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                            GSA Publications Milestones
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                                                           Geology continues its reign as the Journal Citation Reports’ #1 ranked
                                                           geology journal for the twelfth year in a row. According to Clarivate
                                                           Analytics (formally Thomson Reuters), it had a 2019 impact factor of
                                                           5.073 and a five-year impact factor of 5.451.

                                                           The Geological Society of America Bulletin’s impact factor was 4.039,
                                                           with a five-year impact factor of 4.45. GSA Bulletin ranks 19 among
                                                           multidisciplinary geoscience journals.
                                                           Both the impact factor and five-year impact factor soared for
                                                           Geosphere, reaching 2.811 and 2.741 respectively.

                                                           The impact factor for Lithosphere was 2.766, with a five-year impact
                                                           factor of 3.195.

                                                           While Clarivate Analytics does not produce impact factors for book
                                                           series, it indexes GSA’s Special Papers, Memoirs, and Reviews in
                                                           Engineering Geology in its Book Citation Index, which is part of the
                                                           Web of Science.

             Explore GSA’s journals and books at

        70                                         GSA Today  |  September 2018
   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72