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Geosciences Congressional Visits Day—Bridging
     the Gap between Research and Policy

  As geoscientists, we know how geoscientific research shapes            The experience strengthened Sylvia’s belief that “my voice
our society. A challenge facing our profession is learning to dis-     (and all those I came to represent) really does matter. The GEO-
till and share this knowledge with a broader audience, especially      CVD experience was very empowering and rekindled the flame
policymakers, whose decisions impact our science and our coun-         I have for political activity. Beyond the utility and purpose of
try. The Geological Society of America is committed to encour-         bringing federally funded science to the forefront of our Rocky
aging and supporting geoscience communication to better serve          Mountain state delegates, this opportunity also illuminated my
the societies in which we live, and an important way we do this        personal options for a more politically active future within the
is through Geosciences Congressional Visits Day (GEO-CVD).             geosciences.” Moreover, Sylvia encourages geoscience students
                                                                       to participate in GEO-CVD, noting the importance of under-
  GEO-CVD is an annual event sponsored by GSA in conjunc-              standing the legislative process on Capitol Hill and potential
tion with other earth-science societies to increase the visibility of  legislation that affects the sciences, as well as how to engage
and support for the geosciences in Congress. Over two days, par-       effectively with policymakers on legislative concerns.
ticipants take workshops covering congressional procedure, rel-
evant legislation, and strategies for effective constituent meetings.    Will you help students like Sylvia to bridge the gap between
Accompanied by scientific society staff members, participants          research and policy? Your support of GSA’s policy office helps
spend a day making congressional visits, during which they dis-        us provide these opportunities and strengthens our collective
cuss a planned “ask” or message with congressional members and         geoscientific voice on Capitol Hill. Contact Clifton Cullen at
staffers. These can include requesting support for legislation,        +1-303-357-1007 or to learn more.
increasing or maintaining the budgets for funding geoscience
research, or offering expertise to an office in the future.

  “GEO-CVD is a great opportunity for GSA members to begin
to engage with policymakers in Washington, D.C.,” explains
Kasey White, GSA’s Director for Geoscience Policy, because
“these interactions have an impact on policy.” Recent studies by
the Congressional Management Foundation found that constitu-
ents who personally communicate with their political represen-
tatives are more effective than lobbyists or news editors. As
Kasey notes, “94% of respondents found in-person constituent
visits make a difference on an undecided member—the highest
rated activity.” At the same time, Kasey observes that these vis-
its are impactful for participants, helping GSA members and
students bridge the gap between research and policy: “GSA
members also find GEO-CVD valuable for improving communi-
cation skills, networking, and seeing first-hand the difference
they can make in policy.”

  For Sylvia Nicovich, a Ph.D. candidate from Montana State            Sylvia Nicovich (center) with Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) (left) and Con-
University and Rocky Mountain Section GEO-CVD representa-              gressman Greg Gianforte (R-MT).
tive in 2017, GEO-CVD was an opportunity to connect her aca-
demic studies with her political passions, introducing her to “sig-
nificant legislation with respect to federal science funding,
dispersal of data, and science adopted by the feds to reason regu-
lation, or science negated to relinquish regulation,” and giving her
an opportunity to voice these issues with Rocky Mountain state
delegates, include Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) and Congressman
Greg Gianforte (R-MT) from her home state of Montana.                                                                                                                     53
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