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Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA advertising office and research with undergraduates, with a primary (
no later than the first of the month, one month prior to the interest in igneous or metamorphic processes and a Furman University will meet with prospective
issue in which they are to be published. (Note: Combined broad interest in mineral resources and sustainable candidates at the GSA 2019 annual meeting in
March/April issue releases on March schedule.) Print ads will
also appear on the Geoscience Job Board to coincide with the resource use. We welcome candidates with diverse Phoenix.
month of print issue. Contact:, perspectives who employ a variety of research Igneous Petrology, Western
+1-800-472-1988 ext. 1053, or +1-303-357-1053. Email corre- methods, including field, analytical, and compu-
spondence should include complete contact information tational approaches. The successful candidate will Washington University
(including phone and mailing address). Rates are in U.S. dollars. The Geology Dept. at Western Washington Uni-
demonstrate a capacity to develop an innovative
Per line each versity (WWU) invites applications for a tenure-
Per Line for addt’l month research program that provides meaningful, rich,
Classification 1st month (same ad) and varied educational experiences for undergrad- track, assistant professor position with specialty
Positions Open $9.35 $9.30 uate students. Furman’s location at the foothills of in Igneous Petrology to begin Sept. 16, 2020. We
Fellowship Opportunities $9.35 $9.30 the Blue Ridge Mountains provides easy access to seek individuals who are enthusiastic about teach-
Opportunities for Students ing and who will establish a vigorous research pro-
First 25 lines FREE $5.00 a geologically and ecologically diverse region with gram, and are particularly interested in those who
Additional lines $5.00 $5.00 ample opportunity for integrating field experiences will combine field and analytical, experimental or
and local research into the curriculum. Teaching modeling approaches in their research, and who
POSITIONS OPEN responsibilities consist of four courses with labs will involve undergraduate and master’s-level stu-
per year, including Earth Systems (EES 115), Min- dents in their research.
Geosciences/Solid Earth, Wellesley eralogy and Petrology I (EES 220), and upper level The ideal candidate will enhance our existing
College electives. Candidates with experience in GIS or strengths in geoscience teaching and research by
spatial analysis methods as well as an interest in
The Dept. of Geosciences invites applications developing new courses and research avenues in
for an open rank tenure track faculty member with collaborative research connecting geosciences and igneous petrology. Broad areas of interest include,
sustainability science are particularly desirable.
broad teaching and research interests in Solid Earth The Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences but are not limited to, the timescales of magmatic
Geosciences. Our ideal future colleague will be is home to two undergraduate majors: Earth and processes, the evolution of the continental crust,
engaged in teaching at all levels of the curriculum Environmental Sciences, and Sustainability Sci- mantle, oceanic lithosphere/ocean island/mid-ocean
including our core classes Dynamic Earth and Earth ence. Innovative curriculum, engaging students in ridge processes, the recycling of elements and vola-
Materials. Advanced courses are centered around class and in the field, and collegiality are the core tiles within arc magmas and subduction systems,
petrology, structural geology and tectonics depend- values of our Dept. We have a diverse faculty rep- and links between tectonic and magmatic processes.
ing on the research program of the candidate. We resenting physical and social sciences with a com- For details about the position, application
are seeking a colleague with a strong background in information and instructions, go to the WWU
field geology and a commitment to teaching in the mon mission to positively impact the environment Employment website http://employment.wwu
field. The ideal candidate will be able to develop an and society through teaching, research, and men- .edu/cw/en-us/job/497184/assistant-professor-of-
externally funded research portfolio that provides torship. The Dept. hosts extensive lab facilities and igneous-petrology.
rich research experiences for Wellesley under- instrumentation, with opportunities to incorporate Review of applications begins Dec. 15, 2019, and
graduates. Successful applicants will have a Ph.D. analytical techniques into teaching and research. continues until position is filled. Please contact the
in geoscience (though applicants who are ABD will Applicants should include PDF versions of a search committee chair, Susan DeBari (debari@
be considered). letter of application, a curriculum vitae, a state- for questions about this position.
Wellesley is a highly selective liberal arts college ment of teaching interests and philosophy (2 pages
for women located 12 miles west of Boston. Welles- maximum), a statement of research interests and Assistant Professor, Geology-Marine
ley is dedicated to the goal of building a diverse future research priorities (2 pages maximum), an and Coastal Science, Western
and inclusive academic community. We strongly initial research plan for work with undergradu- Washington University
encourage applications from candidates who can ates (2 pages maximum), diversity & inclusiveness The Geology Dept. and the Marine and Coastal
demonstrate through their teaching, research, statement describing how your teaching, scholar- Science (MACS) program at Western Washington
and service that they can contribute to this goal. ship, mentoring and/or service might contribute University (WWU) invite applications for two
Familiarity with, and experience using, pedagogi- to a liberal arts college community that includes a tenure-track, assistant professor positions with
cal methods that enable students across all racial, commitment to diversity & inclusiveness as part of specialties in one of three fields:
ethnic and socio-economic groups to reach their its core values (2 pages maximum); unofficial tran- Coastal Geomorphology/Coastal Geohaz-
maximum potential will be considered a valuable scripts; and names of three references. Visit Dept. ards: The ideal candidate will enhance our exist-
additional qualification. of Earth and Environmental Sciences website ing strengths in geoscience teaching and research
Review of applications begins on Oct. 15, 2019, ( for additional information by developing new courses and research avenues
and will continue until the position is filled. Appli- about the position and the Dept. Applications will in coastal geomorphology, coastal tectonics and
cants should submit a cover letter, curriculum be accepted until Nov. 1, 2019. geo-hazards. Broad areas of interest include, but are
vitae, research and teaching statements, and the Furman University is a nationally ranked private, not limited to, coastal erosion and sediment trans-
names/email addresses of three references through residential liberal arts college located near Green- port, delta evolution, beach/tidal morphodynam-
our online application system at: https://career ville, South Carolina, which has a thriving down- ics, marine geohazards, and tectonic processes that town and a vibrant international community. Fur- impact coastal zones, including uplift, subsidence,
and tsunami generation and impacts.
man University is an equal opportunity employer
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in committed to increasing faculty diversity. The Paleoceanography/Paleoclimate: The ideal can-
Mineralogy and Petrology (Tenure university aims to create a community of people didate will enhance our existing strengths in geo-
Track Position), Furman University representing a multiplicity of identities including, science teaching and research by developing new
The Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences but not limited to, gender, race, religion, spiritual courses and research avenues in paleoceanography/
at Furman University invites applications for an belief, sexual orientation, geographic origin, socio- paleoclimatology. Broad areas of interest include,
open-rank, tenure-track position in Mineralogy economic background, ideology, world view and but are not limited to, oceanic circulation and heat
and Petrology beginning in Aug. 2020. The suc- varied abilities. transport, micropaleontology/paleoecology, the car-
cessful candidate will have a Ph.D. prior to the For more details about the position, applica- bon cycle, and geochemical processes that are related
date of appointment and demonstrate a commit- tion information and instructions, go to http://ees to climate variations on geological timescales. Tools
ment to excellence in teaching, student advising, or contact Dr. Suresh Muthukrishnan and techniques used to address these problems can
56 GSA Today | September 2019