Page 36 - GSATJanuary2020
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Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA advertising office no Foundation ADVANCE award to promote gender ture, deformation, and interaction with fluids during
later than the first of the month, one month prior to the issue in
which they are to be published. (Note: Combined March/April issue equity in STEM faculty, led by SEES faculty (see their evolution. The appointee is expected to develop
releases on March schedule.) Print ads will also appear on the The Division of Diver- a high-profile, externally funded research program
Geoscience Job Board to coincide with the month of print issue.
Contact:, +1-800-472-1988 ext. sity and Belonging coordinates affinity groups for and teach courses in solid-Earth aspects of geology.
1053, or +1-303-357-1053. Email correspondence should include faculty and staff who identify as persons of color, This position has excellent opportunities for
complete contact information (including phone and mailing Latinx, LGBTQ+, and as persons with disabilities. collaboration given existing strengths in igneous
address). Rates are in U.S. dollars.
The University is fully accredited by the Higher petrology/geochemistry, U-Th-Pb geochronology
Per line each Learning Commission and is a member of the North (Arizona LaserChron Center), noble gas geochemis-
Per Line for addt’l month
Classification 1st month (same ad) Central Association. For more information, please try/geochronology (Arizona Noble Gas Laboratory),
Positions Open $9.40 $9.35 visit: TIMS-based geochronology and petrogenesis, and
Fellowship Opportunities $9.40 $9.35 For a complete job description and application fission-track geo/thermochronology.
Opportunities for Students instructions, visit or Review of applications will begin January 6, 2020,
First 25 lines FREE $5.00
Additional lines $5.00 $5.00 contact the Office of Human Resources at BGSU. and will continue until the position is filled. Details
All applications are accepted and processed through about the position and application materials can be
the HireTouch website. In compliance with the ADA found at:
POSITIONS OPEN Amendments Act (ADAAA), if you have a disabil- Equal Opportunity Employer Minorities/Women/
ity and would like to request an accommodation in Vets/Disabled.
Faculty Position, Sedimentary order to apply for a position with Bowling Green
Processes, Bowling Green State State University, please call +1-419-372-8421. Mini- Visiting Assistant Professor
University mum qualifications for the position are: a Ph.D. in of Geology, Dept. of Geology,
The School of Earth, Environment, and Society geosciences or a closely related field such as envi- Washington and Lee University
ronmental science or geography (ABDs will be con-
(SEES) at Bowling Green State University (BGSU) sidered as long as the requirements for the degree The Department of Geology at Washington and
invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Pro- are completed by August 2020); a demonstrated Lee University invites applications for a one-year
fessor position in Sedimentary Processes beginning record of research in sedimentary processes (e.g., Visiting Assistant Professor of Geology, beginning
August 2020. SEES includes programs in Geology, publications in peer-reviewed journals, conference July 1, 2020, and with potential for renewal. This
Geography, and Environment and Sustainability presentations); and teaching experience at the colle- position carries a 6-course teaching load distrib-
and offers multiple undergraduate degrees in these giate level (e.g. course instructor, teaching assistant, uted over Fall and Winter terms (12 weeks each),
areas and two M.S. degrees in Geology and Applied and the university’s signature 4-week Spring Term.
Geospatial Science. guest lecturer). The position is open to candidates with expertise
We seek an individual who will develop a pro- For an application to be considered complete,
ductive, collaborative, externally funded research applicants must include the following materials in in any area of geoscience, although preference may
be given to those able to teach one or more of GIS,
program at BGSU in the broad area of sedimentary their application: a letter of application, curriculum geomorphology, oceanography, planetary geology,
processes. vitae, statements of research and teaching interests, or water resources. Courses taught by the visitor
The candidate will be expected to teach introduc- statement of past and anticipated contributions to
tory undergraduate courses, a required course in Sed- advancing diversity and inclusion, the names and will include Physical Geology and other courses at
imentology and Stratigraphy for geology undergradu- contact information of three references who will be the introductory or advanced level as needed for our
ates, and upper-level undergraduate and graduate invited to provide a current (dated within the past curriculum and dependent upon the successful can-
level courses in their area(s) of expertise. The candi- year) letter of reference, and copies of or links to up didate’s expertise. Preferred candidates will hold a
date will also have the opportunity to contribute to the to five publications. Ph.D. or have ABD status.
summer Field Geology course. Mentoring of under- Applicants should describe how their research Washington and Lee University promotes a
graduate and graduate student research is expected. will leverage existing assets and expertise includ- dynamic and inclusive environment that allows
SEES has up to date research and teaching facili- ing a growing focus in watershed processes within students and employees of multiple backgrounds,
ties in sedimentology and sedimentary geology. SEES, how they would collaborate with colleagues cultures, and perspectives to learn, work, and thrive
For more information about SEES and the posi- in hydrology, geochemistry, paleobiology, geospa- together. Successful candidates will contribute to
tion, visit tial science, environmental science or environmen- that environment and exhibit potential for excel-
earth-environment-and-society.html or email the tal policy, and how their work supports BGSU’s lence in teaching and for vigorous scholarship. In
Sedimentary Processes Search Committee Chair, mission of contributing to the public good. keeping with the University Strategic Plan, we wel-
Dr. Peg Yacobucci, Application deadline: January 15, 2020. come applications from underrepresented minority
BGSU is a high-research, residential university A background check and official transcripts candidates and members of other communities that
located in northwest Ohio approximately 20 miles showing highest degree earned are required for are traditionally underrepresented in academia.
south of Toledo, Ohio, 30 miles from Lake Erie, and employment. Washington and Lee University is a highly selec-
70 miles from Ann Arbor, Michigan, and the Detroit BGSU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Oppor- tive, independent, co-educational, liberal arts col-
airport. BGSU offers more than 200 undergraduate tunity Educator and Employer. We are committed lege of approximately 1850 undergraduate and 400
majors and programs, 47 master’s degree programs, to fostering a diverse and inclusive environment law students and located in Lexington, VA, three
and 17 doctoral degree programs. U.S. News and and strongly encourage applications from women, hours southwest of Washington, DC. W&L is con-
World Report names BGSU as one of the top pub- minorities, veterans, and individuals with disabili- sistently ranked among the top 12 national liberal
lic universities nationwide with a strong commit- ties regardless of age, gender identity, genetic infor- arts colleges. The Geology Department (https://
ment to first-year programs that lead to success. mation, religion, or sexual orientation. has excellent
Approximately 20,000 students (including 2900 facilities and resources, makes great use of the
graduate students) attend BGSU. BGSU’s enroll- Faculty Position in Tectonic Appalachians in field courses and labs, and is a
ment includes 23% first-generation college stu- Petrochronology, University of Arizona member of the Keck Geology Consortium.
dents. Over 17% of our students identify as persons The Department of Geosciences at the University Review of applications will begin on January 30.
of color, and nearly 5% are international students. of Arizona seeks to hire a tenure-track assistant pro- Candidates should submit: a letter of application
Of BGSU’s 1200 faculty members, 13% identify as fessor in petrochronology—an emerging field that demonstrating the ability to work with a diverse
persons of color and 4% hail from different coun- explores the power of minerals to serve as time cap- student population, a CV, a statement of teaching
tries. BGSU is the recipient of a National Science sules that yield information about pressure, tempera- interests and philosophy, a research statement, and
36 GSA Today | January 2020