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include geochemical or sedimentological proxies of taining past and/or potential contributions to diver- Colgate faculty are committed to excellence in both
climate variations, paleontological proxies/indica- sity through research, teaching, and or service, teaching and scholarship. The Geology Dept. com-
tors of climate variations, physical oceanographic CV, research statement, teaching statement, and prises seven faculty, a senior lecturer, and a techni-
data, or other appropriate techniques. a list of three individuals who will provide letters cian. Analytical facilities include SEM-EDS, XRF,
Marine Geologist: The ideal candidate will of reference. Submit materials online at: https:// XRD, ICP-MS, IC, AA, stable isotope mass spec-
enhance our existing strengths in geoscience teach- Questions trometer, micropaleontology lab, and geophysical
ing and research by developing new courses and concerning the application or receipt of applica- equipment. Further information about the Geology
research avenues in marine geology with a focus on tion materials should be sent to: Dr. Nicole Bonuso Dept. can be found at
crustal/lithospheric evolution and/or tectonic pro- It is the policy of Colgate University not to dis-
cesses. Broad areas of interest include, but are not Full Professor and Dept. Chair, criminate against any employee or applicant for
limited to, formation of the oceanic lithosphere and employment on the basis of their race, color, creed,
crustal evolution, geodynamics of the ocean basins, Dept. of Geological Sciences and religion, age, sex, pregnancy, national origin, mari-
hydrothermal circulation at mid-ocean ridges, geo- Engineering (DGSE), University of tal status, disability, protected Veterans status,
chemistry of rock-water interactions, submarine Nevada, Reno sexual orientation, gender identity or expression,
volcanic systems, or tectonic processes associated The Dept. of Geological Sciences and Engineer- genetic information, status as a victim of domestic
with oceanic plate boundaries. Tools and tech- ing (DGSE) at UNR invites applications for a ten- violence or stalking, familial status, or any other
niques used to address these problems can include ured, full professor to serve as Dept. Chair. Appli- categories covered by law. Colgate is an Equal
geochemical analyses, geophysical methods, geo- cants must have a Ph.D. in Geological Sciences or a Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. Candi-
spatial analysis, textural rock analysis, numerical related field, and a proven track record in research dates from historically underrepresented groups,
models, or other appropriate techniques. and service as well as evidence of successful per- women, persons with disabilities, and protected
These positions will begin Sept 16, 2020. As sonnel and financial management. Leadership veterans are encouraged to apply. Applicants with
members of the group of initial faculty hires into qualities, enthusiasm, effective interpersonal com- dual-career considerations can find postings of
the MACS program, the successful applicant will munication and organizational skills are required. other employment opportunities at Colgate and at
foster an interdisciplinary approach to teaching The University of Nevada, Reno is an equal other institutions of higher education in upstate
and research in geology and marine science. We opportunity/affirmative action employer. We pro- New York at
seek individuals who are enthusiastic about teach- mote excellence through diversity and encourage Hydrogeology and Environmental
ing and who will establish a vigorous research pro- all qualified individuals to apply. Geology, Albion College
gram, and are particularly interested in those who For additional details on the Dept. and UNR
will combine field, experimental, and/or modeling please see the full application: https://nshe.wd1 The Albion College Dept. of Geological Sciences
approaches in their research program, and who will invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Pro-
involve undergraduate and Masters-level students University-of-Nevada-Reno---Main-Campus/ fessor of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geol-
in their research. Professor-Chair-Geological-Sciences_R0116800. ogy beginning Aug. 2020.
To apply, and for further details regarding quali- Assistant Professor of Paleontology, The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. prior
fications and position responsibilities, please see Colgate University to the date of appointment and will have demon- The Dept. of Geology at Colgate University strated teaching and research interests in hydro-
assistant-professor-geology-marine-and-coastal- geology and environmental geology. The suc-
science invites applications for a tenure-stream position in cessful candidate will normally teach two courses
Please contact the search committee chair, the area of Paleontology at the rank of Assistant (lectures and labs) per semester to a diverse stu-
Bernie Housen ( for ques- Professor, beginning fall semester 2020. dent body. The courses include introductory and
tions about these positions. Review of applications We seek an individual with a Ph.D. who is com- advanced undergraduate courses in hydrogeology,
begins Oct. 14, 2019, and continues until the posi- mitted to excellence in teaching and research at the environmental geochemistry, and an area of spe-
tions are filled. undergraduate level. Completion of the Ph.D. is cialization that will enhance and complement our
expected prior to or shortly after the date of hire.
undergraduate geology and interdisciplinary envi-
Geoscience Education, California The area of specialization is open but could include ronmental curricula. The Dept. offers a nationally
State University, Fullerton invertebrate or vertebrate paleontology, paleobot- recognized biennial Summer Field Camp in the
The Dept. of Geological Sciences invites appli- any, micropaleontology, paleoecology, or paleo- Rockies and annual regional geology field trips.
cations for a tenure-track Assistant Professorship climatology. The successful applicant will teach Candidates with interests in interdisciplinary col-
beginning Aug. 2020. CSUF is a minority-serving introductory courses for non-majors, an interme- laborations, field-based research and teaching,
institution, and an affirmative action and equal diate-level Paleontology course for majors, as well GIS, and engagement in local environmental issues
opportunity employer with a strong commitment as develop upper-level courses in their area of spe- and the Center for Sustainability and the Environ-
to increasing campus diversity. We seek a geosci- cialty. Participation in the Geology Dept.’s summer ment are particularly desirable. Interest in curricu-
ence educator who develops, applies, and evalu- field courses and meaningful involvement of under- lar innovation and increasing diversity and inclu-
ates new geoscience teaching innovations and graduates in research are expected. All Colgate fac- sion in geology both in the classroom and field are
curricula, as well as develops and tests geoscience ulty are expected to participate in all-university pro- also valued. Candidates are expected to conduct
education research questions and hypotheses. We grams, including the Liberal Arts Core Curriculum. research that includes undergraduate students, par-
expect candidates to show evidence of an existing A cover letter, CV, research and teaching state- ticipate in co-curricular Departmental activities,
or developing active, externally funded student- ments, and two reference letters must be submit- and contribute to all-college programs and/or inter-
centered research program. We seek a scholar who ted through disciplinary programs.
demonstrates interest and ability to teach courses jobs/14050. Review of applications will begin Sept. The institution and Dept. have well-funded
in general geology and geoscience education at 27, 2019, and continue until the position is filled. undergraduate and faculty research initiatives and
various levels including: general education, lower- Colgate strives to be a community supportive of strongly support faculty travel, teaching, and schol-
and upper-division undergraduate, and graduate diverse perspectives and identities. All applications arship. The Dept. of Geological Sciences has five
courses. The successful candidate shall: (1) coordi- should speak directly to the candidate’s ability to FTE faculty positions and two technicians and is
nate geoscience education courses; (2) help facili- work effectively with students across a wide range well equipped with a dedicated GIS computer lab,
tate the integration of teacher preparation; and (3) of identities and backgrounds. analytical instruments (including XRF, XRD, ICP-
be involved in program-level assessment for our Colgate is a highly selective liberal arts univer- OES), and field equipment (extensive GPS, survey-
Dept. Applicants should submit a cover letter con- sity of 2900 students situated in central New York. ing, water quality multi-parameter sondes). Depart- 57