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Geoscience Jobs                    3. Highly skilled in collecting, processing, editing   and ability to teach courses across all levels of
                                                                                  the curriculum. The typical teaching load is three
                                               and manipulating geospatial data.
            & Opportunities                    4. Excellent oral and written communication   lab courses per year. In addition, successful can-
                                               skills.                            didates are expected to maintain a vibrant and
            Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA advertising office   5. Ability to effectively lead a team of geospatial   productive research program that actively incor-
            no later than the first of the month, one month prior to the   specialists.   porates undergraduate students.
            issue in which they are to be published. Contact advertising@
  , +1.800.472.1988 ext. 1053, or +1.303.357.1053.   Ed u c a t i o n :  A Geoscience or Planetary Science   Denison University is an academically rigor-
            All correspondence must include complete contact informa-  related Ph.D. degree specializ ing in Remote Sens-  ous liberal arts college with an increasingly
            tion, including e-mail and mailing addresses.   ing, or GIS/Geospatial Science is required.   diverse  campus community.  It offers a competi-
                                                 W o r k  Ex p e r i e n c e :  Applicant must have at least   tive salary and a comprehensive benefits package.
            Rates are in U.S. dollars.         3 years of increasingly responsible Remote Sens-  Denison is located in the village of Granville, 30
                                    Per line each
                           Per Line for   addt’l month   ing and GIS project management experience. Field   minutes from Columbus, Ohio, the state capitol,
            Classification   1st month   (same ad)  experience with GPS units, and post-processing   which hosts a wide range of cultural and artistic
            Positions Open   $9.30   $9.25     knowledge, is important. Thorough knowledge of   opportunities. Granville also offers an excellent
            Fellowship Opportunities   $9.30   $9.25  Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS computer applica-  public school system and easy access to outdoor
            Opportunities for Students         tions is expected.                 activities.
               First 25 lines   $0.00   $5.00
               Additional lines   $5.00   $5.00  Ap p l i c a t i o n  Pr o c e s s :  Please  access Human   All application materials will be handled
                                               Resources’  job application page  at https://jobs.  electronically at
            Positions Open            and click on Faculty Positions. Find   Applications must include: ( 1)  a letter of applica-
                                               this position in the list and click on it. This will   tion addressing the position requirements listed
              GIS/ REMOTE SENSING SPECIALIST &    take you to the posting details and the Apply for   above;  ( 2)  a current curriculum vitae;  ( 3)  academic
            GEOSPATIAL CENTER D IRECTOR, D EPT.   this Job tab. Please include ( 1)  Letter of Interest,   transcripts of undergraduate and graduate courses
            OF EARTH AND  SPACE SCIENCES, LAMAR   ( 2)  Curriculum Vitae, ( 3)  Statement of Teaching   ( unofficial acceptable) ;  ( 4)  a statement of teaching
               UNIVERSITY, BEAUMONT, TEX AS    Philosophy. Also requested are the names and con-  philosophy and experience;  and ( 5)  a statement of
            Posting Number: 201121583. Position Number:   tact information for at least three references and   your research program in a liberal arts context. In
            499699                             letters from them if available, as well as unofficial   addition, please list the contact information for
              The GIS/Remote Sensing Specialist and Center   transcripts and other miscellaneous information   three persons who know your teaching and schol-
            Director will support the Lamar Geospatial Center   you would like to include. Alternatively, you can   arship well who will then be requested to upload
            ( LGC)  by developing and teaching remote sensing   send this information to Lamar University, Human   reference letters. Completed application materials
            classes and workshops, as well as GIS and GPS   Resources, 4400 MLK Pkwy, P.O. Box 10009,   submitted by October 22, 2018, will receive full
            classes including those supporting GIS Certifica-  Beaumont, Texas 77710. However, the online   consideration. Evaluation will continue until the
            tion, a Minor in GIS when required;  and, eventual   application process is preferred.  position is filled.  Fo r  t h o s e  a t t e n d i n g , w e  w i l l
            development of a Masters in Geospatial Science.   Sa l a r y :  Commensurate  m e e t  w i t h  s e l e c t e d  c a n d i d a t e s  a t  t h e  2018 GSA
            This person will lead the day-to-day operations of   Lamar University is an Equal Opportunity/  An n u a l  Me e t i n g  i n  In d i a n a p o l i s  and the 2018
