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          Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA advertising office   lecturer position. This is a full time and benefit-  in the Geosciences, and an established record
          no later than the first of the month, one month prior to the   eligible position. The successful candidate will be   of publication commensurate with the appli-
          issue in which they are to be published. (Note: Combined   expected to teach four courses per semester. These   cant’s career stage. The candidate is expected to
          March/April issue releases on March schedule). Print ads will
          also appear on the Geoscience Job Board to coincide with the   courses include introductory lectures and labs   complement current departmental strengths in
          month of print issue. Contact:,   in geography, geology, Geographic Information    low-temperature  geochemistry,  hydrogeology,
          +1-800-472-1988 ext. 0153, or +1-303-357-1053. Email corre-  Systems (GIS), and environmental geology. Can-  paleontology, petroleum geology, sedimentology/
          spondence should include complete contact information   didates will also mentor undergraduate students in   stratigraphy, and structural geology. The depart-
          (including phone and mailing address). Rates are in U.S. dollars.
                                             GIS-related capstone projects. The position begins   ment strongly values our collegial atmosphere and
                                  Per line each   August 16, 2019.              encourages the candidate to interact and collabo-
                         Per Line for   addt’l month   Required qualifications: A Ph.D. in geography,   rate within the department and the broader seg-
          Classification   1st month   (same ad)
          Positions Open   $9.35    $9.30    geology, environmental geoscience, or a closely   ments of the WSU community.
          Fellowship Opportunities   $9.35   $9.30  related field is required at the time of application,   Interested applicants should submit cover let-
          Opportunities for Students         with an emphasis in geo-spatial information tech-  ter, curriculum vitae, statements of research and
              First 25 lines   FREE   $5.00  nology. Applicants must be able to teach introduc-  teaching interests, copies or links to relevant peer-
             Additional lines   $5.00   $5.00  tory and advanced GIS courses using the ESRI   reviewed publications, and contact information
                                             ArcGIS software. They must also possess effective   for at least three references. Candidates must go
                  POSITIONS OPEN             written communication skills.      on line at to apply for
                                                                                the position. Applicants can send physical copies
                                               For a complete list of qualifications and to apply,
          Assistant Professor, Hydrogeology/  go  to  A   of relevant publications to the Search Committee
                                             complete application consists of a cover letter of
                                                                                Chair,  Dept.  of  Geology,  1845  Fairmount  Ave.,
          Fluvial Hydrology, Colorado Mesa   interest addressing the required and preferred   Wichita  State  University,  Wichita,  KS  67260-
          University                         qualifications, a complete CV, a statement of teach-  0027. We will begin review of applications on
          The Geosciences Program in the Dept. of Physical   ing philosophy, a sample syllabus for an introduc-  January 15, 2019; however, applications will be
          and Environmental Sciences at Colorado Mesa Uni-  tory course in GIS; a copy of graduate transcripts,   accepted until the position is filled.
          versity invites applications for a full-time, tenure-   and three letters of recommendation, at least one   Wichita State does not discriminate in its
          track faculty position beginning August 2019. The   of which should discuss the applicant’s potential   employment  practices,  educational  programs  or
          successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in Geosci-  as a teacher. Optional materials include evidence    activities on the basis of age, ancestry, color, gen-
          ences  (by  August  2019),  a  strong  background  in   of teaching effectiveness (i.e. summary of    der, gender expression, gender identity, genetic
          geology, and a specialization in ground water and/  teaching evaluations).   information, marital status, national origin, politi-
          or fluvial hydrology. Fieldwork and modeling expe-  Application deadline: February 15, 2019.  cal affiliation, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sex-
          rience are desirable. Responsibilities include teach-  The Dept. of Geology offers BS degrees in Geol-  ual orientation, or status as a veteran.
          ing 12 credit hours per semester, offering research   ogy and Environmental Geology and a graduate cer-  Offers of employment are contingent upon
          opportunities to undergraduate students, advising,   tificate in Geographic Information Systems (GIS).   completion of a satisfactory criminal background
          and participation in service to the program and   It is also actively involved in the University’s Sus-  check as required by the Board of Regents policy.
