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GSAF Says Goodbye to Jack Hess,

                                     Welcomes Chris Maples

                                       Outgoing GSA Foundation                               GSAF welcomes Dr.
                                      (GSAF) President John W.                              Christopher Grant Maples as
                                      (Jack) Hess joined the                                the next GSAF President.
                                      Foundation after serving                              Maples earned his M.S. and
                                      13 years as GSA’s executive                           Ph.D. degrees at Indiana
                                      director, for which he                                University and his B.S. at
                                      received GSA’s Distinguished                          West Georgia College. He
                                      Service Award in 2015.                                has held senior leadership
                                       As GSAF president, he                                positions at both geoscience
                                      oversaw the successful com-                           centers (Dept. Chair,
                                      pletion of the Campaign for                           Geological Sciences, Indiana
                                      GSA’s Future and led GSAF   Dr. Christopher Grant Maples,  University; executive vice
                                      to raise more support for   Incoming GSA Foundation President  president for research, Desert
                                      GSA programs than any                                Research Institute) and tech-
                John W. (Jack) Hess,  other time in its history. His   nology-focused universities (president, Oregon Institute of
           Outgoing GSA Foundation President
                                      extensive experience with   Technology; interim chancellor, Missouri University of Science
         GSA and knowledge of its members contributed to his effective   and Technology). Just prior to joining the Foundation, he was the
         leadership of GSAF. The staff greatly appreciates him and his   interim president at the Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA).
         years of caring leadership.                           He also has served at the National Science Foundation and the
          Reflecting on his time with GSAF, Dr. Hess says, “Looking   Kansas Geological Survey. In addition, he has some 16 years of
         back over the past five plus years as president of the GSA   continual advanced leadership training at several prestigious institu-
         Foundation, I am most proud of our success in raising over US$6.3   tions. He is a GSA Fellow and a Fellow of the Paleontological Society.
         million during the ‘Campaign for GSA’s Future’ to support a   The Foundation Board feels that he has excellent skills as both
         broad spectrum of Society programs. Our staff continues to set   a manager and fundraiser and will help us expand our ranks of
         new standards for excellence in quality and professionalism.   friends and donors to the Society.
         Success has been assured by this great team.”          Dr. Maples joins GSAF in July. Looking forward to his new role,
                                                               he says, “I’m excited to return to my academic roots in the geosci-
                                                               ences, especially in the role as the GSA Foundation president. Jack
                                                               Hess and the GSAF Board have done a terrific job setting the stage
                                                               for future success for GSA and all of its members.”

                          The Foundation gives its most sincere thanks to Jack Hess for many years of thoughtful,
                            bold, and very successful leadership and we welcome Chris Maples into our family.

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