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          Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA advertising office   at: Questions should be directed   Reno  (UNR)  and  serves  as  the  state  geological
          no later than the first of the month, one month prior to the   to Dr. Kim Genareau (, Chair of the   survey of Nevada. Managed as part of the Mackay
          issue in which they are to be published. (Note: Combined   Search Committee. Applicants should submit a cover   School of Earth Sciences and Engineering in the Col-
          March/April issue releases on March schedule). Print ads will
          also appear on the Geoscience Job Board to coincide with the   letter, curriculum vitae, vision statement, and names   lege of Science at UNR, NBMG functions as both
          month of print issue. Contact:,   and contact information for at least three references   an academic unit and statewide agency. Its principal
          +1-800-472-1988 ext. 1053, or +1-303-357-1053. Email corre-  through  the  UA  Jobs  Website  at:  https://faculty   scientists are tenure-track faculty members. Nevada
          spondence should include complete contact information Review of applications   is one of the most exciting regions in the world to do
          (including phone and mailing address). Rates are in U.S. dollars.
                                             will begin 1 March 2019 and will continue until the   research in the geosciences and the best in the U.S.
                                  Per line each   position is filled. The University of Alabama is an   for the study of hydrothermal mineral deposits. For
                         Per Line for   addt’l month
          Classification   1st month   (same ad)  equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and   further  information  about  NBMG,  please  consult
          Positions Open   $9.35    $9.30    actively seeks diversity in its employees.  our website (
          Fellowship Opportunities   $9.35   $9.30                                Contact information for this position: Dr. John
          Opportunities for Students         Assistant or Associate Professor,   Muntean, Search Chair,
              First 25 lines   FREE   $5.00  Economic Geologist (Hydrothermal     To express interest, please apply online at:
             Additional lines   $5.00   $5.00  Geochemistry), Nevada Bureau of
                                             Mines and Geology                  UNR-external/job/University-of-Nevada-Reno-
                  POSITIONS OPEN             Description of Position: The Nevada Bureau of   --Main-Campus/Assistant-or-Associate-Professor-
                                             Mines  and  Geology  (NBMG)  at  the  University   --Economic-Geologist_R0113408-1.
          Chair and Professor, Dept. of      of  Nevada,  Reno,  seeks  applicants  for  a  tenure-  Please attach the following attachments to your
          Geological Sciences, University of   track faculty position at the Assistant or Associate   application:
          Alabama                            Professor level with expertise in Economic Geol-  1.  Resume/CV
          The Dept. of Geological Sciences at the University   ogy  focused  on  the  hydrothermal  geochemistry   2.  Statement expressing your interest in the position
          of Alabama seeks an individual with an outstand-  of mineral deposits. Position responsibilities and   and research plans
          ing record of proven leadership, teaching, research,   expectations  include:  (1)  working  independently   3.  Name,  e-mail,  postal  address,  and  telephone
          and service, to be hired at the rank of Full Professor   as  well  as  collaborating  with  NBMG  faculty-   number of at least three professional references
          with tenure for the 12 month position of Department   staff,  faculty  in  other  geoscience  units  at  UNR   4.  A  Word  document  containing  links  to  at  least
          Chair.  The  successful  candidate  must  be  interna-  and  UNLV,  and  others  in  industry  and  govern-  three of your publications
          tionally recognized within the field, have an active   ment in developing funded projects and conduct-  5.  Please write a brief statement (one page maxi-
          research  program  that  includes  external  funding,   ing  research;  (2)  focusing  research  on  mineral   mum) about how you would contribute toward
          and be able to advance the research goals and stat-  deposits in Nevada, though some research can be   our  mission  of  creating  a  culturally  inclu-
          ure of the faculty. This candidate should be able to   conducted  outside  Nevada;  and  (3)  supervising   sive  environment  in  the  role  for  which  you
          forge a dynamic vision for the department by work-  graduate students and teaching courses related to   are applying.
          ing with the faculty, and communicate that vision to   hydrothermal geochemistry. The position will be   Posting Close Time: This posting will close at
          the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and the   a tenure-track faculty appointment with an aca-  12:00 am on the date listed below. The posting will
          Provost of the University.         demic-year base salary (9 months) that is competi-  no longer be available to apply to after 11:59 pm
            We seek a chair who can build upon our strong   tive with other research universities. Starting date   the day prior.
