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NEW                                                                        Notice of GSA
                                                                      Council Meetings
  GSA Member Benefit
                                                                        2018 GSA Annual Meeting & Exposition
       Interior Federal Credit Union (IFCU) serves their members                 Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
    24/7 through online and mobile banking, call-center employees,
    5,500 shared-branches, and 55,000 ATMs nationwide. With some       Day 1: Saturday, 3 Nov., 8 a.m.– noon
    of the best rates in the country, you can become a member with
    just a US$25 deposit into a savings account. As an ongoing         Day 2: Wednesday, 7 Nov., 8 a.m.– noon
    incentive for GSA members, IFCU will fund the first US$25
    deposit into a savings account to establish membership.         GSA Headquarters Hotel: JW Marriott*
                                                                    10 S. West Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204, USA
       Their young adult account (     All GSA members are invited to attend the open portions
    young-adult-accounts/) also has a number of benefits ideal for  of these meetings.
    GSA student members:
                                                                    *Meeting room to be announced. Updates will be posted on the
    • 3% annual percentage rate (APR) on a checking account, with   GSA website.
       no fees for ATM transactions and a free “oops” coupon;

    • 0% APR for six months on a credit card;

    • Accumulator certificate with only US$50 to open;

    • US$50 gas card with first car loan;

    • First-time home buyer’s program; and

    • Private student loans and student loan

       Find out more about Your Natural Resource
    for Financial Services at

               Get Published in GSA Today

                                                  • Science: Free color and posted online ahead of print.
                                                     Check for
                                                     the latest articles.

                                                  • Groundwork: Two pages, free color, and also posted
                                                     online ahead of print at

                                                  • Rock Stars: Into science bios? Each Rock Stars article,
                                                     managed by GSA’s History and Philosophy of Geology
                                                     Division (, provides
                                                     a two-page profile of a notable geoscientist whose
                                                     contributions have impacted geoscience in a significant way.

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