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faculty, administration, and staff. We encourage   ronmental Evolution, and Earthquake Processes   ( 2)  Mineral Resources and/or Economic Geol-
            applications from those who will offer rigorous,   ( see ) . We are looking   ogy: we encourage applications from individuals
            integrated classroom, field, and laboratory experi-  for individuals with a strong background in spec-  with expertise in one or more of the following
            ences for our students. Geology faculty teach three   imen-based earth-life history research, familiarity   areas: economic geology;  mining geology;  min-
            courses with labs per year, supervise students in   with a broad range of geological materials, and an   eral resources in magmatic, hydrothermal, and/or
            independent research leading to honors theses,   active interest in Museum Science including digi-  placer deposits;  structure and emplacement of ore
            serve as academic advisor to geology majors and   tiz ation and databasing. The new hire will engage   deposits;  or mineral exploration. Teaching expec-
            underclass students in general, support the activi-  with UCR’s Center for Integrative Biological Col-  tations for this position include mineralogy, ore
            ties of the Geology Dept., and participate in the   lections, a rapidly evolving college-wide initiative.   deposits, geological field methods or field camp,
            life of the College through service. The appoin-  A Ph.D. is preferred, along with experience of and/  advanced mineral resources, and other courses in
            tee to this position will regularly teach courses at   or qualifications in collections management. The   support of the Department’s teaching needs.
            the introductory level that engage a broad range   University of California is an Affirmative Action/  We seek applicants with a commitment to
            of students and more advanced courses within   Equal Opportunity employer. Please visit http://  teaching, research, and partnership building with
            their area of expertise for students majoring in for more information and to apply for   resource industries and research organiz ations
            Geology. Opportunities for teaching interdisci-  this career position. Applications received by Sep-  in Alaska and elsewhere. Successful candidates
            plinary courses are also available. The ability to   tember 15th will receive priority attention.  must develop externally funded research that
            direct writing, quantitative analysis, and research   HYD ROGEOLOGISTS    actively involves graduate and undergraduate
            at all undergraduate levels is necessary. The suc-  GEOHYD ROLOGY SECTION, K ANSAS    students. Both positions require a Ph.D. in
            cessful candidate will be expected to sustain a   GEOLOGICAL SURVEY    geological sciences or a related field at the
            dynamic and productive research program that is   UNIVERSITY OF K ANSAS, LAW  RENCE  time of initial appointment, university teach-
            grounded in original observations and analysis   Two full-time positions to lead KGS hydrogeo-  ing experience or potential, and demonstration
            of Earth materials and is conducive  to substan-  chemical and groundwater hydrology investi-  of research experience and future potential.
            tive undergraduate participation.  Start-up  funds   gations. Faculty-equivalent, sabbatical-eligible   Relevant industry or post-doctoral experience will
            and other forms of institutional support are avail-  positions at the rank of Assistant or entry-level   be considered favorably.
            able. This appointment will begin July 1, 2019.   Associate Scientist. Requires Ph.D. with an   Please submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae,
            Candidates must have completed the Ph.D. at the   emphasis on 1)  aqueous geochemistry related to   a statement of teaching and research interests that
            time of appointment;  post-doctoral experience is   groundwater resources or 2)  groundwater hydrol-  includes how you will involve students in research
            beneficial. Applications should be submitted elec-  ogy of sedimentary aquifer systems, and scientific   opportunities, contact information for at least three
            tronically via Interfolio https://apply.interfolio.  leadership potential. Emphasis on state-of-the-  references, and unofficial academic transcripts to
            com/51958. We request a cover letter, curriculum   science field studies and complementary theo- for: ( 1)  posting 509521 ( petrol-
            vita, contact information for three references who   retical research. Complete announcement/applica-  ogy or volcanology) ;  or ( 2)  posting 509519 ( min-
            have agreed to provide letters of recommenda-  tion info at   eral resources) . Review of applications will begin
            tion, and a statement in which you describe your   Review of applications will begin Oct. 15, 2018.   September 24, 2018.
