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GSA Launches New Mentoring Program
           at the Annual Meeting

  This year, GSA is offering a new one-on-one mentoring           Mentees can learn more and sign up online at
program at the Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA,
4–7 November, for students and early career professionals who
would like to be paired with a professional for the duration      GSA welcomes graduate students, early career professionals,
of the meeting. This new mentoring program will be launched     professionals, and retirees to serve as mentors. Learn more and
using an online platform where mentees and mentors will create  sign up online at
profiles and have the ability to view and select matches.
                                                                  Questions? Contact Tahlia Bear, GSA diversity and career
At the meeting, pairs will:                                     officer, at
  • 	 Expand personal networks through daily interaction;
  • 	 Brainstorm session and events that will complement the      “I enjoyed the mentorship program, and I would certainly do it
        mentee’s discipline interests; and                      again in the future at other GSA meetings.” —Student Mentee
  • 	 Share potential academic and career paths.
                                                                  “It was an excellent experience for me, and I will definitely
GSA will also offer the following mentorship opportunities:     recommend this program to other students in the future.”
  • 	 Small-group mentoring sessions at the GeoCareers Day      —Mentor
  • 	 Drop-in mentoring in the Mentoring Center; and
  • 	 30-minute résumé consulting in the Mentoring Center.                                                                                                  13
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