grabiec, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill        Elisa Di Meglio, Oregon State University
Lisa Grohn, University of Rochester                                   Family members of Alexander Sisson established a fund in his
Rachel Hampton, University of Oregon
Antonio Luna, University of South Florida                           memory to promote and support research for students pursuing
Samuel Mitchell, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa                     studies in Alaska and the Caribbean.
Bryant Platt, California State University, Fresno
Jacob Setera, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey           PARKE D. SNAVELY, JR., CASCADIA RESEARCH
Lorenzo Tavazzani, Southern Methodist University                    AWARD
Samantha Tramontano, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Erin Wales, California State University, Northridge                 William Duckworth, Western Washington University
Kellie Wall, Oregon State University                                  The Parke D. Snavely, Jr., Cascadia Research Award Fund pro-

  The Lipman Research Fund was established in 1993 and is           vides support for field-oriented graduate student research that
supported by gifts from the Howard and Jean Lipman                  contributes to the understanding of the geologic processes and
Foundation. The purpose of the fund is to promote and support       history of the Pacific Northwest convergent margin or to the
student research grants in volcanology and petrology. The presi-    evaluation of its hazard or resource potential.
dent of the Lipman Foundation, Peter W. Lipman, was the recipi-
ent of a GSA research grant in 1965. The recipient is determined
by the Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology
(MGPV) Division of GSA.                                                                                                               27
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