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is to hire at the assistant professor level, but more   open until filled, review of candidates’ materials   FELLOW SHIP OPPORTUNITY
            senior appointments may also be considered. A   will begin on October 1, 2018 and best consider-  NATIONAL AIR AND  SPACE MUSEUM’ S
            complete application must include a cover letter,   ation will be gained for materials submitted prior   CENTER FOR EARTH AND  PLANETARY
            curriculum vitae, one- to two-page descriptions   to that date. Materials should be addressed to Dr.   STUD IES
            each of research and teaching plans, and three let-  Michael Wells, Search Committee Chair, and sub-  Applications are invited for a postdoctoral fellow-
            ters of recommendation. We request that in their   mitted at For assistance   ship positions at the National Air and Space Muse-
            cover letter, applicants explicitly commit to our   with the application on-line portal, please contact   um’s Center for Earth and Planetary Studies. The
            department’s code of conduct: https://eapsweb.  UNLV Employment Services at ( 702)  895-2894 or   fellowship supports independent research projects
           hrsearch@                in planetary science.
              Applications are being accepted at Academic                           The Center for Earth and Planetary Stud-
            Jobs Online:  MULTIPLE FACULTY POSITIONS    ies ( CEPS)  is the scientific research unit at the
                                                  IN SOLID  EARTH GEOSCIENCES
            jobs/11380                              AND  PLANETARY SCIENCES       National Air and Space Museum. Most of the
              To receive full consideration, complete applica-                    research  in  CEPS  focuses  on  planetary  geologic
                                                         GEORGIA TECH
            tions must be received by November 1, 2018.  The School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences   and geophysical processes that have shaped the
              Search Contact: Ms. Karen Fosher, HR Admin-                         surfaces of rocky and icy bodies in the solar sys-
            istrator,  EAPS, 54-924, Massachusetts Institute   ( EAS,  at Georgia Tech   tem including the Earth and Moon. CEPS scien-
                                               invites applications for two tenure-track faculty
            of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cam-  positions in solid earth geosciences and one ten-  tists are actively involved in many of NASA’s and
            bridge, MA 02139-4307, email: kfosher@  ure-track faculty position in planetary and space   ESA’s current and planned planetary robotic mis-
              MIT is an equal employment opportunity                              sions. Research is supported by an extensive col-
            employer. All qualified applicants will receive   sciences. Applicants will be considered at all   lection of archival photographs of the Moon, and
                                               ranks. For the solid earth geosciences positions,
            consideration for employment and will not be dis-  we are looking for broad-minded geoscientists   images and maps the planets and their satellites.
            criminated against on the basis of race, color, sex,   with interests that complement our current geo-  Research areas of interest include planetary land-
            sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, dis-  physical strengths in geodesy, geomorphology,   scape evolution, planetary volcanism and cryovol-
            ability, age, genetic information, veteran status,   glaciology, seismology, computational methods,   canism, tectonics of rocky and icy bodies, radar
            ancestry, or national or ethnic origin.  planetary and space sciences. For the planetary   remote sensing and radar sounder studies, and
                TENURE- STREAM ASSISTANT       and space science position, we invite candidates   analysis of terrestrial analog landforms. Com-
                PROFESSOR IN SED IMENTARY      who will build a competitive research program   petitive proposals should demonstrate knowledge
                                                                                  and expertise in areas such as quantitative remote
                  GEOLOGY, UNIVERSITY          that complements or extends the strengths of our   sensing analysis, tectonics and tectonophysics,
                   OF NEVAD A LAS VEGAS        ongoing planetary and space research, and who
            The  Dept.  of  Geoscience  at the  University  of   bridge connections within geophysics and ongoing   volcanic processes, and quantitative terrestrial and
                                                                                  planetary geomorphology.