            the LGC and projects associated with it, includ-  Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified appli-  AGU Fall Meeting in Washington DC. Please con-
            ing database management, submission of reports,   cants will receive consideration for employment   tact Dr. Erik Klemetti, chair, with any questions at
            and the writing of grant proposals pertaining to   without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national   klemettie@
            the LGC. Note that funded research and presenta-  origin, disability or protected veteran status.  To achieve our mission as a liberal arts college,
            tions/publications are also expected duties of the   Lamar University is proud to provide employ-  we continually strive to foster a diverse campus
            successful candidate. A track record of funded   ment preference to veteran applicants in accor-  community, which recogniz es the value of all
            projects is desirable.             dance with Texas 805 Government Code, Section   persons regardless of religion, race, ethnicity,
            Es s e n t i a l  J o b  Fu n c t i o n s :  657.003.                 gender, color, gender identity and or expression,
            1. Develops and teaches workshops related to   This position is security-sensitive and thereby   sexual orientation, family configuration, disabil-
            remote sensing and geospatial technology.   subject to the provisions of the Texas Education   ity, socioeconomic status, religion, national origin,
            2. Develops and teaches academic remote sensing   Code § 51.215, which authoriz es the employer to   age, or military status. For additional information
            and GIS classes offered for credit toward GIS Cer-  obtain criminal history record information.  and resources about diversity at Denison, please
            tification, a GIS Minor, and Masters in Geospatial   ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF   see our Diversity Guide at
            Sciences through Lamar University.   GEOSCIENCES, SED IMENTOLOGY/     forms/diversity-guide. Denison University is an
            3. Manages people responsible for the collection of   STRATIGRAPHY, D ENISON UNIVERSITY  Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer.
            data, data entry, data conversion and data organi-  Denison University invites applications for a ten-  FACULTY POSITION IN GEOPHYSICS
            z ation of LGC geospatial products.   ure-track assistant professor position in the Dept.   AND  GEOCHEMISTRY, MASSACHUSETTS
            4. Performs data verification and Q A/Q C for LGC   of Geosciences, to begin in August 2019. We seek   INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ( MIT)
            geospatial projects.               a broadly-trained scientist engaged in the study of   The Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary
            5. Generates reports, maps and other technical   sedimentology and/or stratigraphy that comple-  Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technol-
            documents in support of LGC geospatial projects.   ments our department’s current strengths in pale-  ogy ( MIT) , Cambridge, MA 02139, invites quali-
            6. Writes research proposals, makes presentations,   ontology, petrology/volcanology, process geomor-  fied candidates to apply for a tenure-track faculty
            and publishes research results.    phology, and structural geology. Successful   position. The search is in the broad area of geo-
            7. Promotes the Lamar Geospatial Center to the   candidates should demonstrate potential to be an   physics and geochemistry encompassing the Earth
            community.                         outstanding teacher, active scholar, and contribu-  and other planetary bodies in the solar system. We
            Mi n i m u m  Q u a l i f i c a t i o n s :    tor to the continued growth of the Dept. and   seek candidates who use theory, observation, and/
            1. Knowledge of multiple operating systems and   University. Candidates must have a Ph.D. at the   or experimentation and particularly encourage
            remote sensing/geospatial software applications,   time of appointment.  applicants whose work crosses traditional disci-
            particularly the ESRI suite of ArcGIS software   We seek a colleague who is committed to teach-  plinary boundaries. Candidates should have the
            products and common extensions on a Windows   ing excellence in the liberal arts tradition. Ideal   potential for innovation and leadership in research
            operating system.                  candidates will have broad interests beyond their   and a commitment to teaching at the undergradu-
            2. Ability to provide technical support to clients   individual specialties and will provide a balance   ate and graduate levels.
            for remote sensing, GIS and GPS related hardware   of classroom, field and laboratory experiences   Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in geoscience or
            and software issues.
                                               for our students. Candidates must have the desire   related field by the start of employment. Our intent
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