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A B C+20                                            Surface Change (cm)                                                  Date and time                   Volume Data sources
8m                                                                                                                       (when known)                      (m3) for detection
                                                                                                                         30 November 2017                39.5 ± 3.8 SfM - SfM
                                                               8m                                                        16:37 PST

     +0.2 B                                                                                                              20–22 October 2017              187.2 ± 19.5 SfM - SfM   Figure 2. Spatial and temporal pro-
                                                                                                                         (4 events)                                               gression of rockfalls from the
          0.0                                                                                                                                                                     southeast face of El Capitan
          -2.0                                                                                                           28 September 2017             9,811.0 ± 408.2 SfM - SfM  between Oct. 2010 and Nov. 2017.
          -4.0                                                                                                           14:21 PST                                                (A) Structure-from-Motion (SfM)
          -6.0                                                                                                                                                                    model with color overlay showing
                                                                                                                         27 September 2017               453.3 ± 42.3 TLS - SfM   the spatial progression of rock-
                                                                                                                         13:51–16:54 PST (7 events)                               falls, derived by comparing SfM
                                                                                                                                                                                  models against earlier terrestrial
                                                                                                                         9 October 2015–12 October 2016  1.1 ± 0.2     TLS - TLS  laser scanning data (TLS). Nega-
                                                                                                                         (1 event)                                                tive surface change represents
                                                                                                                                                                                  rockfall thicknesses; positive sur-
                                                                                                                         11 June 2014                    977.0 ± 28.1 TLS - TLS   face change, shown in (B), repre-
                                                                                                                         03:30 PST                                                sents outward displacement of a
                                                                                                                                                                                  rock sheet by up to 20 cm. (C) Tem-
                                                                                                                         22 June 2012–11 October 2013    55.4 ± 4.6    TLS - TLS  poral progression of rockfalls
                                                                                                                         (2 events)                                               occurring between Oct. 2010 and
                                                                                                                                                                                  Nov. 2017.
Surface Change (m)                                                                                                       12 October 2010–22 June 2012    21.5 ± 2.5    TLS - TLS
                                                                                                           50 m          (7 events)

                                                                                                                         11 October 2010                 653.0 ± 172.9 SfM - TLS
                                                                                                                         10:25 PST

                                                                                                                         Rock detached by impact from    430.2 ± 68.0  SfM - SfM
                                                                                                                         rockfalls above

