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GSA’s Northeastern Section announces an Iceland field trip in conjunction with its 2019 meeting:

            Fossil Collection, Collaboration, and Citizen Science Using   OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS AND EARLY
            the myFOSSIL Mobile App. Richard Bex, The FOSSIL    CAREER PROFESSIONALS
             ro ect,  niversity of   orida, r e  u .edu   ictor  ere ,  Mentor Programs
              orida  useum of  atura   istory, victor pere  u .edu   ruce
            MacFadden, Florida Museum of Natural History, bmacfadd@   nterested in a career in the app ied  eosciences    an no  to                                Iceland
             mnh.u .edu   adie  i  s,   orida  useum of  atura   istory,  attend a Roy J. Shlemon Mentor Program in Applied
            smi  s  oridamuseum.u .edu   o ert  oessenec er,  o  e e of  Geoscience, or a John Mann Mentors in Applied
             har eston,  oessenec err   ent  rippen,  niversity  Hydrogeology Program. Students and early career professionals
            of   orida,  crippen coe.u .edu.                     i   have the opportunity to discuss career prospects and cha -
                                                                 en es  ith app ied  eoscientists and app ied hydro eo o y or                     The Formation and Evolution of a Young, Dynamic, Volcanic Island
            Neoichnology of Edisto Island: Eat, Prey, Love, Burrow.   hydro o y scientists, respective y, over a free  unch.  earn more
             nthony  .  artin,  mory  niversity,  eoam    a out these pro rams at http      . eosociety.or  mentors.
             atricia  e  ey,  niversity of  orth  aro ina  i min ton,
             e  eyp unc .edu.                                   Geoscience Career Workshops                                                                                    3–14 July 2019
            The Dynamics of the South Carolina Coast—Barrier Islands,    nterested in career advice    an to attend a  or shop for stu-
            Wetlands, Rivers, and the Delta. Ti    . .  ane uth,  oasta    dents and early career professionals to learn more about the ins
             aro ina  niversity, thane uth coasta .edu.  oe  u hes,  oston   and outs of the profession.
             niversity,  oeh   oshua  .  on ,  oasta   aro ina
             niversity,  h on  coasta .edu   uncan  .  it  era d,  oston   Part 1: Career Planning and Informational Interviewing.
             niversity, dunc                             our  o  huntin  process shou d  e in  ith career p annin , not
                                                                 hen you app y to  o s. This  or shop  i   he p you  e in this
                                                                process and  i   introduce you to informationa  intervie in .
            SHORT COURSES                                       This section is hi h y recommended for freshmen, sophomores,
             escriptions are on ine.                            and  uniors. The ear ier you start your career p annin  the  etter.
            Field Geophysics Using ABEM WalkTEM, ABEM           Part 2: Geoscience Career Exploration.  hat do  eo o ists
            Terrameter, and Mala Ground-Penetrating Radar. Amber   in various sectors earn   hat do they do   hat are the pros
             nufer,  uide ine  eo       and  a a , aon ma a    and cons to  or in  in academia,  overnment, and industry
             er  esthom,  uide ine  eo, per. estho m  uide ine   or shop presenters and professiona s in the f e d  i   address
            Earthquakes, Sea-Level Rise, and Fossils, Oh My … Earth   these issues.
            Science Issues from the Lowcountry to Engage Your K–12   Part 3: Cover Letters, Résumés, and CVs.  o  do you prepare
            Students.  ynthia  a  ,  o  e e of  har eston, ha  cr    a cover  etter   oes your résumé need a  ood edit   hether you
             rin  eute ,  o  e e of  har eston,  eute e   arah   are current y in the mar et for a  o  or not,  earn ho  to prepare
             icha ies,  o  e e of  har eston, micha iess   ass   the  est résumé possi  e.  ou  i   revie  numerous résumés
             unyon,  o  e e of  har eston, runyonc    he pin  you to  earn important résumé dos and don ts.

            REGISTRATION                                        LOCAL COMMITTEE
            Early registration deadline: 19 February 2019       General Co-Chairs:  .  cott  arris, harriss   atie                      Principal organizer: Brennan Jordan, University of South Dakota,
            Cancellation deadline: 25 February 2019              uciano,  uciano ov
                 e istration opens in  ecem er.  or further information or   Technical Program Co-Chairs:  rin  eute ,  eute e          Co-organizers: Tenley Banik, Illinois State University,; Tamara Carley,
            if you need special accommodations, please contact one of the    hris  ein, hein                                            Lafayette College,
             enera  co-chairs,  .  cott  arris, harriss, or  atie   Field Trip Co-Chairs:  ohn  had ic , chad ic
             uciano,  uciano ov.                        teve  aume,  aumes                                                       The trip will be a 10-day circuit of Iceland visiting geologic sites along the Ring Road

            ACCOMODATIONS                                       Sponsorships Chair:  m er  nufer, am er.onufer                                   with excursions off of this route to experience the geologic and scenic diversity of the island.
                                                                                                                                                 There will be an emphasis on magmatic and tectonic processes, also including sites of
                                                                 uide ine
            Hotel registration deadline:     e ruary     ,   p.m.,   T                                                                           geomorphological interest.
                 oc  of rooms has  een reserved at the  rancis  arion  ote ,   Exhibits Chair:   air Tormey,  tormey
                 in   treet,  har eston,  outh  aro ina      ,    , in the   Treasurer:  dem   i, a i a
            center of  istoric  har eston. The meetin  rate is        per   Student Volunteer Chair:  yndi  a  , ha  cr
            ni ht p us ta .  eservations can  e made  y ca  in    -   -   -
                .   ease  e sure to identify yourse f  ith the  roup code
                    and that you are attendin  the      outheastern
             ection  eetin .

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