            current research agenda, what you would like to   Apply online at  For more information regarding these positions,
            teach to undergraduate students and how you envi-  academic/12288br for the Hydrogeochemist and at   please contact the department director, Dr. Simon
            sion doing so, and the background, experience, or for   Kattenhorn: skattenhorn@
            interests that position you to support Amherst’s   the Groundwater Hydrologist. For further infor-  UAA is an AA/EO Employer and Educational
            commitment to diversity and inclusion. Review   mation contact Geoff Bohling ( geoff@    Institution. Applicant must be eligible for employ-
            of applications will begin on September 14, 2018,   or Don Whittemore ( donwhitt@ . For   ment under the immigration Reform and Control
            and continue until the position is filled. Applica-  further information about other aspects of the posi-  Act  of  1986  and  subsequent amendments.  Your
            tions completed by September 14, 2018, will be   tion, contact Annette Delaney, HR, at adelaney@  application for employment with UAA is subject
            assured of full consideration. For more informa- or 785-864-2152. KU is an EO/AAE,   to public disclosure under the Alaska Public
            tion about Amherst College and the Geology Dept.  Records Act.
            please visit our websites: and                             TENURE- TRACK , ASSISTANT
            ments/geology. Q uestions should be addressed to   PETROLOGY/ VOLCANOLOGY    CLIMATOLOGY MID D LE TENNESSEE
            Professor Anna Martini, Search Committee Chair:   AND  MINERAL RESOURCES      STATE UNIVERSITY
            ammartini@            UNIVERSITY OF ALASK A ANCHORAGE
                                               The Dept. of Geological Sciences at the Univer-  The Middle Tennessee State University ( MTSU)
                MUSEUM SCIENTIST IN EARTH      sity of Alaska Anchorage (  Dept. of Geosciences invites applications for a
                 SCIENCES , UNIVERSITY OF      geology/)  seeks to hire two tenure-track faculty   tenure-track Assistant  or Associate  Professor  in
                  CALIFORNIA– RIVERSID E       members ( open rank) , with a start date of August   climatology beginning August 1, 2019. Teaching
                    REQ . ID  # 201806 111005  2019. We aim to expand and complement exist-  responsibilities include undergraduate and gradu-
            UC Riverside Earth Sciences Dept. seeks a   ing areas of research expertise in the Department   ate courses in climatology, climate change, Earth
            Museum Scientist to conserve, oversee, and    which include geochemistry, structural geology,   science, physical geography, and related disci-
            utiliz e departmental research, reference, and   sedimentology, stratigraphy, petroleum geology,   plines. Applicants with abilities to teach courses
            teaching collections;  and manage  the  museum   geophysics, hydrogeology, and planetary geology.   in meteorology and develop discipline-related
            outreach program. The position is 85%  time with   The  successful  candidates  are  expected  to teach   courses for the Department’s new Environmen-
            flexible Monday through Friday hours. Candidates   undergraduate and graduate courses to a diverse   tal Science major will receive special consider-
            seeking external research or outreach funding that   student body in the B.S. and M.S. programs in geo-  ation. The successful candidate will be expected
            may supplement salary while pursuing departmen-  logical sciences.    to undertake collaborative and multi-disciplinary
            tal goals are particularly encouraged to apply. The   ( 1)  Igneous/Metamorphic Petrology and/or Vol-  research within the department and univer-
            department, which has recently rapidly grown in   canology: teaching expectations for this position   sity,  and  to  be  actively  involved  in  university
            faculty, is within the College of Natural and Agri-  include igneous & metamorphic petrology, vol-  and professional service. Candidates must have
            cultural Sciences, and has strong specimen-based   canology, geological field methods or field camp,   completed a PhD in geosciences or related field
            research in fault petrology, geochemistry,  and   advanced petrology, and other courses in support   at time of appointment.
            paleontology. Such research complements depart-  of the Department’s teaching needs.    MTSU Geosciences offers BS degrees in Geo-
            mental research foci in Organic and Paleoenvi-                        science with concentrations in Geology, Physical

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