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Mentoring Tomorrow’s Geoscience
Leaders at the 2018 Section Meetings

  The Geological Society of America GeoCareers Program             result of these programs, new friendships were made and profes-
provides mentoring and career pathway events at all meetings.      sional contacts were established that will last well into the future.
At Section Meetings, students are invited to participate in the
Roy J. Shlemon Mentor Program in Applied Geology and the             In addition to mentoring, GSA provided three career workshops
John Mann Mentors in Applied Hydrogeology Program. These           for students designed to help them plan and prepare for their job
popular events, supported by the GSA Foundation through gifts      search. The workshops covered career planning and informational
from Roy J. Shlemon and John Mann (with additional financial       interviewing, career exploration, and cover letters, résumés, and
assistance from GSA’s Northeastern Section), are designed to       CVs. Working professionals from academia, government, and
extend the mentoring reach of individual professionals. Together,  industry were invited to answer questions and help attendees
mentor volunteers and students meet in a relaxing, informal        maneuver the career exploration process.
setting to discuss careers in geology over lunch.
                                                                     GSA gratefully acknowledges the following mentors for their
  This past spring, 435 students and 52 mentors participated in    individual gifts of time and for sharing their insight with students.
the Shlemon Program and 164 students and 21 mentors attended       To learn more about these programs, or to be a mentor
the Mann Program. Both mentors and students left the events        at a future Section Meeting, please contact Jennifer Nocerino,
expressing feelings of personal and professional growth. As a

The Roy J. Shlemon Mentor Program in Applied Geology

                Helping Mentor Students Since 1996

       SOUTH-CENTRAL SECTION              Aaron Johnson, American Institute of         NORTH-CENTRAL SECTION
Whitney Campbell, Laredo Petroleum Inc.             Professional Geologists       Jim Eidem, Barr Engineering Company
                                                                                 Beth Johnson, Braun Intertec Corporation
         Angela Chandler, Arkansas        Stephanie Kangas, Coneco Engineers     David Svingen, Terracon Consultants Inc.
               Geological Survey                           & Scientists
                                                                                       Stephanie Tassier-Surine, Iowa
  ReBecca Hunt-Foster, Utah Bureau of                John Kelliher, NRC                        Geological Survey
               Land Management                         Lydia Lee, VHB
                                                                                        Karen Thorbjornsen, APTIM
    Robert Scott, Precision Stratigraphy  Brandon Luther, CME Associates Inc.         Kathleen Woida, USDA Natural
                   Associates                 Stephen Mabee, Massachusetts
                                                       Geological Survey                    Resources Conservation
       NORTHEASTERN SECTION                   David Maclean, GeoInsight Inc.
         Erika Amir-Lin, AECOM                Liz Royer, Vermont Rural Water                ROCKY MOUNTAIN/
                                                           Association                   CORDILLERAN SECTION
  Matthew Baird, Larson Design Group                                                     Frances Alvarado, Prescott
 Rose-Anna Behr, Pennsylvania Dept. of     Jay Smerekanicz, Golder Associates
                                            Peter Valley, University of Houston                  National Forest
     Conservation & Natural Resources      Greg Walsh, U.S. Geological Survey       Benjamin Ciampa, Ninyo & Moore
      Jessi Blanchette, Virginia State    John Williams, U.S. Geological Survey
               Geological Survey          Yaicha Winters, JMT of New York Inc.          Geotechnical & Environmental
        Shane Csiki, New Hampshire                                                            Sciences Consultants
               Geological Survey               SOUTHEASTERN SECTION
                                              Charlotte Abrams, U.S. Nuclear       Joe Cook, Arizona Geological Survey
Daniel Dabrowski, Loureiro Engineering                                           Brian Gootee, Arizona Geological Survey
                   Associates                      Regulatory Commission
                                             W.R. (Will) Doar, South Carolina        Julia Howe, Bureau of Reclamation
     Lindsay Davis, Geological Society                                                  Bryn Kimball, INTERA Inc.
                   of America                          Geological Survey                   Eric McDonald, Arcadis
                                              Ross Hartleb, Lettis Consultants
Colin Dowey, Vermont Geological Survey                                               Angela Roach, Freeport-McMoRan
Erik Friede, GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc.                 International Inc.                     Morenci Operations
                                              Robert Morrow, South Carolina
  Dave Gauthier, BGC Engineering Inc.          Department Natural Resources         Kathleen Springer, U.S. Geological
       Craig Heindel, Waite-Heindel                                                                   Survey
         Environmental Management                  Corey Scheip, AECOM
                                             John Stewart, ECS Carolinas LLP        Erick Weiland, Freeport-McMoRan
    Paul Heisig, U.S. Geological Survey
             Jinesh Jain, AECOM

18 GSA Today | August 2018
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