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workshops to assist students and early career professionals with   Ca n c e l l a t i o n  d e a d l i n e :  19 Feb. 2019
            job hunting and ré sumé  writing skills.             Registration opens in December. For further information or
                                                                if you need special accommodations, please contact the general
            Me n t o r  Pr o g r a m s                          chair, Stephen Pollock, stephen.pollock@
            Plan to attend a Roy J. Shlemon Mentor Program in Applied
            Geoscience and/or a John Mann Mentors in Applied    ACCOMMOD ATIONS
            Hydrogeology Program luncheon at the to chat one-on-one with   Ho t e l  r e g i s t r a t i o n  d e a d l i n e :  22 Feb. 2019
            practicing geoscientists. These volunteers will answer your   A block of rooms has been reserved at the Holiday Inn By The
            questions and share insights on how to get a job after graduation.  Bay. The meeting rate is US$ 150 per night plus tax. Reservations
                                                                should be made by calling the Holiday Inn at + 1-800-315-2621
            Ge o s c i e n c e  Ca r e e r  W o r k s h o p s   ( toll free)  or + 1-207-775-2311 ( local) . Please be sure to mention
            Pa r t  1:  Ca r e e r  Pl a n n i n g  a n d  In f o r m a t i o n a l  In t e r v i e w i n g .   that you are attending the GSA meeting.
            Your job-hunting process should begin with career planning, not   The Holiday Inn By The Bay is ADA compliant. Persons need-
            when you apply to jobs. This workshop will help you begin this   ing services related to ADA should contact Stephen Pollock,
            process and will introduce you to informational interviewing.   stephen.pollock@, or Sally Page at the Holiday Inn By
            This section is highly recommended for freshmen, sophomores,   the Bay at + 1-800-315-2621 ( toll free)  or + 1-207-775-2311 ( local) .
            and juniors. The earlier you start your career planning the better.  LOCAL COMMITTEE
            Pa r t  2:  Ge o s c i e n c e  Ca r e e r  Ex p l o r a t i o n . What do geologists in
            various sectors earn?  What do they do?  What are the pros and   Ge n e r a l  Ch a i r :  Stephen Pollock, stephen.pollock@
            cons of working in academia, government, and industry?    Te c h n i c a l  Pr o g r a m  Co - Ch a i r s :  Robert G. Marvinney,
            Workshop presenters and professionals in the field will address   robert.g.marvinney@;  and Amber H. Whittaker,
            these issues.                                       amber.h.whittaker@
            Pa r t  3 :  Co v e r  Le t t e r s , Ré s u m é s , a n d  CV’ s . How do you prepare   Fi e l d  Tr i p  Ch a i r :  Myles Felch,
            a cover letter?  Does your ré sumé  need a good edit?  Whether you   mfelch@
            are currently in the market for a job or not, learn how to prepare   Ex h i b i t s :  Irwin Novak, novak@
            the best ré sumé  possible. You will review numerous ré sumé s to
            help you to learn important ré sumé  dos and don’ts.  Sp o n s o r s h i p s :  Clifford Lippitt, cliff.lippitt@
                                                                St u d e n t  Vo l u n t e e r s :  David Gibson, dgibson@
            REGISTRATION                                        Sh o r t  Co u r s e s  a n d  W o r k s h o p s :  Martin Yates,
            Ea r l y  r e g i s t r a t i o n  d e a d l i n e :  11 Feb. 2019  yates@

                                                             New GSA Member Bene  t
                                                      GSA MEMBERSHIP 2019
                                                        Renew or Join at
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                                                             bers 24/7 through online and mobile banking, call-center
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                                                             wide. With some of the best rates in the country, you can
                                                             become a member with just a US$25 deposit into a savings
                                                             account. As an ongoing incentive for GSA members, IFCU
                                                             will fund the … rst US$25 deposit into a savings account to
                                                             establish membership.
                                                                Their young adult account (
                                                             accounts/young-adult-accounts/) also has a number of
                                                             bene… ts ideal for GSA student members:
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                                                             •   First-time home buyer’s program; and
                                                             •   Private student loans and student loan consolidation.
                                                               Find out more about Your Natural Resource for
                                                               Financial Services at

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