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2018 Specialized Awards

Sponsored by the GSA Foundation

                                                                         Amanda Ketting-Olivier, Western Washington University
Gustave Lester, Harvard University                                         The Allan V. Cox Research Award supports research grants in
  The Michele Aldrich History and Philosophy of Geology Student
                                                                         geophysics. The recipient is determined by the Geophysics and
Research Award Fund supports research grants through the History         Geodynamics Division of GSA.
and Philosophy of Geology Division for students who conduct his-
torical research within the geosciences. Preference will be given first  JOHN T. DILLON ALASKA RESEARCH AWARD
to doctoral, then master’s level students. Graduates who received
their Ph.D. in the previous five years may also be considered. The       Joseph Tulenko, State University of New York at Buffalo
recipient is determined by the History and Philosophy of Geology         William Kochtitzky, University of Maine
Division of GSA.
                                                                           The John T. Dillon Alaska Research Award honors the mem-
MARLAND PRATT BILLINGS AND KATHARINE                                     ory of Dr. Dillon who was particularly noted for his radiometric
FOWLER-BILLINGS RESEARCH AWARD                                           age-dating work in the Brooks Range, Alaska, USA. Two areas
                                                                         that serve as guidelines for selection of the award are field-based
Alexandra Nagurney, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State             studies dealing with the structural and tectonic development of
University                                                               Alaska and studies that include some aspect of geochronology
James Lenoir, Boston College                                             (either paleontologic or radiometric) to provide new age control
                                                                         for significant rock units in Alaska.
  The Marland Pratt Billings and Katharine Fowler-Billings
Research Award encourages and promotes geological fieldwork              DIVERSITY AWARD
and related research in New England and adjacent regions.
                                                                         Surya Freeman, Northern Illinois University
JOHN A. BLACK AWARD                                                        This award is presented to help further GSA’s commitment to

Danielle Molisee, University of South Florida                            increasing diversity in the geosciences. The recipient is either a
  The John A. Black Award supports graduate student field-               member of an underrepresented group or engages in research that
                                                                         relates geoscience to members of underrepresented groups.
based research on coastal processes. All field-based coastal geo-        Underrepresented is defined by GSA as a person from a diverse
morphology research should be located in the USA, Puerto Rico,           background that may include low-income, ethnic minority, first-
or Canada. In the event there are no worthy graduate student             generation, women, veterans, and students with disabilities. The
field-based research projects in coastal geomorphology, the              student chosen for this grant will also have the option to partici-
award may be used to support graduate student field-based                pate in the On To the Future program and receive a partial travel
research in volcanology. All field-based volcanology research            award, full meeting registration, and be recognized at the
should be located in the USA, New Zealand, or Iceland.                   Diversity in the Geosciences Reception at the GSA Annual Meeting.

GRETCHEN L. BLECHSCHMIDT AWARD                                           ROBERT K. FAHNESTOCK AWARD

Agnese Lanzetti, San Diego State University                              Megan Doughty, Colorado School of Mines
  The Gretchen Louise Blechschmidt Award Fund was estab-                   The Robert K. Fahnestock Award honors the memory of Dr.

lished for women in the geological sciences who have an interest         Fahnestock, a former member of the Research Grants
in achieving a Ph.D. in the fields of biostratigraphy and/or paleo­      Committee, who died indirectly as a result of service on the com-
ceanography, sequence stratigraphy analysis, particularly in con-        mittee. The grant is awarded for the best proposal in sediment
junction with research in deep-sea sedimentology, and a career in        transport or related aspects of fluvial geomorphology, Dr.
academic research.                                                       Fahnestock’s field.

IAN S.E. CARMICHAEL RESEARCH AWARD                                       GOULD RESEARCH GRANT

Rebecca Degraffenried, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa                    Renelle Dubosq, University of Ottawa
  The Ian S.E. Carmichael Research Award supports graduate                 The Gould Research Grant supports graduate student research

student research and related activities in the fields of igneous         in the geosciences.
petrology and volcanology. The recipient is determined by the
Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology (MGPV)
Division of GSA.

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