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                                   14–21 September 2019
Age and Carving of Grand Canyon: Toward a Resolution of 150 Years of Debate

              An eight-day, 280-mile field conference by raft through the Grand Canyon, USA.

CONVENERS, AFFILIATIONS, AND TOPICS                                  Description

Karl Karlstrom, University of New Mexico (Grand Canyon                    River trips allow several types of interactive sessions:
geology and tectonics)                                               (1) discussions on the outcrop; (2) “plenary” discussions at morn-
                                                                     ing and evening seminars; and (3) short talks and discussions on
Laura Crossey, University of New Mexico (hydrochemistry,             boats while floating past key areas. Each participant will be asked
mantle-to-groundwater)                                               ahead of time to prepare and lead a seminar or outcrop discus-
                                                                     sion, with poster-type materials to hold up or pass out. The eight-
Eugene Humphreys, University of Oregon (Colorado Plateau,            day river trip covers 280 miles from Lees Ferry to Pearce Ferry
geodynamics)                                                         such that there is also ample time for one-on-one and small-group
                                                                     informal discussion as we travel downriver. Distance is measured
David Shuster, University of California Berkeley                     in river miles (RM) downstream from Lees Ferry. On average,
(thermochronology)                                                   we cover about 35 RM per day (four hours per day of motoring
                                                                     through spectacular geology). Numerous hour-long to half-day
Kelin Whipple, Arizona State University (geomorphology)              hikes are planned. Key half-day hikes may be dated strath-to-
                                                                     strath incision history locations at Kwagunt, Palisadea, and Elves
     The age and evolution of the 1.6-km-deep, 270-mile-long         Chasm; high terraces near Unkar Rapids; travertines on Tonto
Grand Canyon have been debated since J.W. Powell’s exploration       Platform near Hermit Creek; dated landslide river diversions
of the Colorado River in 1869. This GSA Thompson Field Forum         near Deer Creek Falls; and lava dam dates and incision points in
honors the 150th anniversary of Powell’s trip. It will involve 28    western Grand Canyon.
researchers and young scientists who will discuss the evidence
for the age and incision history of Grand Canyon in the context      Logistics
of recent advances and ongoing debates. The objective is to pro-
mote a next generation of research on the evolution and tectonic          The trip will be run by commercial charter rafting company
geomorphology of this iconic region, as well as similar studies      Grand Canyon Expeditions. Participants arrive in Las Vegas, Ne-
globally, and debate the evidence for and against mantle-driven      vada, USA, on Friday, 13 Sept., in time for an evening orientation
dynamic topography. The field forum will start and end in Las        meeting at 7 p.m. An early start with a bus takes us to Lees Ferry
Vegas, Nevada, USA, and will be run under a charter with Grand       for a midday launch on 14 Sept. Camping gear, dry bags, and
Canyon Expeditions ( Rigor-         life jackets are provided to participants. The trip will take out at
ous hiking is planned.                                               Pearce Ferry midday on Saturday, 21 Sept., and participants are
                                                                     bused to Las Vegas. Grand Canyon Expeditions uses a jet boat to
Objectives                                                           pick up participants at Separation Canyon (RM 240), which al-
                                                                     lows more rapid boat transit across the abrupt boundary between
     This Thompson Field Forum will build on synergistic land        the Colorado Plateau and Basin and Range provinces at RM 270
sessions to showcase field research advances and remaining           enroute to the take out at RM 280 and discuss the “Muddy Creek
research questions in this iconic field laboratory. Karl Karlstrom   constraint.” There will be a final get together that evening, but
and Laura Crossey will coordinate field stops and discussions        many participants may want to proceed to Phoenix (a 1.5-hour
of incision data, neotectonics, and lava dam studies. Eugene         flight) to check in for the GSA Annual Meeting icebreaker.
Humphreys will coordinate geodynamics discussions to debate
the hypothesis for mantle-driven uplift of the Colorado Plateau–     Preliminary Agenda
Rocky Mountain region. David Shuster will coordinate discus-
sions of thermochronologic studies of now-eroded landscapes.         13 Sept.: Arrive in Las Vegas; group orientation at Residence Inn
Kelin Whipple will coordinate geomorphology discussions of           Las Vegas Hughes Center (hotel covered in trip cost);
bedrock strength controls on river and canyon morphology and
debate evidence for steady versus transient incision.                14 Sept.: Bus to Lees Ferry and launch midday;

     This research has global reverberations in terms of Cenozoic
neotectonics, landscape evolution, and mantle-driven dynamic to-
pography. The objective is to stimulate next steps on these topics.

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