                                                                                      50 m

after the larger 28 Sept. rockfall, comparing                                               rockfalls mostly consisted of rock sheets                                   terrestrial lidar data—The 2005 event of the west
the new SfM model against data collected                                                    tens of meters tall and wide but usually <1 m                               face of the Drus (Mont Blanc massif): Natural
the previous day (Fig. 2). The 28 Sept. rock-                                               thick (Fig. 2A); more widely spaced regional                                Hazards and Earth System Sciences, v. 17,
fall was 120 m tall, 45 m wide, and up to                                                   joints influenced detachment of the larger-                                 p. 1207–1220,
8 m thick, with a total volume of 9,811.0 ±                                                 volume rockfalls. Finally, whereas differenc-                               1207-2017.
408.2 m3. The impact of the collapsed slab                                                  ing of SfM and TLS models typically yields                               Matasci, B., Stock, G.M., Jaboyedoff, M., Carrea, D.,
on the cliff below dislodged another 430.2 ±                                                negative surface change indicative of mate-                                 Collins, B.D., Guerin, A., Matasci, G., and
68.0 m3. Thus, the 28 Sept. rockfall was 23                                                 rial loss, models generated after the Oct.                                  Ravanel, L., 2018, Assessing rockfall susceptibility
times larger than the rockfalls that occurred                                               2017 rockfalls revealed an area of positive                                 in steep and overhanging slopes using three-
the previous day. Within 24 hours, the NPS                                                  surface change. Here, a rock sheet 23 m tall,                               dimensional analysis of failure mechanisms:
was able to disseminate this information to                                                 14 m wide, and tens of cm thick rotated out-                                Landslides, v. 15, p. 859–878,
the public via press releases and social                                                    ward up to 20 cm along a vertical hinge line                                .1007/s10346-017-0911-y.
media.                                                                                      on its western side (Fig. 2B). The sheet is                              Stock, G.M., and Collins, B.D., 2014, Reducing
                                                                                            bounded on three sides by rockfall scars,                                   rockfall risk in Yosemite National Park: Eos, v. 95,
  Importantly, the data also informed NPS                                                   and likely displaced during or immediately                                  22 July 2014,
decisions regarding public safety. Structural                                               after the 22 Oct. 2017 rockfall. This geom-                                 reducing-rockfall-risk-yosemite-national-park (last
assessments of discontinuities and plausible                                                etry, combined with a simplified fracture                                   accessed 17 May 2017).
future rockfall volumes, enabled by the 3D                                                  mechanics analysis, indicates that the sheet                             Stock, G.M., Martel, S.J., Collins, B.D., and Harp,
data, indicated low potential for an immi-                                                  should detach with another 20% of fractur-                                  E.L., 2012, Progressive failure of sheeted rock
nent rockfall that could reach the road,                                                    ing along the partially attached side.                                      slopes: The 2009–2010 Rhombus Wall rock falls
allowing the road to be reopened.                                                           Although the 3-D data do not allow us to                                    in Yosemite Valley, California, USA: Earth Surface
Comparing the volumetric data with histori-                                                 predict exactly when this will occur, they                                  Processes and Landforms, v. 37, p. 546–561,
cal events (Stock et al., 2013) puts these                                                  do define the precise location and volume                         
rockfalls in perspective: the 28 Sept. rockfall                                             of this future rockfall.                                                 Stock, G.M., Collins, B.D., Santaniello, D.J., Zimmer,
was the 29th largest rockfall occurring in                                                                                                                              V.L., Wieczorek, G.F., and Snyder, J.B., 2013,
Yosemite since 1857, and has a return period                                                  Our analysis of the El Capitan rockfalls                                  Historical rock fall in Yosemite National Park,
of ~6 years.                                                                                demonstrates the utility of SfM for quickly                                 California (1857–2011): U.S. Geological Survey
                                                                                            generating 3-D cliff models that quantify                                   Data Series 746, 17 p. and data files, https://pubs
  After the immediate crisis had passed,                                                    rockfalls, and reinforces the value of having                      (last accessed 17 May 2018).
subsequent analyses offered further insights                                                baseline data in place prior to a critical                               Stock, G.M., Guerin, A., Matasci, B., Jaboyedoff, M.,
into the longer-term evolution of the cliff.                                                event. The ability to rapidly collect, analyze,                             Derron, M.-H., and Collins, B.D., 2017,
This area of El Capitan became active in                                                    and disseminate rockfall data in near-real                                  Quantifying 40 years of rockfall activity in
Oct. 2010 (the first activity since at least                                                time represents a significant stride forward                                Yosemite Valley with Structure-from-Motion and
1976), with rockfalls occurring sporadically                                                in informing land managers and the public                                   terrestrial lidar analyses: Geological Society of
over the next several years, culminating in                                                 about this potent natural process.                                          America Abstracts with Programs, v. 49, no. 6,
the large rockfalls on 27–28 Sept. 2017 (Fig.                                                                                                                 
2C). Subsequently, several smaller rocks fell                                               REFERENCES CITED                                                            Paper299103.html (last accessed 17 May 2018).
in Oct. and Nov. 2017. Typical of progressive                                                                                                                        Westoby, M.J., Brasington, J., Glasser, N.F.,
exfoliation-type failures (Stock et al., 2012),                                             Guerin, A., Abellan, A., Matasci, B., Jaboyedoff, M.,                       Hambery, M.J., and Reynolds, J.M., 2012,
the rockfalls generally propagated upward                                                      Derron, M.-H., and Ravanel, L., 2017, Brief                              ‘Structure-from-Motion’ photogrammetry: A low-
from the location of the first event. The                                                      communication: 3-D reconstruction of a collapsed                         cost, effective tool for geoscience applications:
                                                                                               rock pillar from Web-retrieved images and                                Geomorphology, v. 179, p. 300–314, https://doi

                                                                                                                                                                     Manuscript received 17 April 2018

                                                                                                                                                                     Revised manuscript received 10 May 2018

                                                                                                                                                                     Manuscript accepted 11 May 2018

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