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Students: Why Should Geologists Be Licensed?
Jason A. Patton or immediately upon graduation, while you are generally required
to have at least five years of work experience before taking the PG
As students in the discipline of the geosciences, you have prob- exam. Many geologists wait until their work experience require-
ably become aware that the degree program that you have chosen ments are fulfilled before taking the FG exam and then realize they
is an entanglement of numerous overlapping subdisciplines of have forgotten many of the core fundamentals they learned during
geology. In preparation for your career as a practicing geologist, their undergraduate education. ASBOG recommends that students
it is important to understand that many employment opportunities and recent graduates take the FG exam as soon as they are eligible
require you to become a licensed/registered geologist. Licensure is in their state to increase their chances of success.
different than certification (e.g., AIPG certification) in that it is Given that licensure laws vary from state to state and can be
the legal authority granted to you by a state to practice the profes- very complicated, it is incumbent upon geoscience candidates to
sion of geology—similar to a medical license or even a driver’s educate themselves on the details regarding licensure in each
license. Most commonly, licensure applies to geologists working licensure state, including the examination dates, study informa-
at environmental/engineering/construction firms, but also applies tion, and a candidate handbook. For more information, go to
to many federal, state, and local government jobs. ASBOG ’s website ( for
To become licensed, one must complete the three E’s: Education, details about licensure offered in each state. You can also follow
Examination, and Experience. The National Association of State ASBOG on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
Boards of Geology (ASBOG ) fills one of the “E” roles by provid-
ing state licensure boards the examinations necessary to become Dr. Jason A. Patton, P.G., is department head of physical
licensed. Two examinations must be completed, the Fundamentals sciences and associate professor of geology at Arkansas Tech
of Geology (FG) and the Practice of Geology (PG). In most states, University. He is the 2020 ASBOG president elect.
you are eligible to take the FG exam either during your senior year
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30 GSA Today | July 2020