          university.  Upper-division  undergraduate  course   tainability Studies Program. For more information   All employees of Wichita State University are
          teaching responsibilities could include Hydrology,   on the department, please visit http://www.udayton   expected to support the WSU Vision, Mission and
          Ground Water, River Dynamics or a course in the   .edu/artssciences/geology/index.php.  Values and to help foster an environment rich in
          candidate’s area of expertise. Participation in our   The University of Dayton, founded in 1850 by   diversity  of culture, thoughts  and experience.
          summer Field Camp course is desirable. Introduc-  the Society of Mary, is a top ten Catholic research   Candidates for faculty positions should be able to
          tory-course teaching responsibilities could include   university. The University seeks outstanding,   demonstrate the ability to effectively educate and
          Physical  Geology,  Field-based  Physical  Geology,   diverse faculty and staff who value its mission and   empower a diverse student population.
          Weather  &  Climate,  and  Oceanography.  Dem-  share its commitment to academic excellence in
          onstrated teaching and research experience with   teaching, research and artistic creativity, the devel-  Two Research Geologist Positions,
          undergraduate students is desirable. Because of   opment of the whole person, and leadership and   Kentucky Geological Survey
          Grand Junction’s spectacular geological setting,   service in the local and global community.  The Kentucky Geological Survey, a research cen-
          field-based course activities are encouraged.   To attain its Catholic and Marianist mission, the   ter at the University of Kentucky, seeks applica-
            The Geosciences program at Colorado Mesa   University is committed to the principles of diver-  tions for two research geologist positions:
          University consists of ~70 undergraduate majors,   sity, inclusion and affirmative action and to equal   Geologist III (Geohealth and Environmental
          4  tenure-track  faculty  and  2  full-time  instructors.   opportunity policies and practices. As an Affirma-  Geochemistry). The successful candidate will have
          More information about the Geosciences Program   tive Action and Equal Opportunity Employer, we   a demonstrated ability to perform applied research
          and  faculty  can  be  found  at  http://www.colorado   will not discriminate against minorities, females,   and outreach related to geologic controls on the ori-
   protected veterans, individuals with disabilities, or   gin, transport, and fate of contaminants and carcino-
            Direct inquiries to Andres Aslan at +1-970-248-  on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.  gens in Kentucky. Work will include continuation of
          1614 or at                                   existing KGS collaborations to investigate geologi-
            To  apply,  go  to  Assistant Professor, Environmental   cal controls on indoor radon concentrations, heavy
          ats/careersite/search.aspx?site=2&c=coloradomesa.  Geoscience, Wichita State University  metal anomalies, and cancer clusters in addition to
            Review of applications will begin February 3,   The Dept. of Geology at Wichita State University   new research topics identified by the candidate and
          2019, and will continue until the position is filled.  invites applications for a faculty position in envi-  consistent with the KGS and UK strategic plans.
            AA/EOE,  committed  to  a  culturally  diverse   ronmental geoscience beginning August 2019.   Preference will be given to candidates with dem-
          faculty, staff and student body.   We are seeking to hire a tenure-eligible assistant   onstrated experience in environmental or geohealth
          Lecturer, Geology, Specializing in   professor with research expertise in shallow sub-  applications of geostatistics; development of inno-
                                             surface geophysical methods with application to
                                                                                vative geochemical sampling or analysis methods;
          Environmental Geospatial Sciences,   environmental issues, including sustainability.   integration  of  geologic  and  epidemiological  infor-
          Department of Geology, University    In  addition  to developing  an  externally  funded   mation; use of geologic information to support pub-
          of Dayton                          research  program,  successful  candidates  will  be   lic policy decisions; and/or publication of geohealth
          The  Dept.  of  Geology  invites  applications  for  a   expected to teach introductory, major, and gradu-  research in major journals. This position will require
          nine month, annually renewable, non-tenure-track   ate level classes. The candidate must have a Ph.D.   CITI human subjects research certification (avail-

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