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The John Mann Mentors in Applied Hydrogeology Program

                  Helping Mentor Students Since 2004

     SOUTH-CENTRAL SECTION                    SOUTHEASTERN SECTION                        ROCKY MOUNTAIN/
Joanna Howerton, Eureka Water Probes            Eric Johnson, WSP USA                  CORDILLERAN SECTION
Mark Hudson, U.S. Geological Survey                                               Kimberly Beisner, U.S. Geological
                                        Larry McKay, University of Tennessee,
  Katherine Knierim, U.S. Geological                      Knoxville                                 Survey
                    Survey                                                      Johanna Blake, U.S. Geological Survey
                                             NORTH-CENTRAL SECTION
      NORTHEASTERN SECTION              James Golab, Iowa Regional Water Inc.    Bonnie Frey, New Mexico Bureau of
        Erika Amir-Lin, AECOM                                                        Geology & Mineral Resources
                                             John Greer, Barr Engineering
  Tim Follensbee II, Vermont Electric      Claire Hruby, Iowa Department of      Marc Mayes, Earth Research Institute
              Power Company                                                       Erick Weiland, Freeport-McMoRan
                                                     Natural Resources
  Marjorie Gale, Vermont Geological         Jessica Meyer, G360 Institute for
                                                  Groundwater Research
       Sue Hagar, Lake Champlain             John Quinn, Argonne National
              International Inc.
      Craig Heindel, Waite-Heindel
       Environmental Management
   Melissa Lombard, U.S. Geological


Geoscience Career Exploration Workshops

       Helping Mentor Students Since 2014

    SOUTH-CENTRAL SECTION                     SOUTHEASTERN SECTION                       ROCKY MOUNTAIN/
  Lara Heister, Anadarko Petroleum      Larry McKay, University of Tennessee,         CORDILLERAN SECTION
                                                                                 Zachary Anderson, Utah Geological
                Corporation                                Knoxville
 Katherine Knierim, U.S. Geological                 Alan Troup, Bechtel                            Survey
                                        Anne Carter Witt, Virginia Department   Nicolas Barth, University of California
                   Survey                     of Mines, Minerals and Energy
Joshua Spinler, University of Arkansas                                                            Riverside
                                             NORTH-CENTRAL SECTION                Angela Roach, Freeport-McMoRan
               at Little RockĀ                   Ashlee Dere, University of
                                                      Nebraska Omaha                       Morenci Operations
   Patrick Burkhart, Slippery Rock      Jim Eidem, Barr Engineering Company
                                        Mindy Erickson, National Water Quality
       University of Pennsylvania
 Jay Smerekanicz, Golder Associates                  Assessment Project

   Ethan Thomas, Vermont Agency
             of Transportation

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