          foundation to increase the quality of our B.S., M.S.,   will be July 1, 2019, or shortly thereafter, depend-  Posting Close Date: 02/22/2019
          and  Ph.D.  students’  experience  and  advance  the   ing on availability of the successful candidate.  EEO/AA:  Women,  under-represented  groups,
          Department’s  research  productivity  and  profile.   Required Qualifications: Interested applicants   individuals  with  disabilities,  and  veterans  are
          The Department’s 22 faculty conduct research that   must have a doctorate in geology or a related geo-  encouraged to apply.
          spans  the  geosciences  and  collaborates  with  the   science field by the time of hire and a demonstrated
          Alabama Water Institute, the National Water Cen-  record  of  research  on  topics  related  to  hydrother-  Applied Geoscientist with GIS and/or
          ter, the Center for Sedimentary Basin Studies, and   mal  mineral  deposits  as  indicated  by  dissertation   Remote Sensing Capability, Eastern
          are establishing new energy industry consortia. The   research  or  peer-reviewed  publications.  Excellent   Kentucky University
          applicant  should  possess  proven  leadership  abili-  communication  skills,  as  demonstrated  in  written   The  Dept.  of  Geosciences  (www.geoscience.eku
          ties, with a minimum of three years of significant   application materials; commitment to public service;   .edu) of Eastern Kentucky University invites appli-
          administrative experience, and have an enthusiasm   potential for, or established record of publications;   cations for a tenure-track position at the Assistant
          for the University’s teaching and research missions.   and ability to attract funding are essential. Previous   Professor level beginning August 2019. We seek a
          The candidate must hold a Ph.D. in Geology or a   research must include one or more of the following   colleague with academic training that includes prac-
          closely-related field and have expertise which com-  disciplines: economic geology or hydrothermal geo-  tical and research expertise in Earth Science, GIS,
          plements that of existing faculty.  chemistry with a focus on mineral deposits.  and remote sensing to complement the department’s
            In  addition,  the  successful  candidate  should   Preferred Qualifications: Preference will be   environmentally-focused geosciences programs. We
          demonstrate a proven record in the following areas:  given to candidates with: (1) academic experience   offer a B.S. in Geographic Information Science and
          •  vigorous  advocacy  on  behalf  of  faculty,  staff,   in  hydrothermal  minerals  deposits,  particularly   a B.S. in Environmental and Applied Geology, the
           and students;                     research that blends both quantitative analytical   latter  with  two  concentrations:  an  ASBOG-based
          • excellent leadership, particularly promoting col-  and  field-based  approaches;  (2)  demonstrated   professional concentration, or an academic concen-
           legiality in implementing change and coordinat-  research  productivity  with  publications  in  the   tration to prepare students for graduate school. We
           ing diverse approaches to teaching and research;  peer-reviewed literature; and (3) achievable plans   also  offer  a  24-hour  university  certificate  in  GIS.
          •  innovative  curriculum  and  program  mainte-  for funded research on Nevada-focused topics in   Preference will be given to candidates with expe-
           nance and development;            economic geology, as described in the applicant’s   rience in state-of-the-art field techniques utilizing
          •  excellent  budget  oversight  and  facilities    letter  of  interest.  Additional  preferred  fields  of   geophysics,  geotechnical  skills,  and/or  program-
           management;                       expertise include: (1) geochemistry of metal solu-  ming in Python/R with current research or future
          • experience with program assessment plan imple-  bility  and  transport;  (2)  geochemical  modeling,   interest in developing research in Kentucky.
           mentation and assessment data interpretation; and  (3) fluid inclusions, (4) stable isotopes, and/or (5)   Candidates  must  exhibit  a  commitment  to
          • inspirational mentoring of colleagues and students.  geochemical microanalyses.  excellence  in  teaching  at  the  general  education
            Details regarding existing department research   Department Information: NBMG is a research   and undergraduate levels, and to actively involv-
          programs,  equipment,  and  facilities  can  be  found   and public service unit of the University of Nevada,   ing  undergraduate  students  in  their  research.

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