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Leventer, 1998). For this reason, the map
         will help scientists better understand how
         our oceans have responded and will
         respond to environmental changes.

           Big Data and AI are having an impact
         on every commercial and scientific
         domain, and their application in the field
         of geosciences is making a great impact
         in the analysis and understanding of
         natural phenomena.
           The intensive use of CPUs required by
         these two technologies has stimulated the
         search for alternative solutions to improve
         performance by using a mixed CPU-GPU
         approach. In this way it is possible to obtain
         rapid results from huge databases and the
         acceleration of the learning process for
         neural networks. These techniques are the
         basis of deep learning, an alternative model
         of machine learning, which achieves a very
         high degree of accuracy in recognizing
         objects and is able to learn features auto-
         matically from data without the need to
         extract them manually.
           The joint application of Big Data–
         machine learning, described as a case   Figure 1. Example of a layered implementation of seabed lithology maps
         study, allowed researchers to demonstrate   (modified from
         the absence of correlation between diatom   lithologies (   had and will have a major impact on the
         productivity and the corresponding diatom   placed below and those existing respec-  ecosystems of our planet.
         oozes: The accumulation of these organ-  tively 500,000 and one million years ago
         isms in the seabed seems rather to be   (above). The oldest layers were made only   REFERENCES CITED
         linked to specific variations in sea-surface   for demonstration purposes and reproduce   Cunningham, W.L., and Leventer, A., 1998, Diatom
         parameters. This is one of many cases   an artificial lithology of the seabed.  assemblages in surface sediments of the Ross
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         parameters allows a different interpretation   ing out of various operations that can be
         from what could be assumed by their    summarized as follows:          Dutkiewicz, A., Müller, R.D., O’Callaghan, S., and
         disjoint analysis.                  • display/hide isochronous levels obtain-  Jónasson, H., 2015, Census of seafloor sediments
           A possible evolution is to represent, on a   ing different instantaneous representa-  in the world’s ocean: Geology, v. 43, no. 9, p.
         similar map, in addition to the current sur-  tions of the ocean basins during the    Ham, M.F., Iyengar, I., Hambebo, B.M., Garces,
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         chronological correlations between chrono-  (oceanographic, stratigraphic, paleontologi-  monitoring Plinian volcanic eruptions using
         stratigraphic units. Using surveys carried   cal, and micropaleontological) with one    infrasound: Procedia Computer Science, v. 13, p.
         out in various parts of the world, different   or more isochronous layers to analyze    Korup, O., and Stolle, A., 2014, Landslide
         layers could be defined, each correspond-  geological phenomena on a global scale   prediction from machine learning: Geology
         ing to a specific age expressed in millions   (eustatic oscillations, glacial and intergla-  Today, v. 30, p. 26–33,
         of years, representing the ocean lithologies   cial periods...) and perform stratigraphic   gto.12034.
         existing in that particular geological period.   correlations between oceanic crustal    Rouet-Leduc, B., Hulbert, C., Lubbers, N.,
                                                                                  Barros, K., Humphreys, C.J., and Johnson,
         Similarly to the previous case, the transi-  sectors to identify evolutionary patterns.  P.A., 2017, Machine learning predicts
         tion from a punctual to a continuous dis-  The optimization introduced by IT    laboratory earthquakes: Geophysical
         play could be obtained, for each layer, by   methods lets us perform analyses on large   Research Letters, v. 44, p. 9276–9282,
         applying the existing SVM model or an   heterogeneous data to discover hidden
         even more efficient version using GPU   models and unknown correlations that   Manuscript received 4 Jan. 2018
         computing. Figure 1 shows a possible   allow for more solid reconstructions and   Revised manuscript received 22 June 2018
         switching between current ocean     forecasts on natural phenomena that have   Manuscript accepted 15 Aug. 2018

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