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          able through UK after employment begins).  Environmental Health, as well as the UK College   tions will begin March 4, 2019.
            Geologist III (Quaternary Geology, Geomor-  of Nursing and other research centers such as the   Apply  online  at
          phology, and Geohazards). The successful can-  Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute and   academic/13299BR. For further information con-
          didate will have a demonstrated ability to perform   the UK Center for Applied Energy Research. Most   tact  Geoff  Bohling  (  or  Don
          applied research and outreach on Quaternary geol-  KGS doctoral-level scientists have adjunct faculty   Whittemore  (  For  further
          ogy,  geomorphology,  and  near-surface  geologic   appointments that offer optional opportunities for   information about other aspects  of the position,
          hazards such as landslides, debris flows, sink-  teaching and advising. UK, an R1 research uni-  contact  Annette  Delaney,  HR,  at  adelaney@
          holes, liquefaction, and fluvial erosion/sedimenta-  versity with 16 degree-granting colleges and more or 785-864-2152. KU is an EO/AAE,
          tion in Kentucky. Work will include responsibility   than 200 academic programs, is one of only eight
          for day-to-day operation of the KGS Digital Earth   institutions in the country with liberal arts, engi-  Associate Director for Research,
          Analysis Lab; geomorphological, geochronologi-  neering, professional, agricultural, and medical
          cal, and geohazard research relevant to Kentucky;   colleges and disciplines on one contiguous cam-  Kansas Geological Survey (KGS),
          and continuation of ongoing research collabora-  pus. Lexington is a midsize city of about 320,000   University of Kansas, Lawrence
          tions, all in a manner consistent with the KGS   people that offers a wide range of cultural, social,   Full-time  position  to  provide  strategic  collab-
          and UK strategic plans. Preference will be given   and recreational amenities in addition to easy com-  orative research leadership that supports the KGS
          to candidates with demonstrated experience in   muting and an affordable cost of living. Please visit   mission.  The  Associate  Director  for  Research
          LiDAR-based digital terrain modeling using large for additional information about KGS.  (ADR)  will  report  to  the  Director  and  interact
          (e.g., statewide) data sets; geologic applications of   To apply for job #RE RE15944 Geologist III   with Senior-rank academic staff; oversee approxi-
          structure-from-motion  photogrammetry  and/or   (Geohealth  and  Environmental  Geochemistry),   mately 14 Kansas Geological Survey (KGS) Assis-
          UAV-based LiDAR data; Quaternary dating meth-  submit a UK Online Application at http://ukjobs   tant  and  Associate-rank  academic  and  scientific
          ods; use of geologic information to support engi-  research staff, and their research programs; align
          neering and/or public policy decisions; economic   To apply for job #RE15931 Geologist III    the unique strengths of current KGS research
          analysis of geohazards and mitigation strategies;   (Quaternary Geology, Geomorphology, and Geo-  programs with research trends and new innova-
          and/or publication of research in major journals.  hazards),  submit  a  UK  Online  Application  at    tive  research  opportunities.  The  ADR  also  will
          Both positions require:    be expected to lead an externally funded, active
          •  A Ph.D. in a relevant field at the time of appoint-  If you have any questions, contact HR/Employ-  research program in an area relevant to Kansas.
           ment AND at least one degree in geology, geo-  ment, phone (859) 257-9555, then press 2. Applica-  The KGS is a research and service division of the
           sciences, or geological sciences.  tion deadline is Dec. 31, 2018.   University of Kansas, and the successful candi-
          •  Demonstrated  proficiency  in  the  use  of  mod-  The University of Kentucky is an Equal Oppor-  date will have the opportunity to collaborate with
           ern computational tools such as Matlab, Math-  tunity University that values diversity and inclu-  KU faculty and students in other departments and
           ematica, R, or Python, in addition to GIS, for   sion.  Individuals  with  disabilities,  minorities,   research  groups.  Complete  announcement/appli-
           advanced  geologic  data  visualization,  analysis,   veterans, women, and members of other underrep-  cation info at
           and/or simulation.                resented groups are encouraged to apply.  Review of applications will begin Jan. 15, 2019.
