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Making your road trips better for 45 years!

             TO THE
                                                      ROADSIDE GEOLOGY OF IDAHO
                                                                         Second Edition

                                                     PAUL K. LINK, SHAWN WILLSEY, AND KEEGAN SCHMIDT
                                                  The rocks of Idaho span a vast chunk of Earth’s long-lived history and
                                                  tell stories with many plot twists. Learn all about the remarkable geology
                                                  of the Gem State with this completely revised, full-color edition. The
                                                  authors, a trio of experienced fi eld geologists, guide you to outcrops
                                                  and roadcuts where you can stretch your legs and expand your mind.
                                                                416 pages • 6 x 9 • 265 color photographs
                                                           123 color illustrations • glossary • references • index
                                                            paper $28.00 • Item 209 • ISBN 978-0-87842-702-4

                                                GSA Publications


                                                Geology continues its reign as the   Geosphere’s impact factor was
                                                #1 ranked geology journal for the   3.298, with a five-year impact factor
                                                fifteenth year in a row. According   of 3.571.
                                                to Journal Citation Reports*, it had   While Clarivate does not produce
                                                a 2020 Journal Impact Factor of
                             S I  S N 0    0 9  7 - 1  6 1    3  J U N  2   E  0 2    1   VOL. 49  NO. 6    P. 609–752  impact factors for book series, it
                                                5.399 and a five-year impact factor   indexes GSA’s Special Papers,
                                                of 6.079.                       Memoirs, and Reviews in
                                                The Geological Society of America   Engineering Geology in its Book
                                                Bulletin’s impact factor was 4.799,   Citation Index, which is part of the
                                                with a five-year impact factor    Web of Science.
                                                of 5.197.                       *Journal Citation Reports™, Journal
                                                                                Impact Factor™, and Web of Science™,
                                                                                from Clarivate, 2021.

                                                Explore GSA’s journals and books at

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