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Call for GSA Committee Service

                                                    Nominations due 15 June
                     Learn more at, or contact Dominique Olvera at
                                          Terms begin 1 July 2020 unless otherwise noted.

                                                         NO. OF                                         TERM
                      COMMITTEE NAME                  VACANCIES             POSITION TITLE              (years)

           Academic and Applied Geoscience Relations (E, M)  1      Member-at-Large Industry               3

           Arthur L. Day Medal Award (E, T)                 2       Members-at-Large                       3
                                                            1       Member-at-Large Government
           Bascom Mapping Award (E, T)                                                                     3
                                                            1       Member-at-Large Industry

                                                            2       Members-at-Large                       3
           Diversity in the Geosciences (B, E, M)           1       Member-at-Large Industry               3
                                                            1       Member-at-Large Student                2
           Education (B, E, M)                              1       Undergraduate Student Representative   2

                                                            2       Members-at-Large North America         3
           Geology and Public Policy (E, M)
                                                            1       Member-at-Large Student                2
                                                            2       Members-at-Large                       4
           GSA International (E, M)                         1       Member-at-Large Outside North America  4
                                                            1       Member-at-Large Student                2

                                                            1       Member-at-Large Precambrian Geology    2
           Joint Technical Program (B, E)
           Term begins December 2019                        1       Member-at-Large Paleoclimatology &     2

                                                            1       Member-at-Large Industry               3
           Membership and Fellowship (B, T)
                                                            1       Member-at-Large Student                3
           Nominations (B, E)                               2       Members-at-Large                       3

           North American Commission on Stratigraphic       1       Committee Representative               3

           Penrose Medal Award (E, T)                       2       Members-at-Large                       3

           Professional Development (E)                     2       Members-at-Large                       3
           Public Service Award (E)                         1       Member-at-Large                        3

                                                                    Geoscience Information Society Library
           Publications (B, E, M)                           1                                              4
           Research Grants (B, T)                           12      Members-at-Large                       3

                                                             2      Members-at-Large                        3
           Young Scientist Award (Donath Medal) (E, T)
                                                             1      Member-at-Large (Councilor, former       3

           Note: Terms begin 1 July 2020 unless stated otherwise. B—Meets in Boulder or elsewhere; E—Communicates by phone or
           electronically; M—Meets at the Annual Meeting; T—Extensive time commitment required during application review period.

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