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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities

Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA advertising office       Successful candidate will have duties that
no later than the first of the month, one month prior to the    include teaching graduate and undergraduate
issue in which they are to be published. Contact advertising@   courses in the Department of Earth & Environ-, +1.800.472.1988 ext. 1053, or +1.303.357.1053.  mental Sciences, engaging in the Environmental
All correspondence must include complete contact informa-       Sciences undergraduate program, developing
tion, including e-mail and mailing addresses.                   and maintaining robust programs of research and
Online:                                scholarship, and providing service to the depart-
                                                                ment, the School of Science, and to Rensselaer.
Rates are in U.S. dollars.
		                                      Per line each              The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. or
                                        addt’l month            foreign degree equivalent in geoscience or related
	 Per Line for	                                                 discipline, along with the ability to demonstrate,
                                         (same ad)              through accomplishments, a record of excellence
Classification	             1st month	     $9.25                in research and scholarship, evidence or the prom-
                                           $9.25                ise of future distinction in high quality educational
Positions Open	             $ 9.30	                             activities including teaching and advising, and a
Fellowship Opportunities	   $ 9.30	        $5.00                proven commitment to professional service. The
Opportunities for Students  $ 0.00	        $5.00                rank at the time of hire will be commensurate with
   First 25 lines	          $ 5.00	                             the candidate’s experience and accomplishments.
  Additional lines	
                                                                   We welcome candidates who will bring diverse
Positions Open                                                  intellectual, geographical, gender, and ethnic per-
                                                                spectives to Rensselaer’s work and campus commu-
               DEPARTMENT HEAD                                  nities. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is an Affir-
        GEOLOGY AND GEOLOGICAL                                  mative Action/Equal Opportunity, Race/Gender/
                                                                Veterans/Disability Employer.
      COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES                                     9-MONTH FULL-TIME INSTRUCTOR
The Department of Geology and Geological Engi-                   POSITION, MINERALOGY & IGNEOUS/
neering at Colorado School of Mines is seeking a
dynamic, enthusiastic leader to head the Depart-                        METAMORPHIC PETROLOGY
ment. We seek a recognized teacher and researcher                        UNIV. ALASKA ANCHORAGE
with a proven track record of leadership, manage-               The Department of Geological Sciences at the
ment, vision, and mentoring. Share in our mission               University of Alaska Anchorage (www.uaa.
to address the challenges of creating a sustainable    seeks applicants for a full-
global society by educating the next generation of              time, 9-month, non-tenure track position in the
leading scientists and engineers, and by expand-                field of mineralogy and igneous/metamorphic
ing the frontiers of knowledge through research.                petrology for the 2018–2019 academic year, with a
Please visit our website at              start date in August 2018. The successful applicant
cw/en-us/job/493021/professor-and-department-                   will be required to teach up to 12 contact credits
head-geology-and-geological-engineering for the                 of courses per semester (lecture-based courses are
complete announcement and instructions on how                   3 credits and labs are 1.5 credits). These include
to apply.                                                       upper level courses in Mineralogy, Igneous &
                                                                Metamorphic Petrology, and Geologic Field Meth-
                  TENURE-TRACK                                  ods, as well as other introductory or upper level
          EARTH SYSTEMS SCIENCE                                 courses or labs within the applicant’s expertise.
          DEPARTMENT OF EARTH &                                 We anticipate this position will be advertised as a
        ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES                                  tenure-track opportunity in Fall 2019; should this
RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE                                occur, the successful applicant may also apply for
The Department of Earth & Environmental Sci-                    this permanent position if it becomes available.
ences at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy,                 The position requires a Ph.D. in geological sci-
NY, invites applications for a tenure/tenure-track              ences or a related field at the time of initial appoint-
position at the assistant, associate or full professor          ment and university teaching experience. The sal-
level in Earth Systems Science. The E&ES Depart-                ary range for this position is $51,000–$60,000,
ment research areas include experimental, analyti-              depending on experience. The position includes a
cal and environmental geochemistry, petrology of                standard benefits package. Please submit a cover
Earth’s systems, environmental informatics, solid               letter, curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching
Earth geophysics, paleoclimate, origins of life                 philosophy and interests, contact information for
and geomicrobiology. We are seeking applicants                  at least two references, and unofficial academic
whose research will complement and grow these                   transcripts by email to Simon Kattenhorn, Direc-
strengths and whose research programs address                   tor of Geological Sciences, at skattenhorn@
fundamental problems in Earth Systems science.         Review of applications will begin on
Disciplinary areas that are of particular interest              June 18th 2018 and will continue until a suitable
include, but are not limited to, natural systems and            applicant is found.
environmental geochemistry, early Earth envi-                      The University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) is
ronments, geochemical proxies for interpreting                  the largest of three universities in the University
ancient environments, global ocean-atmosphere-                  of Alaska system, serving over 18,000 students in
geosphere interactions, and planetary evolution.                the Anchorage and satellite campuses. The depart-
Additionally, research programs that address fun-               ment has 7 full-time faculty, 2 full-time lecturers,
damental questions in hydrogeology and/or remote                and approximately 130 undergraduate majors.
sensing will serve to expand the Earth Systems
science program at RPI.

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