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an innovative research proposal written by the   current director, Dr. John W. Snedden.  Department, and will be invited to lead a seminar
          applicant (2 pages maximum excluding refer-  The successful applicant for this new position   in their area of expertise. Ideal candidates will have
          ences), and a cover letter with the potential host’s   should have the following skills:  trans-disciplinary interests, and will interact scien-
          name clearly stated (1 page max).   1.  Demonstrated  research  interest  in  basin-scale   tifically with a broad spectrum of the Department’s
            The selection committee will evaluate research   depositional systems, ranging from alluvial to   members. This competitive postdoc is awarded
          proposals for original thinking and to determine   deep-water, siliciclastics and carbonates, Pleis-  for a one-year period, which may be extended to
          a candidate’s ability to develop a research project   tocene to base Mesozoic  a second year. The annual salary is $63,000 with
          that can be accomplished in the department.  2. Competence in seismic interpretation, includ-  additional research funds of $5,000 per year. The
            Deadline: Applications are due March 8, 2019.   ing experience with 2D or 3D seismic work-  appointment is anticipated to begin on or around
          Decisions will be made mid-May 2019.   station software               July 1, 2019. Applicants should contact a potential
            EXPECTED START DATE: September 1, 2019  3.  Competence in geological interpretation of   faculty sponsor to discuss additional arrangements.
            TERM: 1 year minimum, 2 year maximum  well logs                       To apply, upload a cover letter, resume, state-
            FTE: 100%                        4. Knowledge of biostratigraphy and use of fossil   ment of research interests, and names and contact
            Submit  electronic  PDF  applications  to:  Ampy   datums for correlation  information  for  three  references  to:  https://apply
          Tolentino,  (subject  line:   5.  Excellent oral presentation and writing skills
          Deane Postdoctoral Fellowship)     6. Experience with ArcGIS and other computer   Applications will be considered until the search
            Employment as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the   software (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.)   is  concluded, but  priority will  be  given  to  those
          University of Toronto is covered by the terms of   Essential job Functions  received before January 15, 2019. Washington
          the CUPE 3902 Unit 5 Collective Agreement.  1.  Identify and lead new research avenues in Gulf   University  is  an  equal  opportunity/affirmative
            This job is posted in accordance with the CUPE   of Mexico depositional systems that support   action employer.
          3902 Unit 5 Collective Agreement.    existing and future exploration efforts of the
            The University of Toronto is strongly com-  GBDS Industrial Associates
          mitted to diversity within its community and   2. Generate scientific publications that enhance  OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS
          especially welcomes applications from racialized   the technical reputation of UTIG, JSG, and The
          persons / persons of colour, women, Indigenous /  University of Texas at Austin  Graduate  Student  Opportunities  (MS),  Ohio
          Aboriginal People of North America, persons with   3.  Conduct and present research to industrial asso-  University.  The  Dept.  of  Geological  Sciences  at
          disabilities, LGBTQ persons, and others who may   ciates with clarity and a deep understanding of   Ohio University invites applications to its graduate
          contribute to the further diversification of ideas.  their oil and gas industry challenges  program for the Fall of 2019. The department offers
          Richard T. Buffler Post-Doctoral   4. Collaborate with UTIG and JSG researchers   thesis and non-thesis MS degrees in Geological Sci-
                                                                                ences with areas of emphasis in three research clus-
                                               and faculty, where appropriate
          Fellowship, The Institute for      5.  Mentor undergraduate and graduate students   ters:  paleobiology  and  sedimentary  geology,  solid
          Geophysics (UTIG), The University    as appropriate                   earth and planetary dynamics, and environmental
          of Texas at Austin                 6. Domestic travel as needed       and surficial processes. Prospective students are
          A  post-doctoral  fellowship  is  being  established   The position will have two years of support and   encouraged to contact faculty directly to discuss
          within The Institute for Geophysics (UTIG), Jack-  will be based in Austin, Texas. Interested persons   potential research topics. Qualified students are eli-
          son School of Geosciences (JSG), The University   should submit a detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV)   gible to receive teaching or research assistantships
          of Texas at Austin for the purpose of honoring   that includes academic and professional experi-  that carry a full tuition scholarship and a competi-
          Dr.  Richard  (Dick)  T.  Buffler,  whose  scientific   ence, statement of research interests, and names   tive stipend. For additional program and application
          research into the geology of the Gulf of Mexico   and contact information of three references to   information, visit the department website at http://
          (GOM) underpins our current rich understanding  For  full  consider- or contact the graduate
          of this prolific hydrocarbon basin and the unique   ation, applications must be received no later than   chair,  Dr.  Daniel  Hembree  (
          confluence of structural and stratigraphic pro-  February 1, 2019.    Review of applications begins February 1, 2019.
          cesses related to its formation and fill.
            Dick worked at UTIG from 1975 until his retire-  Steve Fossett Postdoctoral Fellowship,
          ment in 2002, collecting and interpreting new seis-  Earth and Planetary Science,   Hiring?
          mic data from the Gulf basin. He participated in 12   Washington University in St. Louis
          GOM cruises (including co-chief scientist of DSDP   The  Dept.  of  Earth  and  Planetary  Sciences  at   Find those qualified ttrt to
          Leg  77),  and  he  authored  or  coauthored  over  83   Washington University in St. Louis invites applica-  fill vacancies. Use print issues of GSA Today
          publications related to the Gulf. He also mentored   tions for the Steve Fossett Postdoctoral Fellowship.   and GSA’s Geoscience Job Board
          73 students many of whom produced Masters or   The Department seeks outstanding candidates who   ( Bundle and
          PhD theses related to the Gulf (33), and he helped   will strengthen and complement existing areas of   save for best pricing options.
          lead a major UTIG research effort in the GOM, the   study, including terrestrial and planetary geology,
          Gulf Basin Depositional Synthesis (GBDS) project,   geochemistry, geophysics, geobiology, and climate   That unique candidate is waiting to be found.
          which has enjoyed 19 years of continuous industry   science. Candidates will be encouraged to collabo-
          support under Dr. William E. Galloway and now its   rate directly with faculty and students within the

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