          • Demonstrated  ability  to  work  toward  common   Paleontology and Historical Geology,   Apply  online  at
           goals as part of a high-performance team.  Full-Time Lecturer (Non-Tenure-  academic/13077BR. For further information about
          •  Demonstrated  potential  to  (1)  publish  research   Track), Tufts University  the position contact Rolfe Mandel, mandel@
           results  in  peer-reviewed  scientific  journals,   Tufts  University  invites  applications  for  a  full-,  785-864-2171.  For  further  information
           reports,  and  conference  abstracts,  (2)  conceive   time lecturer in the Dept. of Earth and Ocean Sci-  about other aspects of the position, contact Annette
           and acquire outside funding for research proj-  ences to begin September 1st 2019. This position   Delaney,  HR,  at  or  785-864-
           ects relevant to Kentucky, (3) foster existing and   is for a 1-year initial contract with possibility of   2152. KU is an EO/AAE,
           develop new research collaborations within the   continued renewal of multiyear contracts, and   nondiscrimination.
           University and the broader scientific commu-  it is included in the union for full-time lecturers
           nity, and (4) engage in a program of continuous   (Service  Employees  International  Union).  The
           professional development leading to national or   lecturer will teach courses in Paleontology, His-  FELLOWSHIP OPPORTUNITIES
           international  stature  in  the  candidate’s  field(s)    torical Geology, their specialty (with a preference
           of specialization.                for  Geographic  Information  Systems),  and  labs   Roger E. Deane Postdoctoral Fellow,
          •  Ability to perform laboratory work, geological   for other introductory courses that include after-  Department of Earth Sciences,
           fieldwork, and general office work in support of   noon field trips. Earth and Ocean Sciences is an   University of Toronto
           KGS research and outreach objectives. This may   undergraduate-only  program  offering  degrees  in   The Dept. of Earth Sciences (
           include fieldwork in rough terrain or inclement   Environmental Geology and Geological Sciences.   .ca/) at the University of Toronto invites applications
           weather, occasional lifting of 50 lbs or more, and   Full details and application materials via Interfolio   for the Roger E. Deane Postdoctoral Fellowship, a
           occasional overnight travel.      at  highly competitive fellowship in any field of Earth
            About KGS. The Kentucky Geological Survey                           Science. The department is interested in supporting
          is a research center within the University of Ken-  Hydrogeochemist, Geohydrology   innovative research and outstanding young geosci-
          tucky, with an organizational history stretching   Section, Kansas Geological Survey,   entists to work in collaboration with one or more
          back to the first publicly funded geological recon-  The University of Kansas, Lawrence  faculty members. Applicants are expected to contact
          naissance of Kentucky in 1838. With main offices   Full-time  position  to  lead  KGS  hydrogeochemi-  potential hosts in advance to discuss areas of com-
          on the UK campus in the heart of Kentucky’s Blue-  cal investigations. Faculty-equivalent, sabbatical-  mon interest and to develop proposal ideas.
          grass region, KGS comprises approximately 50   eligible position at the rank of Assistant or entry-  Salary: The Deane Postdoctoral Fellowship has
          FTE scientists and support staff engaged in a wide   level  Associate  Scientist.  Requires  Ph.D.  with   an annual salary of CAD$55,000 and is awarded
          range of geological research and service activities   an emphasis on aqueous geochemistry related to   for a one-year period, with an anticipated exten-
          beneficial to the Commonwealth of Kentucky. This   water resources and scientific leadership poten-  sion for a second year.
          includes active collaborations with colleagues in   tial. Emphasis on state-of-the-science field stud-  Application  Instructions:  A  complete  applica-
          the UK Departments of Earth and Environmental   ies and complementary theoretical research. Com-  tion includes: a curriculum vitae, three references
          Sciences, Civil Engineering, Mining Engineering,   plete announcement/application info at www.kgs   sent by referees directly to geol_sec@es.utoronto
          Plant and Soil Sciences, Preventive Medicine and  Review  of  applica-  .ca (subject line: Deane Postdoctoral Fellowship),

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