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                                    Pardee Keynote Symposia

                                 Pardee Keynote Symposia are   P3. Geoscience Communication in the Modern Age
                               named in honor of GSA Fellow and   Cosponsors: GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA History
                               benefactor Joseph Thomas Pardee   and Philosophy of Geology Division; National Association of
                               (1871–1960) via a bequest from Mary   Geoscience Teachers; GSA Geoscience Education Division
                               Pardee Kelly. Pardee is perhaps best   Disciplines: Geoscience Information/Communication,
                               known for his work on Glacial Lake   Geoscience Education, Geoscience and Public Policy
                               Missoula. These symposia consist of   Advocates: Iain Stewart; Callan Bentley; Mika McKinnon
                               invited presentations covering a   Geoscience communication takes many forms, sharing infor-
                               broad range of topics.          mation critical to society from scientist practitioners to decision
                                                               makers and the public, as well as more creative interpretations
           Joseph Thomas Pardee                                by communicators seeking connection. This symposium cel-
                (1871–1960)                                    ebrates excellence in several important domains of modern geo-
                                                               science communication: popular writing (both fiction and non-
          P1. Digital Learning Innovation in the Geosciences   fiction), visual art, photography, music, film, mainstream media,
          Cosponsors: GSA Geoscience Education Division; American   and social media, as well as research into effective science com-
          Geophysical Union; National Association of Geoscience   munication. We examine inspiring examples from accomplished
          Teachers; National Earth Science Teachers Association  communicators and gain insight into how best to help society
          Disciplines: Geoscience Education                    enjoy a sustainable future on planet Earth (and beyond!).
          Advocate: Ariel D. Anbar
            New technologies for data visualization and discovery, and new  P4. Fostering an Inclusive Academic Culture for
          education technologies, are transforming geoscience education,   the Twenty-First Century: Advancing Policies,
          enabling active modes of discovery-based learning at scale.   Departments, and Supporting Faculty to
          Interactive simulations, immersive and extended-reality environ-  Address the Needs and Challenges for Building
          ments, adaptive and personalized learning platforms, and digital   a Healthy Geoscience Enterprise
          tutoring are examples of technologies that enable rich, active   Cosponsors: GSA Geology and Society Division; American
          learning experiences in and out of traditional classrooms. This   Geophysical Union; American Geosciences Institute
          symposium includes presentations, panel discussion, and a hands-  Disciplines: Geoscience and Public Policy, Geoscience Education
          on showcase to explore the state of the art and future frontiers.  Advocates: Pranoti M. Asher; Christopher Keane; Heather R.
                                                               Houlton; Lexi Shultz
          P2. Grand Ideas, Grand Events: Geoscience             As society increasingly relies on geoscientists for resources
          Research, Geoscience Education, and Human            and hazards mitigation, the profession must remain on the lead-
          Connections to Grand Canyon at its Six               ing edge of innovation to solve complex challenges. Geoscience
          Millionth, 150th, and 100th Anniversaries            departments and academic leaders play a critical role in recruit-
          Cosponsors: GSA History and Philosophy of Geology Division;   ing and training these future innovative geoscientists, as well as
          National Association of Geoscience Teachers; GSA Geoscience   promoting an inclusive culture to support the academic enter-
          Education Division                                   prise that extends beyond our departments. Panelists who have
          Disciplines: History and Philosophy of Geology, Geoscience   championed non-traditional policies for faculty advancement,
          Education, Geoscience Information/Communication      bolstered inclusive departmental cultures, and initiated practices
          Advocates: Steven Semken; Eleanour Snow; Karl E. Karlstrom;   that highlight the successes of their departments will discuss
          Laura J. Crossey                                     their strategies and how to overcome common challenges.
            In commemoration of the concurrent 150th anniversary of
          John Wesley Powell’s first expedition and the 100th anniversary   P5. Extreme Impacts of Global Climate Change:
          of Grand Canyon National Park this year, this symposium pres-  Effective Communication for Geoscientists,
          ents historical and modern perspectives on understanding and   Educators, Policy Makers, and the Press
          sustaining the iconic geological landscapes of Grand Canyon   Cosponsors: GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology
          that encode nearly two billion years of earth history. Presenters   Division; GSA Energy Geology Division; GSA Environmental
          will highlight the importance of Grand Canyon to the indige-  Geology and Engineering Division; GSA Geology and Health
          nous people who have long inhabited it, the generations of geo-  Division; GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA History and
          scientists who explore and study it, the expert interpreters and   Philosophy of Geology Division; GSA Hydrogeology Division;
          educators who teach from it, and the millions who visit to    International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA)
          experience and learn from this singular place.       Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Geoscience Information/
                                                               Communication, Geoscience and Public Policy
                                                               Advocates: Jennifer L. Pierce; George T. Stone

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