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          mental facilities include seven teaching labs, six   position has a start date as early as Jan. 1, 2020.   by Oct. 15, 2019 to guarantee full consideration,
          faculty research labs, a student research lab, and a   A PhD in Geological Sciences or a related field is   although applications will continue to be accepted
          dedicated environmental geochemistry lab.   required, and we especially encourage applications   until the position is filled. For more information
            Candidates should submit: a cover letter; current   from candidates with prior industry, research, and/  and to apply, go to:
          vita; graduate and undergraduate transcripts; docu-  or faculty experience. The Dept. of Geological Sci-  job/502003/epma-lab-director.
          mentation of teaching excellence; an undergraduate   ences is affiliated with several research centers and   The University of Wisconsin–Madison is an
          teaching statement that includes pedagogy, experi-  institutes (EMARC, INSTAAR, CSDMS, CIRES,   Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer
          ences, objectives and commitment to equity and   LASP) and offers a diverse set of resources for   with a commitment to diversity at all levels.
          inclusion; a research statement that includes a plan to   teaching and research. Visit  Assistant Lecturer/Assistant Teaching
          incorporate students; and letters from at least three   geologicalsciences to learn more about the Dept.,
          references to   these affiliations, and resources.  Professor Position, Geoscience,
          Direct questions to Dr. Carrie Menold, cmenold@  For consideration, applications must be sub-  Miami University
 The deadline for submission of the com-  mitted  through  The Dept. of Geology and Environmental Earth
          plete application is Oct. 25th. Submissions of vita   JobDetail/?jobId=19641.  Science at Miami University invites applications for
          and cover letter received by Aug. 30th will be con-  Applications must include statements of   a full-time Assistant Lecturer or Assistant Teaching
          sidered for an in-person interview at GSA Annual   research and teaching interests; a curriculum vita;   Professor position on the Oxford campus, begin-
          Meeting in Phoenix (Sept. 23–24) other preliminary   reprints  of  three  papers;  and names and contact   ning Aug. 2020. The Assistant Lecturer/Assis-
          interviews will be held after Oct. 25th.  information of three individuals who can provide   tant Teaching Professor will teach undergraduate
            Albion College is a small (1550 undergraduates)   letters of recommendation.  courses, including foundation courses in physical
          private, residential, liberal arts college located in a   Research statements should include a description   and environmental geology, as well as intermediate
          racially diverse community of about 9,000 in south-  of what the applicant considers to be the important   level courses; advise undergraduate students; and
          central Michigan. Albion College is dedicated to   problems in their field, and how their research con-  provide professional service to the Dept. and uni-
          the highest quality in undergraduate education,   tributes to these questions. Teaching statements   versity. Required: M.S. in geoscience (for appoint-
          with a commitment to diversity as a core institu-  should address goals and approaches to instruction.  ment as Assistant Lecturer) or Ph.D. in geoscience
          tional value. The College is committed to a policy   Review of applications will begin on July 20,   (for appointment as Assistant Teaching Professor)
          of  equal  opportunity  and  non-discrimination  on   2019, and full consideration will be given to appli-  by time of appointment, and documented teaching
          the basis of race, color, national origin, sexual ori-  cations received by Sept. 1, 2019. Applications will   experience; applicant must be a U.S. citizen, a law-
          entation, religion, sex, gender, age or disability, as   be accepted until the position is filled.   ful permanent resident, admitted for residence as
          protected by law, in all educational programs and   The University of Colorado Boulder is commit-  an applicant under the 1986 immigration amnesty
          activities, admission of students and conditions of   ted to building a culturally diverse community of   law, refugee, or asylee. Desired: interest in con-
          employment. Albion is especially interested in can-  faculty, staff, and students dedicated to contribut-  tributing  to  supervision  of  undergraduate  student
          didates who will contribute to a campus climate that   ing to an inclusive campus environment. We are an   research and field-based experiences. Submit let-
          supports equality and diversity. Visit our website at   Equal Opportunity employer, including veterans   ter of application, curriculum vitae, and evidence
                    and individuals with disabilities.  of teaching effectiveness to http://jobs.miamioh
          Bruce D. Benson Endowed Chair in   Director, Electron Microbeam         .edu/cw/en-us/job/495551. Letters of reference will
                                                                                be requested upon receipt of application. Inquiries
          Petroleum Geology, University of   Laboratory, University of Wisconsin–  can be directed to Cathy Edwards at edwardca@
          Colorado Boulder                   Madison                     Review of applications will begin on
            The Dept. of Geological Sciences at the Univer-  The Dept. of Geoscience at the University of   Oct. 2, 2019 and continue until position is filled.
