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            To  attain  its  Catholic  and  Marianist  mission,   Salary and Date of Appointment: The posi-  FELLOWSHIP OPPORTUNITIES
          the  University  is  committed  to  the  principles   tion  will  be  a  tenure-track  faculty  appointment
          of  diversity,  inclusion  and  affirmative  action   at the assistant professor level with an academic-  Roger E. Deane Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of
          and to equal opportunity policies and practices.   year  base  salary  that  is  competitive  with  other   Earth Sciences, University of Toronto. The Dept.
          As  an  Affirmative  Action  and  Equal  Opportu-  research universities. Starting date will be July 1,   of Earth Sciences ( at the
          nity Employer, we will not discriminate against   2019 or shortly thereafter, depending on availabil-  University  of  Toronto  invites  applications  for  the
          minorities, females, protected veterans, individu-  ity of the successful candidate.  Roger E. Deane Postdoctoral Fellowship, a highly
          als with disabilities, or on the basis of sexual ori-  For more detailed information about the posi-  competitive fellowship in any field of Earth Science.
          entation or gender identity.       tion  and  to  apply,  please  visit  The department is interested in supporting innova-
          Assistant Professor, Field-Oriented   pgqdbK. Application deadline is March 1, 2019.   tive  research  and  outstanding  young  geoscientists
                                                                                to work in collaboration with one or more faculty
          Sedimentology, Structural Geology,   For further information about NBMG, please con-  members. Applicants are expected to contact poten-
                                             sult our website
          or Volcanology, Nevada Bureau        The University of Nevada, Reno, is commit-  tial  hosts  in  advance  to  discuss  areas  of  common
          of Mines and Geology (NBMG),       ted to Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirma-  interest and to develop proposal ideas.
          University of Nevada, Reno         tive  Action  in  recruitment  of  its  students  and   Salary: The Deane Postdoctoral Fellowship has
          The  Nevada  Bureau  of  Mines  and  Geology   employees and does not discriminate on the basis   an annual salary of CAD$55,000 and is awarded for
          (NBMG) at the University of Nevada, Reno, seeks   of race, color, religion, sex, age, creed, national   a one-year period, with an anticipated extension for
          applicants  for  a  tenure-track  academic  faculty   origin,  veteran  status,  physical  or  mental  dis-  a second year.
          position  in  field-oriented  research  in  structural   ability,  and  sexual  orientation.  The  University   Application Instructions: A complete applica-
          geology, volcanology, or sedimentology. NBMG   of Nevada employs only United States citizens    tion includes: a curriculum vitae, three references
          is  a  public  service  unit  of  UNR  and  serves  as   and  aliens  lawfully  authorized  to  work  in  the   sent  by  referees  directly  to  geol_sec@es.utoronto
          both  the  state  geologic  survey  of  Nevada  and   United States.  .ca (subject line: Deane Postdoctoral Fellowship), an
          as  a  research  department  in  the  UNR  College   EEO/AA Women and under-represented groups,   innovative research proposal written by the appli-
          of Science. Faculty at NBMG have tenure-track   individuals  with  disabilities,  and  veterans  are   cant (2 pages maximum excluding references), and
          academic  appointments,  with  both  research  and   encouraged to apply.  a cover letter with the potential host’s name clearly
          teaching obligations.                                                 stated (1 page max).
            Position Responsibilities: The primary respon-  Tenure-Track Assistant Professor,   The selection committee will evaluate research
          sibilities of this position will be to develop broad   Igneous Petrology/Mineralogy,   proposals for original thinking and to determine a
          programs in research and education in Sedimentol-  University of Georgia  candidate’s ability to develop a research project that
          ogy, Structural Geology, or Volcanology. Research   The Dept. of Geology at the University of Geor-  can be accomplished in the department.
          will  focus  on  the  geologic  framework  and  tec-  gia  seeks  to  fill  a  position  for  a  tenure-track   Deadline: Applications are due March 8, 2019.
          tonic  evolution  of  Nevada,  utilizing  innovative   assistant professor in the field of igneous petrol-  Decisions will be made mid-May 2019.
          approaches to detailed geologic mapping, sedimen-  ogy/mineralogy. We encourage applications with   Expected Start Date: September 1, 2019.
          tologic  analysis,  structural  analysis,  geochronol-  strong  backgrounds  in  chemistry  and  physics   Term: 1 year minimum, 2 year maximum.
          ogy (e.g. U/Pb, detrital zircons, or  Ar/ Ar), and/  who may employ unconventional and interdisci-  FTE: 100%.
          or  paleomagnetism.  Position  responsibilities  and   plinary approaches to address big-picture ques-  Submit electronic PDF applications to: Ampy
          expectations include: (1) utilizing detailed geologic   tions  including  aspects  of  planetary  evolution   Tolentino,  (subject  line:
          mapping  to  conduct  basic  and  applied  research;    involving core, mantle, and/or crustal processes.   Deane Postdoctoral Fellowship).
