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GSA Contributes to
Colorado Science & Engineering Fair
Colorado GSA members Donald Runnells (consultant) and GSA would like to thank our volunteer judges and give hearty
John Dedecker (Ph.D. student, Colorado School of Mines) congratulations to our winners:
volunteered as geoscience judges at the Colorado Science &
Engineering Fair, hosted by Colorado State University in Ft. First-place project title: Detection of Chemical Contaminants
Collins, USA, on 5–7 April. GSA Awards in Environmental in Water Using Carbon Nanotube Sensors (STEM School
Geology are presented each year to the best Junior or Senior Highlands Ranch, Highlands Ranch, Colorado, USA).
Division exhibits relating some aspect of the geosciences to
environmental issues. GSA sponsors prizes for its special award Second-place project title: Using 3D Drone-Based Digital
winners: a US$100 gift certificate for first place, US$75 for Models to Investigate the Fluvial Geomorphology of an Eroding
second place, and US$50 for third, plus a plaque for each winner Arroyo (Palmer High School, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA).
and some GSA memorabilia. Winners of the state competition go
on to represent their regions at the prestigious Intel International Third-place project title: The Alamosa River Watershed: A
Science & Engineering Fair. Unique Proving Ground for Natural Selection (Monte Vista High
School, Monte Vista, Colorado, USA).
Our judges reported that:
All GSA winners are listed on page 16 of this press release:
1. “All five GSA winners were female.”
2. “Our first-place winner was in the 7th grade (12 years old). We also applaud all of the participating young scientists—in
Her work was remarkable for its innovative and technical Colorado and around the nation.
quality. Truly remarkable.”
We encourage all practicing geoscientists to engage in public
3. “Our first-place winner had won five other awards by the outreach whenever possible. If you are volunteering time with
time I (Don) had to leave the ceremony, which was about your state or regional science competitions, let us know. GSA
halfway through the evening.” would like to get a sense of the scope of members’ involvement in
this type of activity and think about how this outreach might fit
4. “Both of us agreed that the second- and third-place winners into GSA’s strategic planning initiative. Share your experience in
successfully completed projects that were easily of college- the GSA Open Forum at, on Twitter
level quality and complexity.” mention @geosociety, or email 49