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of Laurentia. These continental nuclei form   190–70 Ma Growth of the Western   appropriate time to think about the tectonic
         Laurentia’s core.                   Continental Margin by Subduction,   record  in  the  broadest possible  terms.
                                             With or Without Terrane Accretion  Geophysical data sets are now widely avail-
         1.9–1.7 Ga: Turning Points in        This 190–70 Ma time slice saw the forma-  able,  and  workers  are  processing  and  inte-
         Paleoproterozoic Tectonic Evolution  tion of the wide North America Cordillera   grating the data in new ways to gain insight
          The Paleoproterozoic time interval saw   and the opening of the Gulf of Mexico,   into 3D implications of surface observations.
         the formation of the first recognizable pas-  involving a number of processes, including   Actualistic models of plumes, drips, slabs,
         sive margins, formation and accretion of   extension, shortening, lateral translation,   slab tears, mantle wind, Moho variation, and
         oceanic crust, arcs, back-arc basins, foreland   subduction, magmatism, metamorphism,   discontinuities at all levels of the crust, litho-
         basins, and other environments arguably   erosion, and sedimentation.  sphere, and deeper mantle can be integrated
         characteristic of modern plate tectonics.  The choice of time slices is based, at least   with the surface record in order to build a
                                             in part, on the current literature and recent   truly 4D model of Earth tectonics.
         1.5–1.4 Ga: GEON 14 Enigmas         meeting symposia that have highlighted new   The second reason is more specifically
         and Advances in Understanding       insights and interpretations, as well as unre-  related to the current time and environment
         the Crustal Evolution and           solved questions about Laurentia’s geologic   in which we are living—itself a distinct
         Paleogeography of the Early         history. The selection of particular time   “Turning Point.” As we write this article, we
         Mesoproterozoic North America       slices and the duration of the time windows   are all sequestered in our homes in the hope
          Mesoproterozoic Laurentia was dominated   will certainly be debated, but it is hoped that   that  we  can  help  mitigate  the  current  pan-
         by an Andean-scale active, but still very enig-  the discussion will articulate critical ques-  demic threat. We are also unsure whether the
         matic margin, spanning ~5000 km, from east-  tions or outstanding problems and foster   2020 GSA Montréal meeting will happen,
         ern Canada to the southwestern United States   future collaboration and innovation across   and if so, in what form. This gathering of
         and Mexico.                         the geological and geophysical research
                                             communities. One aim is to gather momen-  many geoscience disciplines under the
         1.2–1.0 Ga: Mesoproterozoic to      tum for developing  new tools  for open-  framework of Laurentia’s evolution will be a
         Early Neoproterozoic Tectonic       source, widely available, collaborative inte-  celebration of the creative, collaborative, and
         Evolution of Laurentia and Its Role   gration of time-slice data sets across geologic   international efforts that have made the sci-
         within the Supercontinent Rodinia   disciplines and across the continent. As indi-  entific advances possible. Plate tectonics is
          The late Mesoproterozoic to early Neo-  cated previously, we hope to distinguish   our unifying theory, and as such, inherently
         proterozoic spans the rise and fall of the   times when Laurentia’s plate tectonic setting   involves all the fields of the geological sci-
         Grenville orogen at the center of the super-  led to major changes in tectonic style from   ences.  Moreover,  understanding  the evolu-
         continent  Rodinia, the formation  of  the   times when the controlling tectonic pro-  tion of Laurentia has always required an
         Midcontinent Rift, and the initial breakup of   cesses themselves may have shifted.  international effort, although most critically
         Rodinia.                             Two or three session proposers/organiz-  engaging people located in North America.
                                             ers—including Canadian, U.S., and Mexican   We are not just “in it together,” but with
         700–540 Ma Neoproterozoic to        researchers—have volunteered to chair and   respect to Laurentia, we are “on it together.”
         Cambrian Rifting and Continental    coordinate the individual topical sessions.   Our individual research programs have
         Margin Evolution during Breakup of   The goal is to solicit the broadest range of   always benefitted from the research of col-
         Rodinia and Pannotia                researchers, research areas, and research dis-  leagues, working in other places and on dif-
          The  Neoproterozoic  to  Cambrian  time   ciplines (including sedimentology, structural   ferent problems in their respective subfields,
         interval marked the breakup of Rodinia and   geology, petrology, geophysics, geobiology,   leading us to insights and discoveries that
         Pannotia, and formation of the margins of   etc.) in order to capture all aspects of the   would have otherwise been out of reach. It
         Laurentia. The Neoproterozoic was also a   evolving continent (including now external   has  become  more  important  than  ever to
         time of profound climatic and biologic   Laurentian fragments and traces) and its   assemble (whether in person or virtually),
         change, which may have been related to   consequent implications during a particular   make new connections across our fields, and
         these changing tectonic conditions.  time slice. The Pardee Symposium and the   together establish our collective understand-
                                             seven associated topical sessions have been   ing of the place we all share.
         420–340 Ma Paleozoic Mobile         endorsed by several GSA Divisions as well
         Margins                             as the Mineralogical Society of America.  REFERENCE CITED
          The Silurian–Carboniferous closure of the   There are two reasons that this is a particu-  Barton, K.E., Howell, D.G., and Vigil, J.F., 2003,
         Iapetus and Rheic oceans and the progressive   larly opportune time to take such an adventur-  The North America Tapestry of Time and Ter-
         growth of the Appalachian-Caledonian oro-  ous approach at a national meeting. First, the   rain: U.S. Geological Survey, Geologic Investi-
         gen along eastern Laurentia marked the onset   conclusion of the EarthScope project in the   gations Series I-2781.
         of a series of tectonic events that propagated   U.S., the LITHOPROBE project in Canada,   Manuscript received 3 Apr. 2020
         around Laurentia between the Devonian and   and many other more regional geology-   Revised manuscript received 15 Apr. 2020
         Permian.                            geophysics collaborations make this an   Manuscript accepted 24 Apr. 2020

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