          (2)  working  independently  as  well  as  collabora-  A Ph.D. in Geology, Earth or Planetary Science   Employment as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Uni-
          tively  with  NBMG  faculty-staff,  faculty  in  other   or other related discipline is required by August   versity  of  Toronto  is  covered  by  the  terms  of  the
          geoscience units in the Nevada system of higher   1,  2019.  The  hire  must  be  comfortable  teach-  CUPE 3902 Unit 5 Collective Agreement.
          education, and others in industry and government   ing  undergraduate  core  curriculum  classes  in   This job is posted in accordance with the CUPE
          in  developing  funded  research  projects;  (3)  con-  petrology,  a  graduate  course  in  their  specialty,   3902 Unit 5 Collective Agreement.
          tributing to the understanding of natural resources   and introductory geology courses. The hire will   The  University  of  Toronto  is  strongly  commit-
          and geologic hazards in the region; (4) supervising   be  expected  to  establish  an  externally  funded   ted to diversity within its community and especially
          graduate students and teaching courses in the suc-  research  program,  attract  outstanding  gradu-  welcomes  applications  from  racialized  persons  /
          cessful candidate’s area of expertise.  ate  students,  and  give  oversite  to  an  electron   persons of colour, women, Indigenous /Aboriginal
            Qualifications: Applicants must have a doctor-  microprobe facility with long  standing technical   People of North America, persons with disabilities,
          ate in geology or a related geoscience field by the   support staff. Applicants should submit a cover   LGBTQ persons, and others who may contribute to
          time of hire and a demonstrated record of research   letter,  curriculum  vitae,  statements  of  research   the further diversification of ideas.
          on topics related to sedimentology, structural geol-  and teaching interests, and contact information
          ogy,  tectonics,  and/or  volcanology  as  indicated   for 3 references. Application should be made to   OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS
          by  dissertation  research,  industry  experience,  or
          peer-reviewed publications. The successful candi-  To ensure full consideration all materials should   Lindahl Ph.D. Scholarships, The University of
          date  must  also  have  experience  in  field-oriented   be submitted by 5 PM EST February 15, 2019.   Alabama. The Dept. of Geological Sciences seeks
          research and a desire to conduct detailed geologic   The  University  of  Georgia  is  an  Equal  Oppor-  Ph.D. students with specializations that complement
          mapping on future projects in Nevada. Excellent   tunity/Affirmative  Action  employer.  All  quali-  faculty research interests. Exceptional students will
          communication skills, as demonstrated in written   fied  applicants  will  receive  consideration  for   receive  Research  or  Teaching  Assistantships  and
          application  materials;  commitment  to  public  ser-  employment without regard to race, color, reli-  a Lindahl Scholarship totaling $22,000 for a nine
          vice; potential for, or established record of publica-  gion, sex, national origin, ethnicity, age, genetic   month  appointment,  and  the  cost  of  non-resident
          tions; and ability to attract funding are essential.   information,  disability,  gender  identity,  sexual   tuition is covered. Funding is renewable for 4 years
          Doctoral research must include one or more of the   orientation or protected veteran status. Persons   if expectations are met. Other fellowships are avail-
          following disciplines: structural geology, sedimen-  needing accommodations or assistance with the   able from the Graduate School. Further details are at
          tology,  or  volcanology.  We  encourage  candidates   accessibility  of  materials  related  to  this  search  Applicants  should  contact
          to explain achievable plans for funded research on   are encouraged to contact Central HR (hrweb@  Dr. Geoff Tick ( to express interest.
          Nevada-focused topics in their area of expertise in Please do not contact the department or   Review of applications for Fall 2019 admission will
          the letters of interest.           search committee with such requests.  begin January 15, 2019.

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