            Nevada Las Vegas invites applications for a full-  and future missions through observational, theo-  Please apply by October 1, 2018 through the
            time, tenure-track faculty position in sedimentary   retical, or modeling approaches. We seek individu-  Smithsonian SOLAA site,, and
            geology at the Assistant Professor level. Preferred   als who are interested in working in a dynamic and   select the Earth and Planetary Sciences Fellow-
            research areas include, but are  not  limited  to,   interdisciplinary university that includes a diverse   ship program under the National Air and Space
            sedimentary basin evolution with applications to   group of planetary and space, earth, ocean, and   Museum.
            tectonics or Earth-life-environment interactions   atmospheric sciences, and many top-ranked engi-
            across critical transitions in Earth history. We are   neering programs. Candidates are expected to   ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
            particularly interested in individuals who integrate   demonstrate an exceptional commitment to teach-  TENURE- TRACK  MULTIPLE
            field investigations with innovative geochemical,   ing and mentoring of students.   D ISCIPLINES, AMHERST COLLEGE
            geochronological,  or  other analytical techniques   Georgia  Institute  of  Technology, located  in   The Amherst College Dept. of Geology invites
            to pursue interdisciplinary research. The success-  the diverse, and thriving metropolis of Atlanta, is   applications for a tenure-track appointment at the
            ful candidate is expected to establish a vigorous,   consistently a top ranked educational and research   rank of Assistant Professor with expertise in one
            externally-funded research program;  teach effec-  institution. Georgia Tech prides itself on its engi-  of the following broadly defined fields:
            tively at both undergraduate and graduate levels,   neering resources, collaborations, its quantitative   •   Climate Science and Paleoclimate;  or
            including undergraduate field courses;  and per-  and rigorous undergraduate student body, and its   •   Mineralogy,  Petrology,  and High-Temperature
            form service duties at all levels. Opportunities   commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.   Geochemistry;  or
            for collaboration exist with departmental research   Applicants should send an application letter, cur-  •   Structural Geology, Tectonics, and Geophysics.
            groups in tectonics/structural geology, paleocli-  riculum vitae, a statement of research interests,   We  seek a  colleague  who is  committed  to
            matology, paleontology/stratigraphy, petrology/  a description of their teaching interests and their   excellence in earth science education in a lib-
            volcanology, planetary geology, and hydrogeol-  advising/mentoring  philosophy,  and  the  names   eral arts context with a record that demonstrates
            ogy/surface processes. The successful applicant   and contact information for at least three refer-  the promise of high-quality research and who is
            could begin as early as January 2019.  ences. Application materials should be submit-  excited about involving undergraduate students
              The UNLV Geoscience Dept. ( https://geosci-  ted as PDF files via   in research projects. Today, Amherst College
    has 21 faculty, 200 undergraduate   Requests for information should be directed to   comprises a profoundly diversified student body;
            students, and more than 50 MS/PhD students. The   earthplanet_ search@  Applica-  nearly one-quarter of Amherst’s students are Pell
            department hosts laboratory  facilities  including   tions will be considered beginning October 1,   Grant recipients and 45 percent of our students
            stable isotope, argon geochronology, fluid inclu-  2018 but the search will continue until the posi-  identify as domestic students of color.  The Col-
            sion, X RF/X RD,  ICP-MS, soils, and electron   tions are filled. An earned doctorate is required by   lege is committed to cultivating a challenging and
            microprobe/SEM labs. This position  requires    the start of the appointment. Georgia Tech is an   inclusive educational environment, therefore we
            a Ph.D. from a regionally accredited college or   equal education/employment opportunity institu-  seek candidates who can teach, mentor, and inspire
            university. Salary competitive with those at simi-  tion dedicated to building a diverse community.   students of different sexual orientations, genders,
            larly situated institutions. Position is contingent   We strongly encourage applications from women,   races, ethnicities, nationalities, and religious and
            upon funding.                      minorities, individuals with disabilities, and    socioeconomic backgrounds. Amherst College
              Application materials must include  a cover   veterans. Georgia Tech has policies to promote    is an equal opportunity employer and encour-
            letter, curriculum vitae, proposed research plans   a healthy work-life balance and is aware that   ages persons of all genders, persons of color, and
            ( five page limit) , statement of teaching philoso-  attracting faculty may require meeting the needs   persons with disabilities to apply. The college is
            phy and interests, and contact information for   of two careers.      committed to enriching its educational experi-
            five referees. Although this position will remain                     ence and its culture through the diversity of its
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