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             T16. Building Bridges between Modern and          Southwest U.S. (Southern California, Nevada,
          Deep-Time Critical Zones                             Arizona, and Northern Mexico)
          Cosponsors: GSA Soils and Soil Processes Division; GSA   Cosponsor: GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division
          Hydrogeology Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and    Disciplines: Petrology, Igneous, Tectonics/Tectonophysics,
          Geomorphology Division; GSA Karst Division           Stratigraphy
          Disciplines: Soils, Sediments, Clastic, Quaternary Geology  Advocates: Michelle Gevedon; Diane Clemens-Knott
          Advocates: Ashlee Laura Denton Dere; Gary E. Stinchcomb;   Contributions should elucidate the magmatic, tectonic, hydro-
          Zsuzsanna Balogh-Brunstad; Steven G. Driese; Lee C. Nordt;   thermal, or sedimentological histories of regions surrounding
          Bryan G. Moravec                                     the Jurassic Cordilleran arc to better understand the timing,
            This session seeks to build bridges in communication among   extent, and character of this extensional regime and its implica-
          researchers working in either modern or deep-time Critical Zones.  tions for margin evolution.

          PETROLOGY, IGNEOUS                                      T21. Reading Igneous Textures
                                                               Cosponsor: Mineralogical Society of America
          T17. Small-Volume Cenozoic Volcanism of the          Disciplines: Petrology, Igneous, Mineralogy/Crystallography,
          Interior West of the United States                   Volcanology
          Cosponsor: GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and   Advocates: David London; Mona-Liza C. Sirbescu
          Volcanology Division                                  This session is an open call to anyone working on aspects of
          Disciplines: Petrology, Igneous, Volcanology, Geochronology  igneous texture, from nanometer to macroscopic scales, on the
          Advocates: Tiffany A. Rivera; Brian R. Jicha         basis of field, laboratory, or numerical studies. All igneous rocks
            This session will highlight research focused on understanding the   are included.
          origin, evolution, eruption, and deposition of geologically recent
          small-volume volcanic products found in western North America.  VOLCANOLOGY

             T18. The Solidification Path of Magma—            T22. Basaltic Volcanism on Earth and Beyond:
          Information from Igneous Rocks, Eruptions,           Exploring the Physical Controls on Eruptive
          and Experimental Petrology: In Honor of the          Styles and Associated Deposits
          Mineralogical Society of America Awardee for         Disciplines: Volcanology, Planetary Geology, Petrology, Igneous
          2019, Olivier Namur                                  Advocates: Jean-Francois Smekens; Erika Rader; Amanda B.
          Cosponsor: Mineralogical Society of America          Clarke; Kurt Roggensack; Brett B. Carr
          Disciplines: Petrology, Igneous, Volcanology, Economic Geology  We welcome abstracts that investigate the causes and conse-
          Advocates: Michael D. Higgins; Bernard Charlier      quences of basaltic volcanism of all scales and styles, using two
            Placing constraints on the solidification path of magma, or its   or more approaches, such as field, laboratory, and numerical
          liquid line of descent, is a key problem in igneous petrology:   techniques.
          Information must be integrated from experimental reconstruc-
          tions, together with decoding of the plutonic volcanic record.  PETROLOGY, METAMORPHIC
          T19. Subduction Zone Systems: Geochemical,           T23. Metamorphism and Orogenesis at
          Petrochronological, and Geophysical Constraints  Convergent Plate Margins
          on Lithospheric Structure, Composition, and          Cosponsor: GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division
          Geodynamics                                          Disciplines: Petrology, Metamorphic, Tectonics/Tectonophysics
          Cosponsors: GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division;   Advocates: Richard M. Palin; Kyle T. Ashley
          GSA Geophysics and Geodynamics Division               Metamorphism at convergent plate margins imparts a funda-
          Disciplines: Petrology, Igneous, Geophysics/Geodynamics,   mental control on the spatio-temporal evolution of collisional
          Tectonics/Tectonophysics                             and accretionary orogens. We seek studies investigating drivers
          Advocates: Antoine Triantafyllou; Mihai N. Ducea; Jonathan R.   and/or petrological and tectonic implications of metamorphism
          Delph; Mark K. Reagan                                of the continental crust.
            This session aims to provide new insights into the evolution of
          the lithosphere during subduction and collisional tectonics,   T24. Metamorphic Petrology Past, Present, and
          through multidisciplinary contributions: petrochronology, geo-  Future: Preparing for the Next 100 Years with
          chemistry, experimental petrology, geophysical studies, and    the Mineralogical Society of America
          geodynamic modelling.                                Cosponsors: Mineralogical Society of America; GSA History
                                                               and Philosophy of Geology Division
          T20. Rift-Grabens, Volcano-Sedimentary Strata,       Disciplines: Petrology, Metamorphic, Mineralogy/
          Plutons, and Transtensional Shear Zones: A           Crystallography, Geochronology
          Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Reconstructing        Advocates: Robert M. Holder; Mark J. Caddick; Sarah C.
          the Jurassic Cordilleran Margin of the               Penniston-Dorland

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