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Position Statement Update
GSA Council recently approved minor revisions to the climate require scientifically validated assessment of current and future
change position statement. The summary is below. Full versions of climate impacts.
the statement, along with all GSA position statements, are online This position statement (1) summarizes the scientific basis for
at GSA mem- the consensus among earth scientists that human activities are the
bers are encouraged to use the statements as geoscience communi- primary cause of recent global warming; (2) describes the signifi-
cation tools when interacting with policymakers, students, colleagues, cant effects on humans and ecosystems as greenhouse-gas concen-
and the general public. trations and global climate change reach projected levels; (3) pro-
vides information for policy decisions guiding mitigation and
Climate Change adaptation strategies that are designed to address the current and
Human-induced increases in greenhouse gases, especially CO , future impacts of human-induced climate change; and (4) recom-
are the main drivers of recent global warming. Sound public mends opportunities for GSA members to advance understanding
policy and successful climate change mitigation and adaptation of climate change. 29