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          nuclear fuel cycle. This session explores recent advances and   of the Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and
          novel approaches to mineralogical challenges associated with   Volcanology Division Distinguished Geological
          the use of uranium as nuclear fuel.                  Career Award
                                                               Cosponsor: GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and
          GEOCHEMISTRY                                         Volcanology Division
                                                               Disciplines: Geochemistry, Petrology, Igneous, Tectonics/
                 T34. Understanding Water Resources            Tectonophysics
          Related to Mineralized Uranium and Other             Advocates: C. Brenhin Keller; Brian R. Jicha; Matthew Gorring
          Metal Deposits                                        Suzanne Kay has used petrology, geochemistry, and mineral-
          Cosponsor: GSA Hydrogeology Division                 ogy to investigate arc magmatism and its relation to regional
          Disciplines: Geochemistry, Environmental Geoscience,   tectonics, crustal formation, and ore deposits. Contributions in
          Hydrogeology                                         these topics are welcome to celebrate her career and legacy.
          Advocates: Johanna M. Blake; Kimberly R. Beisner; Jose Cerrato
            This session aims to share information about reactivity, mobil-  T38. Effects of Mineral-Water Interface
          ity, and transport with water from mineralized sites. Presentations  Complexity on Geochemical Processes: A Session
          may include field, lab, and geochemical characterizations of    in Honor of Mineralogical Society of America
          mineralized deposits.                                Awardee for 2018, Laura Nielsen Lammers
                                                               Cosponsor: Mineralogical Society of America
          T35. Subduction Zone Magmatism from Source           Discipline: Geochemistry
          to Eruption, in the Lab and in the Field:            Advocates: Benjamin Gilbert; Donald J. DePaolo; Garrison
          In Honor of Christy Till, GSA Mineralogy,            Sposito; Rick Ryerson
          Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology              Mineral surfaces in natural aqueous fluids contain or host
          Division Early Career Awardee                        defect sites, impurities, adsorbates, particles, or coatings that
          Cosponsor: GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology,    alter stability and reactivity. This session explores the influence
          and Volcanology Division                             of natural interfacial complexity on geochemical processes.
          Disciplines: Geochemistry, Petrology, Igneous
          Advocates: Adam J.R. Kent; Michael J. Krawczynski    GEOLOGY AND HEALTH
            This session explores subduction zone magmatism via field
          and laboratory measurements, together with experimental   T39. Role of Microbes and Organic Matter in
          studies at high pressure and temperature. The session honors   Trace and Redox Sensitive Elements and Their
          GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology   Mobilizations in Surface and Groundwater
          Division early career award winner Christy Till, who exempli-  Systems
          fies this approach.                                  Cosponsors: GSA Geology and Health Division; GSA
                                                               Geobiology & Geomicrobiology Division; GSA Hydrogeology
             T36. Iron Formations, Ferruginous                 Division
          Sediments, and Redox through Time and Space          Disciplines: Geology and Health, Geomicrobiology, Hydrogeology
          Disciplines: Geochemistry, Paleoclimatology/         Advocates: Harshad Kulkarni; Saugata Datta; Karen Johannesson
          Paleoceanography, Economic Geology                    This session will enhance our understanding of the roles of
          Advocates: Athena Eyster; Latisha Ashley Brengman; Geoffrey   microbes and organic matter in biogeochemical cycling of trace and
          J. Gilleaudeau                                       redox sensitive elements of health concerns in various environments.
            The temporal and spatial distribution of iron-rich sedimentary
          rocks records a complex interplay between the solid earth,   GEOMICROBIOLOGY
          atmosphere, and biosphere. We seek experimental, theoretical,
          and field-based contributions on Archean–Phanerozoic iron    T40. Microbial Interactions with Sulfide
          formations and ferruginous sediments.                Minerals
                                                               Cosponsors: GSA Geobiology & Geomicrobiology Division; GSA
             T37. Investigating the Origin of Arc              Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division;
          Magmatism and the Evolution of Continental           GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology Division
          Crust from the Aleutians to the Southern Andes:      Disciplines: Geomicrobiology, Environmental Geoscience,
          In Honor of Suzanne Mahlburg Kay, Recipient          Mineralogy/Crystallography

                      INDUSTRY TRACKS   Look for these icons, which identify sessions in the following areas:

                Economic Geology              Energy                  Engineering            Hydrogeology and
                                                                                            Environmental Geology

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