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Randolph-Macon College, mfenster@;  Duncan   T18.  Hy d r o l o g i c a l  Pr o c e s s e s  a n d  Pr o b l e m s  a c r o s s  t h e
                Fitz Gerald, Boston University, dunc@        So u t h e a s t e r n  Un i t e d  St a t e s . JP Gannon, Western Carolina
            T8.   In n o v a t i o n s  i n  Ea r t h  Sc i e n c e  Ed u c a t i o n . Cynthia Hall,   University, jpgannon@;  Mark Lord, Western
                College of Charleston, hallcr@;  Rodney Moore,   Carolina University, mlord@;  David Kinner,
                Charleston County School District, rodney_ moore@    Western Carolina University, dkinner@
      ;  Gina Boyd, Berkeley County School   T19.  Re c e n t  Ad v a n c e s  i n  Sa l t m a r s h  Ev o l u t i o n , ( Ec o )
                District, boydd@                    Ge o m o r p h o l o g y , a n d  Su s t a i n a b i l i t y . Carol Wilson,
            T9.   Of f s h o r e  Re s e a r c h  o n  t h e  Mi d -  a n d  So u t h - At l a n t i c    Louisiana State University, carolw@;  Z oe Hughes,
                Co n t i n e n t a l  Sh e l f . Katie Luciano, South Carolina   Boston University, z oeh@;  Alejandra C. Ortiz , North
                Geological Survey, lucianok@;  William Lassetter,   Carolina State University, aortiz 4@
                DMME-DGMR, william.lassetter@;  D.   T20.  Th e  Sc i e n c e , En v i r o n m e n t a l  Im p a c t s , a n d  Po l i c y  o f
                Reide Corbett, East Carolina University, corbettd@;     each  o rishment  Robert S. Young, Western Carolina
                Clark Alexander, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography,   University, ryoung@;  Andrew Coburn,
                clark.alexander@;  David Mallinson, East   Western Carolina University, acoburn@
                Carolina University, mallinsond@;  Scott Howard,   T21.  Me s o z o i c  t o  Ce n o z o i c  Te c t o n i c s  a n d  Ma g m a t i s m  o f  t h e
                South Carolina Geological Survey, howards@;    So u t h e a s t e r n  Un i t e d  St a t e s . Erin Beutel, College of
                Scott Harris, College of Charleston, harriss@  Charleston, beutele@;  John Chadwick, College of
            T10.  Se d i m e n t a r y  Sy s t e m s  o f  t h e  Po s t - Al l e g h a n i a n  Ea s t e r n    Charleston, chadwickj@
                U.S. At l a n t i c  Ma r g i n :  Im p l i c a t i o n s  f o r  Ge o l o g i c    T22.     lications o    drolog  and  iogeochemistr  to
                Ev o l u t i o n , Re s o u r c e  Po t e n t i a l , a n d  Ca r b o n    St o r m w a t e r  Ma n a g e m e n t . James J. Connors, James J.
                Se q u e s t r a t i o n . Andrew Parent, Virginia Tech, amparent@  Connors & Associates LLC, jjc@;
      ;  Cody Mason, University of West Georgia,     Barbara A. Beckingham, College of Charleston, becking-
                cmason80@                                    hamba@;  Vijay M. Vulava, College of Charleston,
            T11.  UAV/ D r o n e  Te c h n o l o g y  a n d  Sp a t i a l  Me t r i c s  f o r  t h e    vulavav@;  Timothy J. Callahan, College of
                Co a s t a l  Z o n e . Narcisa Pricope, University of North   Charleston, callahant@;  M. Richard DeVoe, South
                Carolina–Wilmington, pricopen@;  Joanne     Carolina Sea Grant Consortium, devoerm@
                Halls, University of North Carolina–Wilmington, hallsj@  T23.  Te c h n o l o g y  a n d  Ma p p i n g  i n  t h e  21s t  Ce n t u r y . Norman S.
