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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities

Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA advertising office    canology, geological field methods or field camp,
no later than the first of the month, one month prior to the    advanced petrology, and other courses in support
issue in which they are to be published. Contact advertising@   of the Department’s teaching needs., +1.800.472.1988 ext. 1053, or +1.303.357.1053.
All correspondence must include complete contact informa-          (2) Mineral Resources and/or Economic Geol-
tion, including e-mail and mailing addresses.                   ogy: We encourage applications from individuals
Online:                                with expertise in one or more of the following
                                                                areas: economic geology; mining geology; mineral
Rates are in U.S. dollars.                                      resources in magmatic, hydrothermal, and/or
		                                      Per line each           placer deposits; structure and emplacement of ore
                                        addt’l month            deposits; or mineral exploration. Teaching expec-
	 Per Line for	                                                 tations for this position include mineralogy, ore
                                         (same ad)              deposits, geological field methods or field camp,
Classification	             1st month	     $9.25                advanced mineral resources, and other courses in
                                           $9.25                support of the Department’s teaching needs.
Positions Open	             $ 9.30	
Fellowship Opportunities	   $ 9.30	        $5.00                   We seek applicants with a commitment to
Opportunities for Students  $ 0.00	        $5.00                teaching, research, and partnership building with
   First 25 lines	          $ 5.00	                             resource industries and research organizations
  Additional lines	                                             in Alaska and elsewhere. Successful candidates
                                                                must develop externally funded research that
Positions Open                                                  actively involves graduate and undergraduate
                                                                students. Both positions require a Ph.D. in geologi-
              HYDROGEOLOGISTS                                   cal sciences or a related field at the time of initial
         GEOHYDROLOGY SECTION                                   appointment, university teaching experience or
      KANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY                                  potential, and demonstration of research experience
  UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS, LAWRENCE                                and future potential. Relevant industry or post-doc-
Two full-time positions to lead KGS hydrogeo-                   toral experience will be considered favorably.
chemical and groundwater hydrology investi-
gations. Faculty-equivalent, sabbatical-eligible                   Please submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae,
positions at the rank of Assistant or entry-level               a statement of teaching and research interests that
Associate Scientist. Requires Ph.D. with an                     includes how you will involve students in research
emphasis on (1) aqueous geochemistry related to                 opportunities, contact information for at least three
groundwater resources or (2) groundwater hydrol-                references, and unofficial academic transcripts to
ogy of sedimentary aquifer systems, and scientific     for: (1) posting 509521 (petrol-
leadership potential. Emphasis on state-of-the-                 ogy or volcanology); or (2) posting 509519 (min-
science field studies and complementary theo-                   eral resources). Review of applications will begin
retical research. Complete announcement/applica-                September 24, 2018.
tion info at
Review of applications will begin Oct. 15, 2018.                   For more information regarding these positions,
   Apply online at                    please contact the department director, Dr. Simon
academic/12288br for the Hydrogeochemist and at                 Kattenhorn: for
the Groundwater Hydrologist. For further infor-                    UAA is an AA/EO Employer and Educational
mation contact Geoff Bohling (                 Institution. Applicant must be eligible for employ-
or Don Whittemore ( For                    ment under the immigration Reform and Control Act
further information about other aspects of the posi-            of 1986 and subsequent amendments. Your applica-
tion, contact Annette Delaney, HR, at adelaney@                 tion for employment with UAA is subject to public or +1-785-864-2152. KU is an EO/AAE,                 disclosure under the Alaska Public Records Act.

          TWO FACULTY POSITIONS                                    Hiring?
                                                                  Find those qualified geoscientists
             MINERAL RESOURCES                                  to fill vacancies. Use print issues of
 UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA ANCHORAGE                                 GSA Today and GSA’s Geoscience
The Department of Geological Sciences at the
University of Alaska Anchorage (www.uaa.alaska.                   Job Board (
edu/geology/) seeks to hire two tenure-track fac-                          Bundle and save
ulty members (open rank), with a start date of
August 2019. We aim to expand and complement                           for best pricing options.
existing areas of research expertise in the Depart-
ment which include geochemistry, structural                        That unique candidate is waiting
geology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, petroleum                               to be found.
geology, geophysics, hydrogeology, and planetary
geology. The successful candidates are expected             
to teach undergraduate and graduate courses to a
diverse student body in the B.S. and M.S. programs
in geological sciences.

   (1) Igneous/Metamorphic Petrology and/or Vol-
canology: Teaching expectations for this position
include igneous & metamorphic petrology, vol-

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