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15–21 Sept.: Group will travel downriver 20–50 river miles (RM) Application and Registration
per day, camping on beaches. Possible itinerary:
1 July: Applications accepted
1. 14 Sept.: RM 0–30: Lees Ferry knickpoint and rock
strength discussions; 1 Sept.: Application deadline
2. 15 Sept.: RM 30–66: Incision rate measurements and 1 Oct.: Notification of acceptance (or wait list)
Little Colorado River;
10 Dec.: Registration deadline
3. 16 Sept.: RM 66–94: Thermochronology of eastern
Grand Canyon; All interested participants must apply and be accepted
to attend. We invite U.S and international researchers, young
4. 17 Sept.: RM 94–120: Hike to Tonto Platform, carving of investigators, and students to apply. To apply, please email Karl
inner gorge; Karlstrom ( with a letter of intent that includes a
statement of your research interests, the relevance of your recent
5. 18 Sept.: RM 120–137: Hike Surprise Valley landslide; work to the themes of the field conference, the subject of a pro-
6. 19 Sept.: RM 137–178: Muav Gorge and mantle-uplift posed presentation, and your complete contact information. Stu-
dents and early career professionals may apply for scholarships
discussions; by adding a paragraph about their need for scholarship support.
7. 20 Sept.: RM 178–225: Lava dams and Hurricane- Participants must commit to attending the full conference. Group
size will be limited to 28 participants.
Toroweap faults and fault-dampened incision;
8. 21 Sept.: RM 225–280: Western Grand Canyon thermo- Synergistic “Land Session” Meeting
chronology and Muddy Creek constraint; and 22–25 September 2019: GSA 2019 Annual Meeting &
9. 21 Sept.: Take out at Pearce Ferry and bus to Las Vegas, Exposition in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. Thompson Field
Forum participants are encouraged to attend, present at,
arriving by 4–5 p.m. (hotel covered in trip cost). and serve as panelists for the GSA theme sessions that
immediately follow the trip.
Attendees and Estimated Costs
The registration fee will cover all lodging, including camp-
ing gear, all meals, and field trip transportation. The lodging is
made up of hotel for two nights (double occupancy) and camp-
ing. Participants are responsible for their own transportation to
and from Las Vegas, and optional additional travel insurance
( Cost estimate: US$2,800–
US$3,200 per person. Please check the GSA website for updates
at Once the registration fee is
finalized, participants will pay a first half deposit by 1 Jan. 2019
and a final payment by 1 June 2019.
Near Phantom Ranch, Grand Canyon, USA. Photo by Laurie Crossey. 21