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                     Poster Tips from GSA 2021 Section

                        Meeting Student Poster Winners

         Juliet Ryan-Davis, California Institute of Technology; Aaron   When formatting your reference list, refer to the most recent
         Kilmury, University of Manitoba; Alex Nazzaro, College of the   edition of the reference style you are using and be sure all your
         Holy Cross; Justin Sharpe, University of Texas at San Antonio  reference entries have consistent formatting. Finally, do not wait
                                                               till the last day to print. You might realize that there are issues
         1. What advice would you give a student who is presenting a   with things like colors and formatting. There are ways of setting
          poster for the first time?                           the colors in your file to match the printer; someone who knows
          Talk through your poster with someone who is not familiar with   the features of that printer can help.
         your project. This could be a non-scientist or family member. It
         helps to see what the logical flow of the poster is to someone else   3. Do you have any suggestions for how to draw attention to
         so that you can adjust the content to emphasize important points   your poster?
         with a box or bold font.                               Consider asking some of the people whose papers you cited to
          Since you typically do not have much time to present, make sure   come talk to you about your poster. They can offer insight, and
         to focus on the most important parts of your research. Often, the   they will usually be excited to talk to you about a topic they have
         questions you receive will give you an opportunity to share other   worked on. Ask your advisor to introduce you someone at the
         aspects of the research.                              meeting who is working on similar topics before the poster session
          Poster presentations are also an excellent time to get some insights   to put you at ease and help you be less nervous when they come to
         on your project. Showing what you know from your research is just   your poster.
         the start—people who talk to you during your poster presentation   You might also ask a friend or two to come see your poster presen-
         often have interesting questions or comments that can teach you a lot   tation toward the beginning of the session. This can help calm your
         about your topic. This can be a great time to ask questions of experts   nerves down, and it catches the attention of people passing by who
         on the subject, and it can be especially exciting when you have read   might be interested if they overhear you talking about your project.
         someone’s paper and they come talk to you.
          Finally, prepare an elevator speech on your career aspirations   4. Were there any strategies you found helpful when answering
         and practice it on your peers. These speeches should be no more   questions about your poster?
         than one minute and should give a quick jargon-free overview of   Present your poster to your advisor(s) or a fellow student and
         your interests.                                       write down the questions that they ask. Prepare to fully explain
                                                               your methods and interpretations, why they were chosen, what led
         2. What tips would you give another student who is designing    you to your conclusions, and perhaps why other currently accept-
          a poster (software, formatting, or printing)?        able methods or techniques were not feasible for your study. Be
          Adobe Illustrator can be used to create posters and then export   prepared to address what you may have done differently if you had
         them to a pdf. Other options include Affinity Designer and   the chance to do it again and where you see areas for improvement
         PowerPoint. If problems come up, the most helpful resources con-  for future work.
         cerning navigating software and finding answers to formatting   Talking through your poster in advance will help with the
         issues are YouTube video tutorials and community support pages.  questions, discussion, and presentation on-site. If you have gone
          For formatting, starting with figures can be helpful because   through the poster many times, you will have a better idea of what
         these will take up a lot of space. Next, create headings for each   to focus on to answer specific questions. Skipping around the
         section to keep your poster organized. Under your title, you might   poster based on peoples’ questions becomes easier the more times
         consider adding a short description that gets the main point of   you have talked through the poster.
         your poster across.
          Attendees will be drawn to posters with large figures and rela-  5. What factors influenced you the most in deciding how to
         tively little text, since it is easier to absorb information through a   organize your poster?
         detailed and adequately labeled figure rather than reading large   One resource for getting started on a poster is to look through
         blocks of text. For text size, 20 to 24 point is suggested. Too many   other examples. You might walk the halls of your department and
         different fonts can be confusing and distracting. You might choose   take notes on how other posters were laid out. Consider looking
         one for the headings/title and a second for the text and figure cap-  online for ideas on organization, including this resource: https://
         tions, but not more than two if possible.    by Colin Purrington.
          Consider using black, white, and gray for text and text back-  When deciding how to organize a poster, you should consider
         grounds—colored text and colored text backgrounds can be    the most influential factors to be (1) the required poster dimen-
         very hard to read for people with vision issues. Online resources   sions, (2) the quantity of figures you need to concisely present
         include color palettes for colorblind people, and there is a phone   your research and how large they must be to be legible from a
         app that uses the camera to show you what something would look   one-meter distance, and (3) how large text boxes need to be so
         like to people with different types of colorblindness to make sure   that they are legible from a one-meter distance, since the font size
         that everything is readable and accessible.           will determine how much information can be included.

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