          sity of Colorado Boulder, invites applications for   Wisconsin-Madison invites  applications at the   Miami University, an EO/AA employer, encour-
          the Bruce D. Benson Endowed Chair in Petroleum   Assistant, Associate, or Senior Scientist level to   ages applications from minorities, women, protected
          Geology. We seek an outstanding scientist who has   fill the Director’s position in the Eugene Cameron   veterans  and  individuals  with  disabilities.  Miami
          a demonstrable record for excellence in teaching and   Electron Microprobe Laboratory (www.geology  does not permit, and takes action to prevent harass-
          a strong scholarly record in the broad field of petro- This is a full-time,   ment, discrimination and retaliation. Requests for
          leum geosciences. Candidates with an ability to inte-  institutionally-supported position. The lab houses   reasonable accommodations for disabilities should
          grate multiple specialties to solve difficult technical   SX51 and SX5FE electron microprobes, a Hitachi   be  directed  to
          questions are desired. The focus of teaching and   S3400 VP scanning electron microscope, and a   or 513-529-3560. Annual Security and Fire Safety
          research can be in any aspect of petroleum geology,   lab manager to assist with SEM maintenance and   Report  may  be  found  at:
          such as reservoir characterization,  structure and   operations. The lab serves as a hub for interdisci-  campus-safety/annual-report/index.html.  Crimi-
          geomechanics, reflection seismology, petroleum   plinary scientific inquiry, providing hands-on train-  nal background check required. All campuses are
          geochemistry, or petroleum systems modeling.   ing of students from disciplines across campus.   smoke- and tobacco-free.
            The successful candidate is expected to bridge   Additional Departmental resources include two
          to wider faculty interests, build collaborations with   electronics engineers and a staffed thin-section lab.
          existing faculty, and complement our strengths in   Applicants should hold a  Ph.D. in Earth Sci-
          petroleum geology, sedimentology, stratigraphy,   ences, Chemistry, Physics, Material Science, or   Hiring?
          geophysics, paleontology, structure and tectonics,   related fields at time of appointment. Demon-
          geochemistry, geohydrology, paleoclimatology,   strated ability and experience in the use of elec-
          geomorphology, and geobiology. The success-  tron  beam  instruments for  high-quality,  quanti-  Find those qualified to fill vacancies.
          ful candidate will need to: develop an externally   tative analyses is required. Two or more years of   Use print issues of GSA Today
          funded, innovative and impactful research program   daily hands-on management of an electron micro-  and GSA’s Geoscience Job Board
          (preferably with industry participation); supervise   probe lab is preferred, as is demonstrated ability   ( Bundle
          independent student research at both graduate and   to pursue fundable research using electron micro-
          undergraduate levels; contribute to Departmental   beam instrumentation.   and save for best pricing options.
          teaching at all levels; and provide applied training   Applicants should submit the following: (1)
          and guidance for students interested in a career in   cover letter that includes your research statement,   That unique candidate is
          the energy sector.                 (2) curriculum vitae, and (3) the names and con-  waiting to be found.
            This academic-year, open rank, tenure-track   tact information for three referees. Please apply

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