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         to instrumentation and facilities in the Departments   receive Research or Teaching Assistantships and a   Metal Earth is a CAD $104 million project that seeks
         of Geology and Chemistry for research and teach-  Lindahl Scholarship totaling at least $22,000 for a   to identify and understand the processes responsible
         ing. These include a powder-XRD, micro-XRF,   nine-month appointment, and the cost of non-resi-  for Earth’s differential metal endowment during the
         SEM-EDS, CHNSO Elemental Analyzer, ICP-OES,   dent tuition is covered. Funding is renewable for 4   Precambrian. This research initiative aims to trans-
         petrographic and binocular microscopes, and sed-  years if expectations are met. Other fellowships are   form  our  understanding  of  Earth’s  early  evolution
         iment-sieving equipment. The search committee is   available from the Graduate School. Further details   and how we explore for metals. Specific projects
         especially interested in candidates with a demon-  are at Applicants should   include: (1) Sedimentology, detrital zircon geochro-
         strated ability to teach and mentor a diverse student   contact Dr. Geoff Tick ( to express   nology, and geochemistry of the Archean Ament Bay
         population. A Ph.D. at the time of appointment is   interest. Review of applications for Fall 2020 admis-  assemblage, Sturgeon Lake greenstone belt, western
         preferred, but ABD candidates will be considered.  sion will begin January 15, 2020.  Ontario (MSc); (2) Structural geology and stratig-
          Complete applications will include: (1) a brief cover                 raphy of the Archean Steep Rock Group, Atikokan,
         letter, (2) a curriculum vitae, (3) a statement of teach-  Ball State University. The Department of Environ-  western Ontario (MSc); (3) Gold metallogeny of the
         ing philosophy illustrating commitment to diversity   ment, Geology & Natural Resources at Ball State   Archean Steep Rock and Finlayson greenstone belts,
         and inclusive teaching, and (4) three confidential let-  University  in  Muncie,  Indiana,  invites  applications   Atikokan, western Ontario (MSc); (4) Greenstone
         ters of recommendation. Please submit all materials   for full-time Ph.D., master of science and/or master of   belt Assemblage Boundaries (Ph.D.); and (5) Metal-
         via Interfolio at: Applica-  arts students starting in August 2020. We seek highly   logeny of the Archean VMS Sturgeon Lake green-
         tions received by January 6, 2020, will receive full   motivated students with excellent written and analyti-  stone belt, western Ontario (Ph.D.). Mapping experi-
         consideration, but applications will be reviewed until   cal skills. Graduate assistant positions are available on   ence, particularly in volcanology, structural geology,
         the position is filled. Inquiries may also be directed to   a competitive basis. Faculty research covers the spec-  and sedimentology is an asset. The projects are fully           trum of environmental and geological sciences, and   funded for two years (MSc) and four years (Ph.D.)
          Colby is a private, coeducational liberal arts col-  natural resource management. Please contact Dr. K.   through a stipend of CAD $30K/yr (includes a Lau-
         lege  that  admits  students  and  makes  employment   Nicholson,, for details. Additional   rentian Graduate Assistantship). All field and ana-
         decisions on the basis of the individual’s qualifica-  information can be found at  lytical costs are covered. For more information on
         tions to contribute to Colby’s educational objectives   academics/collegesanddepartments/environment-  the projects and application process, see https://merc
         and institutional needs. Colby College does not dis-  geology-natural-resources.  Laurentian  University  espe-
         criminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual                  cially  welcomes  and  encourages  applications  from
         orientation, gender identity or expression, disability,   Doctoral Student Opportunities, Duke Univer-  members of visible minorities, women, Aboriginal
         religion, ancestry or national origin, age, marital   sity. The Division of Earth and Ocean Sciences at   persons, members of sexual minorities and persons
         status,  genetic  information,  or  veteran’s  status  in   Duke University invites intellectually engaged and   with disabilities. Applicants may self-identify as a
         employment or in our educational programs. Colby   motivated students to apply to our doctoral program.   member of an employment equity group.
         is an Equal Opportunity employer, committed to   We particularly seek applicants in the fields of bio-
         excellence through diversity, and encourages appli-  geochemical oceanography, geochemical hydrol-
         cations from qualified persons of color, women,   ogy, coastal processes and geomorphology, atmo-
         persons  with  disabilities,  military  veterans,  and   spheric dynamics, climate change, and energy and
         members of other under-represented groups. Colby   resources. As part of Duke’s Nicholas School of the
         complies with Title IX, which prohibits discrimina-  Environment,  our  graduate  students  interact  with
         tion on the basis of sex in an institution’s education   faculty and students in diverse fields related to the   Hiring?
         programs and activities. Questions regarding Title   earth, oceans, atmosphere, biosphere and environ-
         IX may be referred to Colby’s Title IX coordinator   ment. We offer 5 years of financial support through
         or to the federal Office of Civil Rights. For more   research and teaching assistantships and fellow-  Find those qualified to fill vacancies.
         information about the College, please visit our web-  ships.  For  more  information,  please  visit  https://  Use print issues of GSA Today
         site:        and GSA’s Geoscience Job Board
                                             earth-ocean-sciences-eos or email our Director of   ( Bundle
          OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS         Graduate Studies at  and save for best pricing options.
         Lindahl Ph.D. Scholarships. The University of   MSc and Ph.D. Student Opportunities, Mineral
         Alabama Department of Geological Sciences seeks   Exploration Research Centre, Laurentian Uni-  That unique candidate is
         Ph.D. students with specializations that complement   versity. Funded MSc and Ph.D. projects are avail-  waiting to be found.
         faculty research interests. Exceptional students will   able through Metal Earth at Laurentian University.

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