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contact information for three references. All materi- undergraduate and graduate courses in the faculty geomechanical software upon which the candidate
als should be submitted via Interfolio at http://apply member’s specialty. Review of applications will will ideally capitalize. For more information, you begin January 1, 2020, and continue until the posi- Candidates with expertise in soil and rock
may contact Jeffrey Rahl at tion is filled. CSUB fosters and appreciates ethnic mechanics, and who currently lead field- and com-
and cultural diversity among its faculty and students, putationally-based research examining geohazards
Assistant Professor of Sedimentology, and is committed to increasing the diversity of its related to the resource sector and natural hazards
Colorado Mesa University faculty to reflect the diversity of the campus com- are encouraged to apply. The successful candidate
The Geosciences Program in the Department of munity. Applications from women, ethnic minori- will develop an internationally recognized, exter-
Physical and Environmental Sciences at Colorado ties, veterans, and individuals with disabilities are nally funded research program, and supervise both
Mesa University (CMU) invites applications for a welcome. The full announcement and instructions Masters- and Doctoral-level graduate students.
full-time, tenure-track Assistant Professor position on how to apply can be found at: http://www.csub Teaching responsibilities will include undergradu-
to begin August 2020. The successful candidate will .edu/Geology/; email: ate and graduate level courses that support the
have a Ph.D. in Geological Sciences (by August 31, environmental geoscience curriculum, specifically
2020) and a strong background in field-based silici- Metal Earth PDF/Research Associate Introduction to Soil and Rock Engineering and
clastic sedimentary geology. Experience or at least a Positions, Laurentian University Resource Geotechnics.
strong interest in energy resources is desirable. The The Mineral Exploration Research Centre at Lau- The candidate is expected to become a registered
geology faculty at CMU have a unified core peda- rentian University, Canada, seeks applicants for two Professional Engineer or Geoscientist in British
gogy involving year-round field-based education, postdoctoral positions with Metal Earth, a CAD Columbia.
and due to Grand Junction’s spectacular proximal $104 million project which seeks to identify and For additional information about this position, see
geological exposures, field-based course activities understand the processes responsible for Earth’s
will be highly encouraged & supported. The Assis- All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply;
tant Professor will be expected to develop & incor- differential metal endowment during the Precam- however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents
porate undergraduate research opportunities as part brian. The first position addresses the differential will be given priority. SFU is an equity employer and
of CMU’s campus-wide teacher-scholar model. Suc- VMS endowment of Archean greenstone belts. It encourages applications from all qualified individu-
cess in the position will include four components: (i) will undertake a comprehensive review and compi- als including women, persons with disabilities, visible
teaching 12 credit hours per semester; (ii) offering lation of geological, geochemical, geophysical and minorities, Indigenous Peoples, people of all sexual
research opportunities to undergraduate students; geochronological data at the assemblage scale in the orientations and gender identities, and others who
(iii) advising; and (iv) participation in service to Abitibi Greenstone Belt, followed by post- and pre- may contribute to the further diversification of the
the program, university, and broader geological deformation reconstruction of volcanic assemblages university. Under the authority of the University Act
community. Upper-division undergraduate course and analysis of its deposits, to identify a common set personal information that is required by the Univer-
teaching responsibilities will include Sedimentol- of geological predictors of mineral endowment. As sity for academic appointment competitions will be
ogy and a course in the candidate’s area of expertise. part of an integrated geological-geophysical team, collected. For further details see:
Participation in our summer Field Camp course is the second position will involve detailed geological vpacademic/Faculty_Openings/Collection_Notice.
desirable. Introductory course teaching responsi- mapping along a transect that cut across precious html. The University acknowledges the potential
bilities may come through our existing courses in metal endowed and less endowed ancestral faults impact of career interruptions on a candidate’s record
Physical Geology, Field-based Physical Geology, in greenstone belts of the western Superior craton. of research productivity, and encourages candidates to
Historical Geology, and Geology of Colorado. Dem- Research will establish the stratigraphic and struc- explain such interruptions.
onstrated teaching and research experience with tural architecture of the belts, and the timing and Applicants are requested to submit a curriculum
undergraduate students is desirable. relationship between precious metal systems and vitae, a statement of research and teaching inter-
The Geosciences Program at Colorado Mesa the evolution of the greenstone belts. The positions
University consists of ~70 undergraduate majors, 6 are funded for 2 to 4 years beginning in February- ests, and the names, titles, affiliations and contact
information (including phone numbers and email
tenure-track faculty, and 1 full-time instructor. More May, 2020. Reviews of application will start in addresses) of three referees. Electronic applications
information about the Geosciences Program and fac- January. For more information on the positions and
ulty can be found at application process, see are mandatory. Review of applications will begin
geosciences/index.html careers. Laurentian University especially welcomes January 20, 2020. Applications should be directed to:
Direct inquiries to Andres Aslan at +1-970-248- and encourages applications from members of vis- Dr. Brent Ward, Chair, Department of Earth
1614 or at ible minorities, women, Aboriginal persons, mem- Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC.
To apply, go to bers of sexual minorities and persons with disabili- Email:
ats/careersite/search.aspx?site=2&c=coloradomesa. ties. Applicants may self-identify as a member of an
Review of applications will begin January 21, employment equity group. One-Year Visiting Assistant Professor,
2020, and will continue until the position is filled. Paleoclimate/Global Change, Colby
AA/EOE, committed to a culturally diverse fac- Associate Professorship in Resource College, Waterville, Maine
ulty, staff and student body. Geoscience and Geotechnics, Simon The Colby College Department of Geology invites
Fraser University applications for a one-year Visiting Assistant Pro-
Assistant Professor of Geology, The Department of Earth Sciences at Simon Fra- fessor specializing in paleoclimate, paleoceanogra-
California State University, ser University invites applications for an Endowed phy, global environmental change, or a related field
Bakersfield Chair in Resource Geoscience and Geotechnics at to begin September 1, 2020. The successful candi-
The Department of Geological Sciences at Califor- the Associate Professor level, commencing as early date will teach a sophomore-level undergraduate
nia State University, Bakersfield (CSUB) invites as January 2021. A Ph.D. is required as is previous course on Earth’s climate and paleoclimate history
applications for two tenure-track Assistant Professor professional (e.g. academic or industry) experience. with a lab, as well as an introductory geology course
positions to start in Fall 2020. We seek two broadly The Endowed Chair will provide academic lead- and an upper-level elective in their area of specialty
trained geologists with applied research and teaching ership in support of British Columbia’s resource (a total of four course equivalents). Our ideal candi-
interests including (but not limited to) basin analysis, industry, through training and research in geo- date will be able to offer both field- and lab-based
aqueous geochemistry, groundwater, hydrology, and logical engineering and engineering geology and study of past environmental change in Maine to give
geophysics. Teaching responsibilities will include geotechnics. The Department has state-of-the-art students hands-on experience with paleoclimate
introductory-level courses along with upper-level remote sensing and 3D visualization facilities, and research. The successful candidate will have access 37