                                                  Levine, College of Charleston, levinen@;  K. Adem
            T12.  Na t u r a l  Ha z a r d s  Pr e d i c t i o n . Antonios E. Marsellos,   Ali, College of Charleston, alika@;  M. Scott Harris,
                Hofstra University, antonios.marsellos@;    College of Charleston, harriss@;  Leslie R. Sautter,
                Katerina Tsakiri, Rider University, ktsakiri@;  Bret   College of Charleston, sautterl@
                Bennington, Hofstra University, j.b.bennington@ hofstra.  T24.  Ge o a r c h a e o l o g y . Ervan Garrison, University of Georgia,
                edu;  Jase Bernhardt, Hofstra University, jase.e.bernhardt@  egarriso@;  Jessica Cook Hale, University of
      ;  Menas Kafatos, Chapman University, kafatos@  Georgia, jcook@
            T13.  Re c o n s t r u c t i n g  Pa l e o - En v i r o n m e n t a l  Ch a n g e s . Theodore   FIELD  TRIPS
                Them, College of Charleston, themtr@;  Benjamin   Trip registration opens in December. Descriptions are online.
                Gill, Virginia Tech, bcgill@;  Jeremy Owens, Florida   For additional information, please contact the Field Trip
                State University, jdowens@;  Seth Young, Florida   Co-Chairs: John Chadwick, chadwickj@, and Steve
                State University, sayoung2@            Jaume, jaumes@
            T14.   rigin and  ignif cance o  Ultramaf c  odies in   t re   Re r o u t i n g  W a t e r :  Un d e r s t a n d i n g  a n d  Ma n a g i n g  Ur b a n
                 ones  rom the    alachians and  e ond  Cé line Martin,   Hy d r o l o g y  i n  Hi s t o r i c  Ch a r l e s t o n . Guinn Wallover, Clemson
                University of North Carolina–Charlotte, cmart175@ uncc.  University Cooperative Extension Service, cggarre@;
                edu;  Christopher M. Bailey, College of William & Mary,   Timothy Callahan, College of Charleston, callahant@;
                cmbail@                                 Amy Scaroni, Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service,
            T15.  Ge o l o g i c  St u d i e s  o f  t h e  U.S. At l a n t i c  Co a s t a l  Pl a i n .   ascaron@;  Kim Morganello, Clemson University
                William R. Doar III, South Carolina Geological Survey,   Cooperative Extension Service, kcounts@
                doarw@;  Christopher S. Swez ey, U.S. Geological
                Survey, cswez ey@                     A W a l k i n g  To u r  o f  Ea r t h q u a k e  D a m a g e  i n  Hi s t o r i c  Ch a r l e s t o n .
            T16.  Un d e r g r a d u a t e  Re s e a r c h  ( Pos t e r s ) . Lee Phillips,   Steven C. Jaume, College of Charleston, jaumes@;
                University of North Carolina–Greensboro, plphilli@ uncg.  Norman Levine, College of Charleston, levinen@
                edu;  Jeff Ryan, University of South Florida, ryan@ mail.    aleontolog  o  the   shle   hos hate  eds  o
                                              Ch ar l e s t on  . Robert W. Boessenecker, College of Charleston,
            T17.  Re c e n t  Ad v a n c e s  a n d  Ne w  Ap p r o a c h e s  i n  t h e  St u d y  o f    boesseneckerrw@;  Rachel A. Racicot, Claremont
                Fa u l t s  a n d  Sh e a r  Z o n e s  i n  Or o g e n i c  Sy s t e m s . Jackie   College, rachel.racicot@;  Sarah J. Boessenecker,
                Langille, University of North Carolina–Asheville, jlangill@  College of Charleston, michaliess@;  Matthew L.
      ;  Timothy Diedesch, Georgia Southern University,   Gibson, Charleston Museum, mgibson@;
                tdiedesch@                 N. Adam Smith, Clemson University, smith23@

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