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            The metamorphic record is a crucial but complex archive of   T29. Mineralogical Society of America (MSA)
          evolving geodynamic processes throughout earth history. In   at 100: Reflections, Refractions, Diffractions,
          celebration of the Mineralogical Society of America centenary,   Intrusions, Subductions, Reactions, etc., from
          this session will highlight past, recent, and future developments   MSA Past Presidents
          in metamorphic petrology.                            Cosponsor: Mineralogical Society of America
                                                               Disciplines: Mineralogy/Crystallography, Petrology, Igneous,
          T25. A Life in Mineralogy and Petrology:             Petrology, Metamorphic
          A Session in Honor of Robert J. Tracy                Advocates: Mickey E. Gunter; Carol D. Frost
          Cosponsors: GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology,    The Mineralogical Society of America (MSA) celebrates its
          and Volcanology Division; Mineralogical Society of America  100th anniversary in 2019. This session features presentations
          Disciplines: Petrology, Metamorphic, Mineralogy/     from those who successfully led MSA though these 100, and
          Crystallography, Geochronology                       what can be done to assure another successful 100!
          Advocates: Kristin M. Dorfler; Michael Brown; Victor
          Guevara; Nancy L. Ross                               T30. Gemological Research in the 21st
            In memory of Robert “Bob” Tracy, this session focuses on   Century—Gem Minerals and Localities
          topics to which Bob dedicated his career, including the tectonics   Cosponsor: Gemological Institute of America
          and petrology of New England, monazite geochronology, phase   Disciplines: Mineralogy/Crystallography, Economic Geology,
          petrology, ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism, and cross-  Geoscience Information/Communication
          institutional leading-edge petrology research.       Advocates: Caroline Nelms; James E. Shigley; Wuyi Wang;
                                                               Barbara L. Dutrow; John W. Valley
          MINERALOGY/CRYSTALLOGRAPHY                            Gemstones are among the most recognized of all minerals.
                                                               This session focuses on diverse aspects of gems including explo-
          T26. Visions of Minerals at the Nanoscale:           ration, formation conditions, properties, compositions, treat-
          In Honor of Mineralogical Society of America         ment, identification, diamond and its mineral inclusions, and
          Roebling Medalist Peter R. Buseck                    their geological implications.
          Cosponsor: Mineralogical Society of America
          Disciplines: Mineralogy/Crystallography, Geochemistry,   T31. Deformation at Multiple Scales: From
          Environmental Geoscience                             Atoms to Minerals to Rocks to Planets
          Advocates: Mihály Pósfai; Jill F. Banfield; Lindsay P. Keller  Cosponsor: Mineralogical Society of America
            This session aims to present research using advanced imaging   Disciplines: Mineralogy/Crystallography, Tectonics/
          and spectroscopic techniques of nanoscale phenomena.  Tectonophysics, Planetary Geology
                                                               Advocates: Roberta L. Flemming; Phil J.A. McCausland
          T27. The Carbon Mineral Challenge: Assessing          We welcome all investigations of deformation, using multiple
          Four Years of the First Targeted, Worldwide          techniques, at multiple scales, from any stress regime and geo-
          Search for New Mineral Species                       dynamic setting—tectonism to impacts. Only by integrating
          Disciplines: Mineralogy/Crystallography, Geoscience   observations from all scales can we understand our planet.
          Information/Communication, Geochemistry
          Advocate: Daniel R. Hummer                           T32. Data-Driven Discovery of Carbon-Bearing
            This session will highlight the results of the Carbon Mineral   and Other Earth Materials
          Challenge, a four-year collaboration between professional and   Cosponsor: GSA Geoinformatics and Data Science Division
          amateur mineralogists to predict and discover new carbon-   Disciplines: Mineralogy/Crystallography, Geochemistry,
          bearing mineral species.                             Planetary Geology
                                                               Advocates: Daniel R. Hummer; Grethe Hystad; Shaunna M.
          T28. Mineralogical Society of America at 100:        Morrison
          The Many Faces of Tourmaline—From                     This session will explore the diversity and relationships of
          Crystallographic Complexity to Recorder of           solid earth materials found on Earth or other planetary bodies
          Crustal Evolution                                    using large data resources and techniques.
          Cosponsor: Mineralogical Society of America
          Disciplines: Mineralogy/Crystallography, Petrology,     T33. Advances in Characterization of
          Metamorphic, Geochemistry                            Uranium Minerals and Fuel Cycle Materials for
          Advocates: Darrell J. Henry; Barbara L. Dutrow       Forensics, Safeguards, and Secure Disposal of
            This session highlights advances in the understanding and util-  Nuclear Waste
          ity of tourmaline, a quintessential crustal mineral, as a petroge-  Cosponsor: Mineralogical Society of America
          netic indicator. Topics encouraged span the spectrum of crystal-  Disciplines: Mineralogy/Crystallography, Geochemistry,
          lography, mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, geochronology,   Energy Geology
          and others.                                          Advocates: Tyler Spano; Travis Olds
                                                                Development of novel analytical methodologies is essential to
                                                               understanding uranium minerals and materials relevant to the

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